Chapter 867: Tian Zi Yin Nuo

Guessed by Feng Qingbai.

But there are also wind green cypresses did not guess.

Yan Rongjin stepped into the threshold of the Nanling King's Mansion on his front foot, and came on the back.

Almost chased each other's tail.

At that time, Liu Yusheng and the green cypress were all in the warm court.

Although there was no need to light a stove in March, it was still chilling. Because of the spacious and cold hall and flower hall, Feng Qingbai restrained women from going. When not sleeping, they came to sit in the warm court.

Yan Rongjin came to visit, and the servant took him directly to Nuange, to serve tea.

As soon as people entered the door and had no time to speak, the wind and the wind outside rushed into it in shock.

Liu Yusheng's mouth was drawn straight.

"You don't have to deal with government affairs today? How can you go out of the palace?" If not necessary, Feng Qingbai is very strict with Feng Moyu, and he will not be allowed to leave the palace easily.

Feng Moyu stared at Yan Rongjin squintingly. Seeing that he was sitting on a seat only one arm away from the emperor, he strode forward and rushed to sit on the soft couch on the other side of Liu Yusheng. After finishing the process, I was a bit leisure, so I came to visit the emperor ... and the uncle. "

He didn't dare look at Feng Qingbai's face when he spoke.

Afraid to see the uncle's black face, he would be scared back.

Yan Rongjin's kid jumped in front of Huang Huang, and he had to come and watch, or he wouldn't rest assured.

The first time he met at the Beijing Suburban Wharf, he knew that he was also a pretender.

Obedient and weak in the presence of the emperor, just like a little white rabbit, staring at him with a murderous look behind him!

Yan Rongjin regarded Feng Moyu as air, looked at his substantive eyes as if nothing, looked at Liu Yusheng, and said, "Prince, don't come."

The sound is very clear, like the fall of a mountain stream Feiquan, still with a young innocence, but it has already revealed a clear momentum.

This was the first time Liu Yusheng heard his voice, and smiled slightly, "I didn't expect the Dongyue Emperor's voice to be so nice."

Feng Qingbai and Feng Moyu were also surprised, because the sound was much younger than they thought.

"Prince, call me Xiao Qi."

"Okay, I'll call you Xiaoqi afterwards." Liu Yusheng didn't twiddle. She could see that the teenager was serious when he said this sentence. "You look like now. If you meet by chance outside, you may I don't recognize it. "

It's still that face, very pretty, but after putting on the Jinyi, they seem to be two completely different people.

Temperament and momentum are very different.

Yan Rongjin smiled, "I can recognize the princess."

The juvenile's immature voice was too piercing, and Feng Moyu finally did not hold back, glaring at him, "Dare to ask the Emperor Dongyue, how old are you this year?"

The boy looked up and opened his lips. "Just ten years before he came to power."

Everyone, "..."

Pointing at Yan Rongjin, Feng Moji shook his finger, "You, you, are you not fifteen?"

"I've grown tall since I was a child, my mother." Yan Rongjin didn't want to answer, but the woman looked curious and explained.

"Oh," Feng Moyu seemed to be suddenly realized, his eyes fell on Yan Rongjin's body with bad intentions. "When you are ten, you have a fifteen-year-old face. When you are twenty, you will not look like thirty The aging is fast and worrying. He is exactly the opposite of you, sixteen years old, but has a baby face and is tender. "

Yan Rongjin looked down, half-hooked his lips, "Hui Jingdi's mind is as tender as his face."

"You! ..." Feng Moyu was furious and thunderous, and his face was cold again, and was pressed down by Feng Qingbai's eyes.

I'm not convinced! If it weren't for his elders, could he make this little white face?

Liu Yusheng's big belly will not move easily, which does not prevent her from laughing.

In the past, no one would fight Xiaofenger so much except Qian Wanjin, but now there is an Yan Xiaoqi, and his mouth is worse than Qian Wanjin.

Xiaofenger is also more rare than a teenager of this age.

After blocking Emperor Huijing into a dumb, Yan Rongjin looked at Feng Qingbai.

The man said very little, but he was the most stressed.

A man just sitting there can give people an invisible sense of oppression, he dare not relax.

In front of King Nanling, he didn't extravagantly think that he could hide anything. The other party must have known another purpose of his coming here.

I still remember her look when he took the Chuan Guoxi Seal to the woman that day, she didn't recognize it as a Jade Seal.

But the king of Nanling cannot be ignored.

"I'm here today. In addition to visiting the princess, I also want to get back the same thing as the princess. The princess's life-saving grace to me will be returned in another way in the future." With a slight groan, Yan Rongjin chose to see the mountain.

Continue to be polite, and only make Nanling King and Princess feel hypocritical.

"You're talking about that piece of unicorn jade? I gave it to my husband." Liu Yusheng smiled and shoved the pot onto Feng Qingbai.

Since her own man had an idea, she helped him build a ladder.

It wasn't that she didn't pay back, but that when Yan Xiaoqi gave Yuxi her the same day, the motive might not be simple.

She can't be counted for nothing.

"Kirin Jade? What is Kirin Jade?" Feng Moyu asked in a fog, staring at his eyes, and was pressed down by Feng Qingbai.

Regarding Liu Yusheng's answer, Yan Rongjin seemed unsurprising, and turned to Feng Qingbai, "What's your intention?"

"When the emperor Dongyue gave the jade to the princess, he was being hunted down. Then you took that thing out, and it was the thought of the disaster that attracted you? Directed the attention of the troops to my Nanling palace, and Nanling palace Preventing disasters for you. "He simply, Feng Qingbai did not hide his eyes, his eyes lightened," Now that the matter is resolved, the Emperor Dongyue also ascended to the throne, and he wanted to come back and take things away, and set it up at Nanling Wangfu Where are you with the King? You will avenge the King ’s concubine, and feel that things can be done with your word? "

The man's narrow eyes narrowed for a moment, and there was no movement at all, but the sense of pressure in the air suddenly increased, making people almost breathless.

Yan Rongjin pursed his lips and solemnly said, "What I did that day was really unreasonable. I also hope that the royal lord and the princess forgive me. But the Chuan Guoyuxi is my thing from East Vietnam. There is no legend of jadeite in the country, and it is only a short time to subdue the ascendant. Just having jadeite can help me do more with less. The emperor can make a promise and exchange it for jadeite. Is it feasible? "

He knew that King Nanling would not pass on the country's jade seal, and the other party was embarrassed by him and wanted to get what he wanted from him.

Can give, he gives no harm. It was the Princess Nanling's rescue to him that day that was worth his promise.

Tianzi Yinuo, the value is not comparable to a dead object.

Liu Yusheng sighed as he looked at the talk, the calm young man.

Suffering can temper one's mind and will and make people grow instantly.

This is the case with Yan Rongjin.

Today ’s update is complete, and it ’s going to be tomorrow. Little fairies, I may not be able to write more than four chapters after twelve. I can write more or less, and I will do my best to make up for the missing daytime. Also, I'm in debt again @. @

(End of this chapter)

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