Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 863: Just blame him for his bad spots (25)

Chapter 863: Blame Himself For All His Defects (25)

"Don't you know? Your mother, Doctor Xue, came from Baicao Valley, which was carefully selected and sent to the palace."

The Queen Mother glanced at Feng Qingbai, "Have your mother never told you this?"

She thought Feng Qingbai knew.

But did not expect that Xue Yi Nu concealed this.

"Xue Qinglian, do you know?" Feng Qingbai's eyes narrowed slightly.

He was sure that Xue Qinglian must know about his mother-in-law.

Otherwise, the Queen Mother will not let him inadvertently ask a question, leaving him completely deadlocked.

Xue Qinglian quickly withdrew her stunned expression and smiled at Feng Qingbai. "It's good to say that the Queen Mother really forgot to mention me. Feng Qingbai, you can call me cousin."

Silently staring at Xue Qinglian for a while, Feng Qingbai converged, "After you return to the house, you and I can talk about it."

The occasion was unsuitable at the moment, and he held back.

Xue Qinglian nodded with a smirk, and bitter Huanglian water was in her heart.

Knowing this, he would not enter the palace for a family feast today.

Where is it not eating? Have to go to the palace to rub this meal?

Who would have thought that the Empress Dowager had just said so much!


Liu Yusheng and Feng Moyu were also shocked. The next meal was frequented by Xue Qinglian.

cousin? Xue Qinglian follows the trend of cypress?

Seeing that just now, Xue Qinglian knew about his relationship with Feng Qingbai early in the morning, but she hasn't heard Xue Qinglian mention it for so long.

Why did he hide it?

Except for the queen queen and Qin Xiao who are not concerned about each other, the next meal of Nanling King's Mansion ate unconsciously.

It was already Hai Shizhong to return from the palace, and the snow that had stopped for more than half a day was rising again.

Liu Yusheng was heavy and couldn't handle his sleepiness. When he returned, he was coaxed to sleep by Feng Qingbai.

She knew that Qing Qingbai would definitely go to Xue Qinglian, and she also wanted to listen to her, but she didn't fight, she fell asleep instantly.

When the woman in her arms gave out a long and even breath, Feng Qingbai got out of bed lightly and left the room.

In the flower hall, Xue Qinglian shrank her hands and stood next to the stove to warm herself. When the wind and green cypresses came over, she greeted me lazily, "I'm just here and won't run anymore. What are you doing so eagerly, and saying the same tomorrow Well, I had to pull me into the cold at night. "

"It's hard to say that your 'away from home' suddenly disappeared is not one or two times. When people are there, it is better to make things clear." Feng Qingbai said indifferently.

Just blame him for his bad spots.

Xue Qinglian rubbed her face, "I didn't mean to hide from you. It's just that things have passed for so many years. Baicao Valley has long since disappeared. You have also become a prince. If I say that, isn't it about climbing up with you? My Xue Qinglian is The kind of person who is inflamed? "

"You continue to edit." The man looked at him, impassive.

Xue Qinglian hates what he looks like the most. He is unemotional, unpredictable and unpredictable.

Extremely difficult to deal with.

Pick up the small fire tongs next to the stove and make the charcoal fire a bit stronger, Xue Qinglian sighed, "Okay, I said, all told you not enough? I am your cousin, my father is your mother's dear brother At that time, Baicao Valley was still very famous. Almost all the well-known doctors in the surrounding countries went out of Baicao Valley. Baicao Valley was equivalent to a golden signboard. Whether it was a high-ranking official recruiting a doctor or a royal doctor, Baicao The doctors in the valley can be preferred. Your mother-in-law was one of the best talents among the women in Baicaogu at the beginning. It was quite successful in conditioning. When the Nanling Imperial Palace asked Baicaogu to transport the doctors into the palace, your mother-in-law was I chose. She did n’t go back after leaving Baicao Valley. I do n’t know what happened afterwards. After all, I was n’t born when she left. I heard everything from my father. There ’s only so much I can tell you. Now. "

He glanced at the silent man, "Can I go back to sleep, sleepy?"

"Where's your father?"

"Dead, Yingnian died early."

"Where's your mother?"

"It's dead, too, for my father, their love can sing and weep." When she said this, Xue Qinglian's eyes flickered with sarcasm.

After seeing the man seem to be in deep thought, Xue Qinglian got up and slipped on his feet.

Feng Qingbai is an individual, and he is used to watching ten. Speaking of fur, he can figure out the core under the fur.

How dare he talk nonsense?

The more you say, the more mistakes you make.

When she returned to the room, Xue Qinglian was still talking with her hands in a certain direction, "I'm sorry to you, uncle, but I only said a few things that you could say, you wouldn't blame me, would you? I would definitely blame me."

In the flower hall, after Xue Qinglian left, Feng Qingbai did not return to the room immediately, and sat beside the stove for a long while, until the charcoal fire in the stove gradually went out, and then got up and left.

Xue Qinglian didn't say much, but she had a lot to consider.

At that time, the Baicao Valley was full of prosperity, and the doctors from the valley were spread all over the world, and were highly respected by the royal families and workshops of various countries.

Baicao Valley should be a top-notch existence among medical practitioners.

Healers are indispensable everywhere, and people's respect for doctors is extremely high. There is a lot of money for officials to seek medical advice.

With ease, Baicao Valley can win money and fame. It is reasonable to say that development will only become more prosperous. Why, now, Baicao Valley is gone?

As if it disappeared out of thin air, it disappeared more than a decade ago, leaving the world unable to find it.

For such a martial art, if there is no such thing, what happened then?

The mother-in-law came out of Baicao Valley, but in the years that his mother accompanied him, she never mentioned half a word of Baicao Valley in front of him. Why? Even the father, never mentioned that place.

Everyone seemed to be secretive about it.

There is also Xue Zhong, who stirs up the situation in various countries with his disability and stirs up chaos in various countries. What is it for?

Xue Zhong was extremely hostile to him. Since the appearance of Cangying Pavilion, he has been repeatedly assassinated. It seems that only when he is dead can he relieve his hatred.

In the end, what kind of connection is there among these pieces?

All things converge, tangled into an unopened thread group, and to know the answer, he can only sort out those lines one by one.

Back in the room, the woman was still asleep, and the room was still lit by a yellow candlelight, reflecting on her face, and the whole person showed a soft warmth.

When the cold air was gone, Feng Qingbai went to bed quietly and set about turning her over to help her sleep more comfortably.

After the tummy month was older, the woman could not lie on her back to sleep, which could cause breathing difficulties. She didn't tell him, but she stayed with her every day and he found it early.

Putting a kiss on her cheek, Feng Qingbai waved the light out.

No matter how complicated and dangerous those things are, he will take good care of this palace, as well as her in his arms.

She is all to him.

Finally finished it, and then started a new round, again and again ... So desolate ... Tomorrow's code will be updated normally, Ganpa!

(End of this chapter)

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