Chapter 894: Gan Gan Regent, Have You Regretted It

The token that can be dispatched to the generals can be used to grind the milk baby who has not grown up.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and a burst of laughter came out.

Laughing loudly was Mrs. Liu.

"It's an old age, and when talking arrogantly, it's the same as the little baby. How did you mix in the palace these years? Hahaha ..."

Seeing that the silver-haired old woman's face had changed again, Qin Xiao was worried that her emotional ups and downs would prevent her from recuperating. She took the first two steps and took out a black token from her arms to hand it over. It ’s more important than others. ”

Looking at the black token in Qin Xiao's hand, and then looking at the piece hidden under the bottom of Croton's buttocks, it was all black and looked almost the same. The queen's eyes were drawn.

So Feng Qingbai borrowed flowers from Qin Xiao?

Reached for the token and shoved it into red beanie clothes, "This one is also 20,000 soldiers?"

"No, it's two thousand Jingwei."

Feng Qingbai and Feng Moyu's faces cannot be described as good-looking.

There was a weakness in Feng Moyu's voice, "General Qin, do you have many such tokens?"


"I didn't see you take it out once last night." Feng Qingbai rubbed his brows, and he still underestimated Qin Xiao.

"It's Wang Ye, don't." Qin Xiao ticked.

Feng Qingbai's lips were glazed at him. If he turned back now, would he still have time?

"Why do you dig up a token like a toy? You can come up with one at any time?" Wife Liu was amazed at this. If General Qin had a lot of tokens, where did he collect the brand? When walking, eating, and sleeping, don't you think you're embarrassed?

Liu Yusheng looked at Liang Dou and the queen queen with both hands and smiled, "milk, do n’t be envious. It ’s not easy to get a token. As long as Liang Dou is with the queen, General Qin will have a day of tokens. . "

There was a mournful laughter in the hall, and Qin Xiao also smiled.

His stuff, he waited for them to dig.

What's the matter when it's empty? When he sends it out, he's satisfied.

The queen mother had just cleared up her poison, and she was still very weak. She needed a quiet recuperation. The party did not stay long.

When leaving the Hall of Yangxin, Qin Xiao followed the trend of green cypresses at the end.

"I didn't expect the general to have so many backhands. They all said that the cunning rabbit has three caves. The general has more thoughts than the cunning rabbit." Feng Qingbai chuckled, he couldn't guess, how many Qin Xiao's hands had never revealed his front card .

Qin Xiao extended his lower lip corner and looked into the distance. "The old man didn't expect that Wang would give the token to the queen mother. What you said last night, the old man believed it."

Last night he begged him to let his queen be out of the palace.

He said, "The queen mother has no use to you."

At that time, Feng Qingbai looked down and looked at him. "Since the moment when the king called her mother, the king has never thought of using her. The king asked that the king could not agree and could not leave the palace. It's up to the mother herself. "

At first, he still suspected that Feng Qingbai was trying to restrain him by the queen mother.

Now he believes, the words of Belief Green Cypress come from the heart.

He knows how to train the elite soldier himself. Feng Qingbai was able to donate the token to his queen mother, which was unexpected to him.

The mother-in-law's mother's early defeat and the military power in his hands were taken away, and the queen mother was almost really helpless. But with that token, it was very different.

That elite soldier could contend with the strength of the emperor's Zhili and even break the defense line of 300,000 troops at the border. When the two armies engaged in battle, they opened up a gap for our army and attacked strangely.

Feng Qingbai can send the token to the Queen Mother. One is to treat it as a mother, and the other is to trust the Queen Mother.

The second point is especially valuable.

"Nevertheless, the old man's request remains unchanged."

Feng Qingbai glanced, "The queen queen is the wife of the monarch who the loyalty was loyal to."

"But the first emperor fell in love with your mother-in-law, never pity the queen mother. Besides, the first emperor has been immortal for many years. He does not love people, why can't I love?"

Such arrogant words, in such a dazzling place in the palace, except Qin Xiao, probably only Qin Xiao has the courage.

The two parted ways in front of the palace gate.

Sitting on the carriage, Liu Yusheng looked at Feng Qingbai's unpleasant face, "What did General Qin tell you, can you show this face?"

Feng Qingbai looked at the grandma with gossip, and then looked at the little woman with gossip, and reached out and pinched her eyebrows. "Sheng Sheng, if you say that the emperor knows that his son will help him pry at the foot of his wall, will he be angry? come?"


"Oh, this General Qin didn't see it. He is still a most affectionate person. If you want it, it's good! This is the way a man should be, timid and shrinking like a soft egg. Prosperity! "Mrs. Liu understood Feng Qingbai's words this time, and threw her thighs with excitement.

Feng Qingbai leaned against the wall of the car with his eyes raised slightly. "Milk, General Qin is a little bit worse than your granddaughter."

"Yes, you can do it!"

Liu Yusheng shook his head and whispered, "Little croton, red bean, look at your father. How thick is your skin?"



There was a chuckle of laughter in the compartment, spilling all the way.

Before getting out of the car, Feng Qingbai also asked his wife, "Mistress, General Qin's wife is a queen mother. The queen mother's identity is different from ordinary people. Don't you think he is too rebellious?"

"People live a lifetime, so just a few decades, in order to fulfill the eyes of others, to enter the grave with regret, that is a coward." Mrs. Liu picked up red beans, walked out of the carriage with the help of Feng Qingbai, "You order Alas, Gan was the regent, and Xiaofenger was put on the throne. Have you ever regretted it? "

The wife said that she would slowly enter the house.

Leaving the wind green cypress for a while, the corners of his mouth opened slowly.

He never regretted it.

"What's laughing?" Ahead, he stopped and waited for his woman to turn around.

Feng Qingbai speeded up and caught up, "Glad, your man is better than General Qin."


"If I were in the situation where General Qin was, I would never just stand by and wait silently, doing my best, I would take you back to me."

"General Qin will fight, but the emperor."

"So what, as long as I know you love me."

As a man, how can you let your own woman out of your hands, and you should not let go of ten thousand pains.

The woman rolled her eyes next to him. "I didn't know who it was at first. I didn't even dare to recognize him when I met. Now I can stand back and talk without back pain."


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Little Croton danced in the arms of the woman, and the mono sound made laughed.

"A few years ago, do you remember? I was wrong." Sticking to the side of the woman, she quietly played a small crocodile foot, Feng Qingbai made a low-key small to the woman, and let the small croton hurt Tears.

"I have to remember for a lifetime, but no one called me girl Liu better than you." The woman's voice paused, and she said angrily, "Are you bullying Croton?"

"No, how could I bully a milk doll?"

"You didn't bully him and he would cry?"

"This is a human spirit. How many times has he pitted me? Don't you know?"

Along the way, the couple whispered soft whispers, and the small croton weeping with his mouth flat, warm and funny.

(End of this chapter)

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