She was bitten by a wild dog some time ago, and Bai Yulian used medical treatment to force Ms. Li to pay back all her money. Ms. Li still holds a grudge and will never forget this matter. I just wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge on Bai Yulian, wouldn't this opportunity come?

It was Li who instigated Bai Man'er to steal the land deed of the Bai family. Without this land, their family would have no hope of living in the future. Then they would have to look at other people's faces in the village, and even eating would be a problem.

By the time Bai Yulian and Wang Ziqing arrived at the door of Bai's house, there was already a large circle of people surrounding them, all of whom they did not recognize.

These people were not from the village at all. Why did they come to Bai's house to cause trouble?

We have to figure out the reason first. They can't bully others like this.

Bai Danian stood at the door and immediately saw Bai Yulian and Wang Ziqing walking towards them. He quickly gestured to them not to come over.

The current situation is a mess. The fewer people there are, the better. Don’t come and join in the fun.

Especially Bai Yulian's temperament, in Bai Danian's view, is particularly impulsive, and she might want to offend others.

These people are so aggressive that it's hard to offend them.

If we can discuss it, we can discuss it. If we can't discuss it, we'll find a way later. If we say it now, we'll really turn our backs on each other.

They didn't know each other and had no relationship with Bai Danian at all. They didn't care about face at all, and they deliberately waited until this time to come.

They have already obtained the land deed, and they are not thinking that now that the grain is ripe, it would be great to come and claim this land, and they don't have to plant it themselves, and can still harvest so much grain.

Bai Danian didn't know what this thing was about, and he didn't know where these people came from.

Isn't it ridiculous to keep saying that this land belongs to them?

This land has been passed down to their ancestors from the Bai family for several generations. Everyone in the village knows it, and anyone who asks will know it.

These people don't talk so much. Whoever holds the land deed belongs to the land. The leader took out a piece of paper from his arms and waved it in his hand. This is their Bai family's land. Deed.

Now that the land deed is in his hands, the land belongs to him and has nothing to do with the Bai family.

The land deed of the Bai family has always been in the old lady's hand, and Bai Danian has never seen it.

"Isn’t this your family’s land deed?"This man put the Tian deed in front of Bai Danian and asked him to take a good look at it.

"How could this happen?……"Bai Danian involuntarily stretched out a hand, wanting to take a closer look at the piece of paper, but the man was afraid that Bai Danian would snatch the land deed away, so he immediately withdrew his hand and took the piece of paper away. He put it into his arms again.

It's hard to say whether this can cover the money Liu Xiucai owed them.

However, this piece of land looks good, and it can be worth a lot of money if sold, so it can be considered as offset.

The old lady has never heard of this. How is this possible?

No one has touched the field deed. It has been kept under the box. The old lady has almost forgotten about it.

"It's fake. They are definitely lying. How could our family's land deed be in their hands?"

As the old lady spoke, she opened the box containing the land deed. She was about to turn it out and show it to Bai Danian and the others. When she finally opened the box, the old lady's expression changed. Where is the land deed? She put the entire The boxes were rummaged through, but the land deed was not found at all.

This was impossible. The old lady remembered it very clearly, even though she had not looked it out for a long time.

To be on the safe side, the old lady removed all the items in the house that could be found. I searched all the places where things were hidden, but still couldn't find the field deed.

"This is impossible, this is impossible!"The old lady was so angry that she shouted and kept repeating this sentence.

These creditors surrounded the Bai family and couldn't get out even if they wanted to. They must hand over this land.

The problem is this field Why did the deed disappear? No one in the Bai family had touched it.

Bai Danian asked Wang to accompany the old lady to look through the house a few more times, what if there were some places that he didn't look at? Don't worry, the more anxious you are, the harder it will be to find this thing.

Bai Danian has never encountered this kind of thing before, but this house and fields are no joke. Without these, what will the Bai family do? How can individuals live? This is the foundation of their lives.

This is obviously the land of their Bai family. It is in good condition, but why do people suddenly come and rob it?

These people are so aggressive that they don't seem to have the patience to talk to Bai Danian. Anyway, they have the deed to the land now, and they didn’t snatch it from them. They got it through legitimate channels.

How can this debit thing be fake? They made several trips to get this money. , came to this village from the town, and they were still not happy.

How could they give away the fat they got? It is only natural to pay back debts. They don't care who will repay the money, as long as they can repay it. Don't care about anything else.

This money is not owed by Bai Danian and his family at all. They never care about such things.

These people are not vegetarians. They came up to settle accounts with Bai Danian, and they actually dared to do anything. The hand is coming.

Bai Danian is an honest man, but when someone really comes to knock on his door, he is not polite, and the two sides start to struggle.

Although Bai Danian is very strong, he can't beat him with two fists and four hands. There were so many people.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bai Danian planned to turn around and go into the house to find some guys who could take advantage of him and fight with them.

"Stop it!"Wang Ziqing saw that something was wrong from a distance, and immediately rushed to protect Bai Danian.

As an old man, he is very powerful, but he is also old. If he fights with so many people, he will definitely suffer.

"Who gave you this land deed?"Bai Yulian's voice came from behind the group of people in time. When they looked back, they saw that it was just a little girl's film. Who wants to pay attention to it?

Didn't you say you won't let them come? Bai Danian is afraid of such things. Hide as far as you can, and don't show up in this place.

Bai Yulian asked them directly from whom they got this field deed.

Of course, this field deed couldn't have been given by Bai Danian and the others. Find out If this person comes, everything will be easier to handle.

In fact, Bai Danian also wanted to know this question. He might have been too anxious just now and didn't ask.

"Who else could it be?"The person in the lead looked quite arrogant,"She is Liu Xiucai's daughter-in-law. Liu Xiucai owes us a large sum of money. She said that she could use this land deed to pay off the debt, but we haven't said anything yet."

"Debt? Bai Yulian sneered,"Go and ask her, does she have the final say in the Bai family's affairs?" Before this person could speak, Bai Yulian continued:"What does his Liu family's affairs have to do with our Bai family?" Is it my Bai family that owes you money? Bai Man'er is a married woman, and her husband has debts, so he uses my Bai family's land to pay off the debts. It's really a big joke. Let me tell you, this land belongs to our family and has nothing to do with Bai Maner, and it has nothing to do with the Liu family. If you want money, go to Liu Xiucai or Bai Man'er. Why should we give you our family's land?"

"Hey, you don't want to admit it, do you?"These people don't want to do this anymore.

"Am I not clear enough?"Bai Yulian is not polite," you can ask our village chief. This land belongs to our family, and Bai Maner's family has long been separated from ours. Even if the family is not separated, she can't make the decision. Bai Maner knew that she had no right to deal with this land, but she deliberately handed over this land deed to you. It was obvious that she wanted to default on the debt. Why don't you go find her to settle the score quickly? Why are you messing around in our house?"

People like them have heard the problem a long time ago, but they are determined not to admit it.

Once they admit Bai Yulian's words, they will have to return the land deed that they finally got, and they still won't get anything. , what to do with the money? No, they can't go all this way in vain.

It's up to them, the Bai family, to deal with it themselves. These people just want the money Liu Xiucai owes them.

"We don't care."These people became unreasonable and said,"This is your business, we only want money."

"If you want money, go to the Liu family. Why do you act like a rogue in our family? Do you think our family is easy to bully?"Bai Yulian also raised her voice.

"Jade Lotus."Bai Danian hurriedly came to hold Bai Yulian and talk to him if he had something to say. What do you want to do?

"Let me remind you," Bai Yulian pretended not to hear,"How did Bai Man'er get this land deed? Ask her carefully and see if she is embarrassed to tell the truth."

Bai Yulian felt strange at that time. Why did Bai Man'er, who had never been filial, suddenly want to see the old lady?

Thinking about what Wang Ziqing said, I'm afraid that when they were talking in front, Bai Man'er Take this opportunity to sneak into the old lady's room in the backyard and steal the field deed.

These people are not afraid, but they are mainly because they will make a big fuss. If Bai Yulian said it is true, they will not get any benefits. ah

"I don’t care, you, the Bai family’s affairs, should be settled by yourselves. Anyway, we have the land deed in our hands, so you have to give it to us."

"Why should we give it?"Bai Yulian is not afraid of such questions."Let's go, let's go to Liu's house to find Bai Man'er now. I want to see how shameless she is to do such an immoral thing."

"You go find her yourself, we don't care"

"OK, I'll go find her."Bai Yulian left immediately without any hesitation. She even asked Wang Ziqing to go with her.

"Jade Lotus."Bai Danian wanted to stop her, but he couldn't.

Some people wanted to stop Bai Yulian, but the leader said:"Let her go, we don't care. But you……"He pointed at Bai Danian and said,"No one is allowed to leave here until the fields are handed over."

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