Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 888: Weak water three thousand, only take a spoonful of nostalgia (5)

Chapter 888: Three Thousands of Weak Waters, Take Only One Scoop, Nostalgic (5)

While the man was going to deliver the queen mother, the elder and the two dolls also fell asleep, and Liu Yusheng went into the space again.

The space is still the same as when she came in last time. The medicinal materials and fruit trees grown in the medicine field are stingy, and it seems to have no vitality.

Although the water in Lingquan Pool has not dried up, it has not risen.

The rich and powerful aura in the air before has become very light.

Entering Xiaozhulou next to Yaotian, Liu Yusheng checked the stock piled up inside. Fortunately, things remained the same, without change.

I don't know when I can recover, or I will keep it like this forever.

Liu Yusheng gave a sigh, and the herbs in the field were poured into the Lingquan one by one.

Outside, the man just opened the door and came in.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Seeing the woman's clothes tidy, Feng Qingbai stunned.

Winking at the man, he blinked, "I just looked into the space and waited for you by the way."

"Wait for me, or gossip?" He wasn't surprised or curious at hearing her talk into the space, but he could also sting her. The calm look left Liu Yusheng unfulfilled.

"General Qin gave you the queen mother?"

"No, he got off the bus at the fork in the road," Feng Qingbai came over, and undressed her. "The prince and the monarch must not be surpassed. If he sent the queen himself, it would be a gossip."

Liu Yusheng was silent.

The difference between monarch and minister.

Good luck.

There is no end to the queen queen and General Qin.

General Qin knew this was the result, but would rather not marry for a lifetime, and guard it behind her in another way.

Weak water three thousand, only take a scoop to nod.


"What are you thinking?" Feng Qingbai asked after looking at the woman who still frowned.

"I was wondering if my father-in-law knew that his daughter-in-law wanted to help others pry at the corner of his wall, would he scold me against it?"


"Is it difficult to accept my thoughts? Are you angry?" Liu Yusheng glared at the man with a guilty conscience.

Her father-in-law, Feng Qingbai's father, is the emperor, and her thoughts are more than rebellious.

What's more, in this era, the status of the distinguished and inferior class is clear and insurmountable. How many people have the courage to break through the class and moral constraints?

The careful appearance of the woman made Feng Qingbai helpless. "Even if you want to go against the sky, I will also preach for you. What is unacceptable to me?"

He could even accept her rebirth and rebirth, and her fantasy space, let alone other things.

He was not a man of stubbornness.

"It's just an emotional matter. It's the most difficult for others to get involved. You regret for them, but the state in front of them is not necessarily the best." Feng Qingbai said indifferently.

After a moment of silence, Liu Yusheng asked, "Why did the Queen Mother enter the palace then?"

She felt that there must be a story between the queen mother and General Qin that time, the queen mother would never bow her head for the rich and powerful.

"She was sent to the palace by the family. When she was young, the queen mother had a long history. Among the noble ladies in Beijing, Cai and De Jie were selected, and she was selected as the queen by the then queen mother. The mother clan promised. "Feng Qingbai said," At that time, the emperor had just recently ascended the throne, and he also needed to consolidate the relationship with the Jingshi family and stabilize the court. The parents ’matchmaker said that a woman born from the family, how? Resist. "

"According to the Queen Mother's temperament, once she entered the palace and became a queen, even if things were not what she wanted, she would cut off everything with General Qin and keep her duty." Because of her virtue.

"Time has passed for decades. It is difficult to find out the relationship between the queen queen and General Qin. I know that there are only so many. For the next few decades, the queen queen and the father and emperor respect each other as guests, and the harem takes care of her. Xia Yi was well-organized, so that the father and the emperor saved a lot of heart. "She took the woman into her arms," ​​It's not early, let's rest. "

Liu Yusheng leaned against the man's arms, closing his eyes.

The past cannot be traced, the past is unpredictable, everything can only follow.

The two children are full, and Liu Yusheng is out of confinement. The Liu family discusses that they can stay up to another month. They also need to return to Xinghua Village.

The farm work in the family cannot be left there for a long time. Although Wei Lan and Wei Hong are present and the people in the village help watch it, they can't always leave the shopkeeper.

As for the Beijing side, the people in the palace are very careful. Feng Qingbai watches from time to time. There is also a queen mother who treats Douer as her own. There is really nothing to worry about the Liu family.

A return date was set, and Liu Zhiqiu and Liu Muqiu ran out diligently.

While you are on your own, don't forget to persuade your elders at home, "How many times can you come to the capital throughout the year? If you have money and leisure, you should enjoy it. Walk around and have fun."

Especially the two grandparents, who have been working for most of their lives, should enjoy their old age.

Mrs. Liu was not fooled by him at all. "What is fun in Beijing? Isn't it more lively, the scenery is not as good as ours, and people are not as simple as ours."

"No, no one here loves you. I come here to talk to you and I want to benefit from you. It ’s like in our village, I want to sit down under the big locust tree, I want to say something, Don't worry about what you just said and passed it around, you will have to lose your head the next moment. "Mr. Liu held the tea cup and hummed.

He didn't forget to bring a tea cup he used to come to Beijing, and he was not happy to learn from the nobles. He also used a small cup to drink a cup of tea.

"I have been out for so long, and I don't know how the rice looks like at home. It's time to start flowering in May." Liu Dadao.

Liu Er also pouted, worrying, "I'm still worried that Wei Yao's woe would be bad for Wei Yaolan. I can't rest assured that he will be able to make the pancakes."

Liu Yusheng teased the two woke children awake, heard Yan Waner, it was beautiful and prosperous outside, not as good as the kennel loess at home.

So she never thought about keeping her grandparents in Beijing, and she would go back in the future.

There is the pure land of the heart.

"Well? Why is General Qin here?" Liu Zhiqiu was surprised, letting the family look out the door.

Qin Xiao, isn't it when he walks outside?

Although he has been transferred, everyone still likes to call him a general. Even if he removes his armor, he is still a **** of war in the hearts of the people.

Seeing Qin Xiao's eyes worried, Liu Yusheng stood up, "General Qin, is there something wrong?"

Generals rarely visit on weekdays, and only when the queen queen is present, he will make excuses to show his face.

"Prince, my husband has a merciless invitation. I wonder if I can bring two little dolls into the palace and explore the Queen Mother?"

"What's the queen mother?" Madam Liu frowned immediately.

"The queen mother was unsafe in the past two days, and she couldn't get out of raising her heart. She even remembered two dolls in her heart, and she was in trouble early this morning." Qin Xiao did not hide his concern in front of Liu family. Only then came here to be brave, and by the way, please ask the princess to diagnose the pulse of the queen mother. "

It's three forty now, and just after finishing a chapter, it took me four hours. I'd like to send it out first, but you guys will definitely say me Cavin again, so I decided to write another chapter and send it together, hahaha! See you at five!

(End of this chapter)

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