Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1009: Change

  Chapter 1009 Change

  The old lady Yin was also very surprised. Seeing the oncoming grandson, she looked pleased and smiled and asked: "Why do you want to send flowers to your sisters all of a sudden?"

   Yin or said: "The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. Didn’t my grandmother ask the steward to prepare a festival gift for my sisters? I saw these flowers today, thinking that my sisters would like them, so I bought them back."

  The old lady Yin nodded repeatedly, and smiled: "Well, this account is taken from the public account, what about the flower farmer?"

  She knew this grandson, she would definitely not bring money when she went out, and she wouldn’t bring too much with a long-lived person. These strange flowers and weeds are not cheap at first glance.

   Yin or said: "Let Changshou pay for the money. He asks the flower farmers to wait outside."

  Old Madam Yin nodded, and turned her head to look at the big girl. The big girl went to tell Changshou and the accountant at home.

  Yin may obviously not want to favor one another. There are six sisters in the family, three who are married and three who are unmarried. The flowers are different, and they happen to be the flowers they see very much.

  The old lady Yin felt her grandson’s intentions, and she nodded her head again and again with joy. She ate half a bowl of rice that evening.

She happily said to the big girl next to her: "I used to feel that this child was too cold. In the past two years, the relationship with his sisters has become more and more distant, but now it seems that this child is just not good at expressing and not loving. Speaking, I still think of his sisters in my heart."

  The big girl smiled and nodded. She brought up an account book and whispered: "Old lady, this is the money withdrawn today."

  Old Madam Yin took a look, slightly surprised, "So many?"

The big girl lowered her head and said: "The slave and maidservant carefully read it. The flowers and plants bought by the master are indeed rare. Some slaves and maidservants have never heard of it. Seeing that the buds do grow very well, they are worth the money in terms of scarcity. There are six pots in total. , It adds up."

Old Madam Yin pondered for a moment. Although she felt that the cost was a bit big, there was no shortage of money at home, and it flowed from her own pocket to the pockets of several granddaughters. It still didn't flow to outsiders, so she nodded and said. I know it myself.

The big girl said: "Today the aunts and grandmothers are all happy, so we took the flowers away first. Master asked us to put the flowers in the Mid-Autumn Festival gift list. Good luck, and the flowers are expensive. Sending this gift list, I'm afraid my uncle's house won't be able to return the gift..."

  Old Madam Yin waved her hand and said: "Then just pick out something with the same price. It's not easy to win the courtesy. You have been in charge of these accounts. My energy is low, so you can make your own decisions."

   "Yes, but the old lady still has to make up his mind on such a big matter. The servant girl is young, afraid in his heart, and can't help it..."

  Old Madam Yin smiled and said, "You, you are too cautious. What is Qilang doing?"

  " He told me that he had just taken the medicine and walked in the house for a while, and he had fallen asleep by now.

   "Oh, I went to bed early, but I don't know if I can fall asleep."

  "The slave servant took a closer look today, the blue and black under the young master's eyes is not so heavy, and Changshou also said that the young master's spirit has improved a lot in the past few days."

Old Mrs. Yin thought for a while and said, "It seems that young children should have a few friends of their own. By the way, send someone to the Tan Tai Doctor’s Mansion to see if he can find time to show Qi Lang in the past two days. one look."

  The big girl hurriedly lowered her head.

  Because Yin or’s prescriptions have long been fixed, unless he is sick, the doctor Tan will only come once a month. Of course, if the Yin family invites him, he will still come.

Yin may not know anything about it. When he came back from Zhou Man’s home with a needle and taking medicine, he was invited to the main hospital. Seeing Doctor Tan who was sitting next to him, he couldn’t help but tremble with his fingers. Then he curled up gently.

  Yin may not have thought of how to deal with the doctor Tan, but he did not expect to come to the door.

  He is not sick now, so it should be the end of the month that Dr. Tan will be invited for a pulse.

  The old lady Yin saw Yin or waved her hand happily, "I'm back, come and show Doctor Tan, I think you look much better in the past two days."

  Tan doctor raised his head to look at Yin Or, and nodded slightly: "Looking at the complexion is a little better."

  Yin or stood still for a while, then walked over and sat down silently.

  Tan doctor is accustomed to it, Yin may always talk less, he doesn't care, he directly took out the pulse pillow and said: "Master Yin, give me your hand."

  Yin or looked up at him, slowly put his hand up.

  Emperor Tan closed his eyes slightly to feel the pulse for him. After a while, Dr. Tan couldn't help but opened his eyes and glanced at Yin.

  Yin may also look at him. The two of them looked at each other for a long time. Doctor Tan closed his eyes again, closed his hands after a while, and asked: "Master Yin has had better sleep these past few days."

   Yin or in a low voice responded with a "Yes."

  Tan doctor nodded, turned around and said to Mrs. Yin: “Master Yin’s body is okay. The prescription is still the old one, so I won’t change it.”

  The old lady Yin nodded happily, let Yin or sit, she got up and sent Doctor Tan out by herself.

  Yin might put her hands together and watched her grandmother send Doctor Tan out, her face gloomy and unclear.

  Old Madam Yin walked out slowly with Doctor Tan, and asked when she walked to no one’s place, "Doctor Tan, is my grandson's health much better?"

Doctor Tan nodded with a smile.

   "Then, he can get married, right?" Old Lady Yin whispered: "This child is also sixteen. We get married sooner, and we will feel at ease sooner."

  Tao Doctor Tan deliberately said: "Young Master Yin is weak and smaller than his peers. Now he is only thirteen or fourteen. The old lady might as well wait another two years."

  Because they had previously said that they would get married before the age of 18.

  The old lady Yin sighed, "His situation is a bit special. It takes time to say that he is a relative. I'm afraid that two years will be too tight. He may also want to see the child or something..."

  Tan Tai doctor did not speak for a long time, and said after a long time: "My father ordered three prescriptions back then, and now he is taking the first one. This second prescription has not yet been used."

   "So I mean, do you want to change the second prescription next month? I think this child is getting better recently."

  Tan doctor said with a headache: "Old lady, haste is not enough, do you want to discuss this matter with Master Yin and Master Yin?"

Before that, the doctor Tan would only mention Lord Yin, but not Master Yin. Although the young man was very cooperative in seeing a doctor and taking medicine, he was always silent. What he did not do was always the old lady and Yin of the Yin family. The adults are in charge.

  But this time, he felt that he might still need to ask the young master what he thought.

  The old lady Yin fell silent, and nodded for a long time: "Then I will ask my son."

  Emperor Tan hurriedly saluteed and said goodbye, for fear of getting involved in any problems.

  The old lady Yin sighed and turned to go back to the house. When she turned around, she saw Yin or was standing not far behind her. She was taken aback and asked, "When did you come here?"

   Yin or said: "I just came here, and I saw that my grandmother was sending Doctor Tan, so it was hard to disturb."

Mrs. Yin breathed a sigh of relief and took his hand with a smile: "You should speak up, and let Doctor Tan know that you are here to send him off. By the way, what do you want for dinner, I will let the kitchen make it for you. ."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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