Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 871: What if you do n’t come out again?

Chapter 871

The harem suddenly raised a picking cock, and her identity was still a little doctor girl. The concubines exploded instantly.

Many people sent inquiries to inquire.

Xiao Banzi was still lying on the bed humming his wounds, and the people who came to visit him wave after wave. All the questions were about the new book collection.

All the small boards were filled with beans in bamboo tubes, and the little medical girl seduced while the emperor was drunk.

Have a plan, play tricks, ambitious.

This is his latest image portrayed by the little doctor girl.

No wonder he, when he said clearly that he was sleeping outside, he could hear something just a little louder.

But for half a night, he didn't hear a call for help, and he didn't even hear a noise.

Obviously it was the kindness who was afraid that attracting him would be bad for her, so he put up his breath.

Isn't this behavior different?

I thought it was a good thing. Huh, people don't look good!

With Xiaobanzi adding fuel and vinegar, the concubine's means became fierce and unbridled.

A medical woman who calculated that the emperor was disgusted and disliked by the emperor was that they had killed her, and the emperor would not take a closer look.

The emperor had no feelings at all, and every concubine who had spent several years in the harem was well known.

Because Liu Yusheng was about to go into labor, Feng Moyu hanged his mind on the Nanling King's Mansion. He had no time to take care of the right and wrong that came out of the harem during this time.

At the same time, he also began to work diligently, not for anything else, so that when the emperor came to conduct spot checks, he could have more reason to care about the situation at the palace.

Otherwise, Uncle Huang will reprimand him for not doing his job.

It's been ten months since the imperial concubine's belly was full. It's only two days before giving birth.

Feng Moyu was nervous, Feng Qingbai was even more nervous than him.

As early as half a month ago, an order was issued at Taiji Hospital. During this time, everyone had to be on standby at all times. When he was summoned, he had to rush to the palace as soon as possible. Lao Yuyi, who is a doctor in the Taiyuan Hospital, was invited to live in the Wangfu Mansion early. At the same time, Fuzhong also invited all the oldest women in the capital to have a good experience.

Princess Nanling was in labor, and the atmosphere in Beijing seemed to be extremely tense and depressed.

The closer the time was, the more indifferent the Nanling King was in the past, and the whole person was stretched to the extreme.

"Wind and cypress, you don't need to look at me. You haven't been in the palace for two days, and the government affairs are piled up. How can it be done?" Looking at the nervous man sitting next to himself, Liu Yusheng was helpless.

Ten months have passed in her stomach, but she hasn't seen it yet. The baby inside is so quiet and quiet that she refuses to come out.

The Royal Doctor was grasped by Feng Qingbai to explore the pulse two or three times a day without any problems.

"Government has the wind and the wind to deal with it. I will go the same if I go or not." Feng Qingbai refused to move. According to the woman, she did not move.

Sheng Sheng was pregnant in early June, and now it is almost halfway through April. According to Wen Po, the delivery period has already arrived.

But he was late in labor and had no response at all, which caused his already tense nerve to almost break.

"It's weird, Fu Yun, isn't your stomach pregnant with a stone?" Xue Qinglian said with a voice, and the voice just came to face a palm wind that forced him to turn back in a panic.

"Well, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. What are you doing so much! Just stretch yourself like this, I haven't even born yet, you should pour yourself out first!" These two days, his temper became extremely irritable, and I really couldn't see the gentleman's humility.

Just a few words can explode him.

If it hadn't been for a long time, he would definitely not admit that the nervous man in front of him was Nanfeng Wangfeng Qingbai.

The man squinted at him, his voice deep and muted, "I'll loose your bones and make a joke?"

"... don't bother." What do you want for his life?

"Do n’t bother you," said old Liu Yusheng. "I'm really fine now. I'm a doctor myself. If my stomach starts, I'll know it first. I guess it's not ripe enough. "

The two men, "..." can only say so lightly about production, and there is only this one who is so big-hearted.

Liu Yusheng was also awkward.

My stomach didn't move, what could she do?

She was holding a gong on her stomach, and she even shook and walked. People rushed forward. Isn't she hard?

The most hopeful person is her, okay?

Before she was in a hurry, the "eunuchs" next to each other were anxious.

Did she give birth or did they give birth?

Look up, pat your hand gently on your stomach, "Wa'er, look at the two next to you. I'm anxious that you're landing now, don't make a noise, it's time to show your face. If you don't come out, you'll be a bitch.

The two men again, "..."

Xue Qinglian was really disgusted. Seeing Fu Yi can still be joking like this, there is no fart, what kind of energy is he nervous?

It was spit again and it was attacked again. Lao Tzu stopped serving, "I'm gone, I'll come again when I'm born!"

It's not his daughter-in-law.

"Stop, stay here!" The nervous man sank.

"What do you want to stay? Lao Tzu isn't! Lao Tzu isn't a stable woman!" Alas, thinking of his medical skills being useful and forcibly retaining him, he is not a young lady in the Red Mansion, and he will come as soon as possible.

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, this little warm room was not enough for the two to play, Liu Yusheng felt only a headache.

My stomach hurts.

"Ouch!" He screamed in pain as he covered his stomach, scaring the two men who had just stepped out of their arms into stiffness.

"Sheng Sheng!"


Gritting his teeth and glaring at the two, "Both of you are bothered by you! ... It hurts!"

Feng Qingbai's face turned pale, "Yu doctor, pass on the doctor!"

"Wen Wen? Where's Wen Wen ?! Hold the silver and don't do anything. When you need it, you can't see the figure. Get out!" Xue Qinglian's face turned blue.

Liu Yusheng started.

Be caught off guard.

Nanling Wangfu's soldiers were in trouble.

The entire palace soldiers went wild.

"Activated?" Feng Moyu stood up and rushed out of the Imperial Study Room. "Small board, go to the Taiji Hospital immediately and ask them to bring everything they can use!"

In the heart-raising hall, the queen mother was still twisting the beads, and when she saw the old man rushing in with a white face, his heart lifted up, "What is it?"

"It's on, it's on. Someone just notified the emperor that the princess is going to be born!"

The queen mother smashed the beads in her hand, and everyone stood up abruptly, and went out.

Just took a step and paused.

It was the Nanling King's Mansion, the site of Feng Qingbai, the place of her enemies, how could she ... come to her!

"My queen mother, I heard that the princess started a lot, and she has such a big belly, and I don't know if it will go well ..."

"shut up!"

I found that Shengsheng's month of pregnancy was not right ... It's over time, and a little relative reminded me. At the beginning, I said that I was not wrong. Later, I thought it was the wrong time. Hahaha! So here comes a sentence ... Everyone vomits ~ If you find a bug, you are welcome to remind ~ Oranges are going to update at night, why?

PS: There are little fairies complaining about being left out, absolutely nothing! Orange is either in the code word or in the code word. The rest of the time will be used to look at your debt collection. It is definitely a passionate gentleman who has been touched by rain and dew ~ wait for me to change the brand!

(End of this chapter)

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