Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 859: Ah Man, I will never miss you again (21)

Chapter 859: Aman, I Will Never Miss You Any More (21)

"Uncle Huang."

"Uncle Huang."

"Uncle Huang."

The teenager sitting behind the Dragon case was pressured to handle government affairs, but was not doing business.

Holding the purple wolf in his hand, he smiled with a nervous expression and kept calling these two words.

"Feng Moyan, these government affairs can't be processed before noon, and the dossier doubled in the afternoon." The man sat on the side chair and looked through the dossier, his eyes were not raised.

Feng Moyu smiled and murmured, "The uncle Huang also called me Fenger, and now he has his name and surname again ..."

The man swept over with a cold eye, and immediately made Feng Mo curl his head and snorted.

"My move was actually more and more horrible, did you not notice it?" The man's voice floated lightly, "You should be the emperor, punishing the courtier should have come. But the other party is Qin Xiao, your aura and prestige are still unbearable now. He. The matter spreads, the soldiers and the people will not only be convinced, but they will also criticize you. It is me who is the Lord. He will treat you with prestige and flourish, and you will handle it as soon as possible, and I will retire behind the scenes . "

Feng Moyu knows what the uncle said.

This time for Qin Xiao's rise and fall, it is a good thing to be able to accumulate countless reputations and gain countless hearts.

But those benefits now fall on Uncle Huang, who is worried that he will be dissatisfied.

How could he not understand that if he came forward today, it would only bring counter-effects.

He was a teenage emperor who had no merit in the past. He had to rely on the uncle and the cabinet minister for everything.

At that time, people outside will not support him. He will also criticize him for taking others' credit. He can only rely on the uncle and the cabinet to give him an idea. He has no ability.

Uncle Huang's worry was superfluous and he didn't care at all.

In his opinion, what the uncle had was equal to what he had. Because the uncle would always stand behind him to support him. Anyone may bully him, only Uncle Huang will not. Of course, it would be better if Uncle Huang could be less severe and gentle with him.

If Uncle Huang thinks that he can hold the throne at any time, he still cares about that idea?

Looking at the man who still didn't glance at him, Feng Mochi pouted, "I will look down on me, I have big minds."

Childish words made the corners of the man's lips invisible in the circle chair.

Only in front of him and Sheng Sheng, the little emperor will show this side.

Leaving the Imperial Study Room, Qin Xiao did not leave the palace immediately.

Cross the Royal Garden, enter the rear palace Yuqun, and slowly come to the front of the Yangxin Hall.

He had been here several times before, and every time he stood at the door, he could smell the faint sandalwood floating out of it, which made people calm.

It's gone now.

It seems that since Princess Nanling lived in before, Yangxindian has not ordered sandalwood anymore. Even if Princess Nanling has moved back to the palace, sandalwood still doesn't light up.

Ah Man is worried that when Princess Nanling came to visit her occasionally, she smelled that taste.

In order to take care of a pregnant person, change their habit for many years.

She cared awkwardly about others, but didn't say it to let people know.

Ah Man, she has always been like this.

"General Qin? Why stood at the door, but came to see the queen mother-in-law?" Inside, a surprised voice of the old lady sounded.

Qin Xiao narrowed his expression on his face and bowed his head inward. "Today's transfer, just some leisure time, came here to visit the Queen Mother."

He said this to the old man, but he said it was to the people in the temple.

The old woman looked up at him on the soft couch, "The general's family has heard about the transfer of the general, congratulations to the general."

Qin Xiao had a secret smile flashing on the corner of his lips. He demoted, but Aman congratulated him, clearly angering him.

But he didn't feel annoyed at least, at least she was willing to talk to him, even if both sentences were good.

In the past, she closed the temple to raise her heart. He always went to the door and said nothing to her.

"The lieutenant-general transferred me to the head coach and will stay in Beijing in the future."


When saying this, the queen mother pretended to look at the man inadvertently, but did not see him having any pain and annoyance, but her eyes seemed to be smiling.

Then she was upset and fell down.

"In the future ... I will never leave the capital again."

"There is only one general who is lonely. There is no difference in staying in Beijing. It is the same everywhere."

Seeing the old lady unhappy, she also took a look of gambling, Qin Xiao looked down to cover the smile that flowed from the bottom of her eyes.


"..." The teapot was still hot in her hand.

After two words, he was kicked out.

But Qin Xiaojue was happy. Today, Aman said two more words to him, and even leaked his emotions.

Unlike before, if the heart is dead, there will be no waves.

Perhaps there is the credit of Princess Nanling.

Looking back at the temple behind him, Qin Xiao's eyes turned bitter.

Ah Man, in the future, I will never miss you again.

Not far from the Yangxin Hall, a young woman who looked like a maid came to him and went straight to the Yangxin Hall after seeing the ceremony.

Qin Xiao frowned slightly, and looked back at the maid to enter the Yangxin Hall, without being blocked.

Ah Man hasn't had much contact with people, and she can enter her heart-building hall unobstructed, none.

Who is this maid?

Princess Nanling?

Shisu entered the Hall of Yangxin, and presented the jar in his hand. "Mrs. Queen, this is a herbal tea specially prepared for you by the concubine. It is very good for the symptoms of physical deficiency and night cough. Last small cup. The princess also explained that the queen queen should not be picky during meals. She must be properly vegetarian and long-term vegetarian is not good for her body. "

The emperor's back was expressionless, and she told the old lady to take down the medicinal tea, and then she threw back the perilla.

After the person left, the old lady was instructed to bring the pot of medicinal tea, opened the lid and smelled it, the scent of the medicine was very light.

Good, not bad.

His mouth was disgusting, "I have a big belly, and I also make tea, and I don't care about the wind and cypress. How can I help medicinal herbs all day when I am pregnant?"

The old lady laughed and said nothing. If she really counted the princess with the queen queen, then the queen queen would be really angry.

Out of the Yangxin Hall, at the entrance of the Royal Garden, Shisu ran into General Qin again.

She knew it. General Qin was so famous that she had been seen crowded by cheering people twice when the class returned to the DPRK before.

But she didn't know what the general stopped her from doing.

Although it's not really blocking, it must be waiting here to block her.

"Are you the maid next to Princess Nanling?"

"Back to the general, the slave is the maid next to Princess Nanling, calling the perilla."

Qin Xiao stared at her with sharp eyes. People who walked down the battlefield could make people frightened with only one look. "What's your princess calling you to raise your heart?"

"The queen queen suffers from physical weakness and nocturnal cough, and the princess is worried about the queen queen's body, and Minguyu brings her concocted medicinal tea to the queen queen." After a pause, Shisu explained, "the princess is pregnant and cannot be exposed to this for a long time. This kind of medicinal herbs can only be processed in a small amount every day. It took two months to prepare a small pot. Only today can be presented. "

After the maid left, Qin Xiao stood there for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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