Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1030: Practice medicine

   Chapter 1030 Practicing Medicine

  Man Bao glanced at Zheng Da's shopkeeper, and then followed up with the basket on his back. Bai Shan also glanced at Zheng Da's shopkeeper and followed.

  The treasurer Zheng Da saw that he had followed and stopped the people, but Da Ji stepped in and followed them directly.

  The treasurer Zheng choked in his chest, watching the three of them follow the eunuch.

  The **** took them quickly to the second court, and found that there was a good luck behind them when they entered the second court.

  His gaze skipped Bai Shan, and he fell directly on Daji, who was a servant, and said in a deep voice, "You are waiting outside."

  Daji looks at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan nodded slightly, and walked in with Man Bao shoulder to shoulder.

  The **** didn't know that Manbao was the only one who could cure the illness. He thought that they were both the same, so he led the person in.

   Entered the second courtyard, then turned a long corridor into a courtyard, Man Bao smelled blood.

  As soon as the two entered, they were startled by the people standing or kneeling in the courtyard.

There were a lot of people standing in the big yard, and some people walked out quickly. Some people took a basin of water in, but what came out was a basin of blood, and some people continued to carry boxes into the house. go.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan only paused, then walked past the kneeling people on the ground, and were taken directly into the house.

  The smell of blood in the room was even worse, Man Bao saw a person lying on the ground, staining the ground all red.

  Someone kept walking past him, but they never stopped.

  She shrank her pupils, walked two steps forward, squatted down to feel his pulse, and when she saw that he was still breathing, she went to see his wound.

  The **** saw that they hadn’t followed. He turned around and saw it. He immediately stepped forward anxiously, “It’s not this person, the patient is inside.”

  Man Bao had already seen the wound on his body. It was a cut from his chest. The wound was deep. No one stopped the bleeding. It would take a long time to die.

When Bai Shan squatted down in Man Bao, he had already seen the official uniform he was wearing. He couldn't help but tremble, but when he saw Man Bao was already untying his clothes, he squatted down and helped her take it from the basket. Out of scissors, hemostatic powder, white cloth for dressing, and sutureable needles...

  The **** saw that the two ignored him, and became anxious, "Two little doctors, the patient is inside."

  Man Bao raised his head, pursed his lips and looked at him and said, "This is also a patient. If the bleeding doesn't stop, he will die."

  While speaking, he quickly took the scissors to cut the clothes on the wound, and then quickly cleaned the wound.

  The same person in official uniform who had been waiting by the side met, gritted his teeth, and knelt down two steps forward to help Man Bao.

  He was obviously more proficient than Bai Shan, and he was in charge of a period with Man Bao, and his movements were quick.

  The **** saw that he couldn't move Manbao, and he was hesitating whether to ask someone to drag her in. He walked out with a sword in his hand, looking at everything with a cold expression on his face.

  The **** was so frightened that he immediately fell to his knees.

  The little official who helped Manbao deal with the wound was also startled, his hands trembled, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Bai Shan hurriedly pressed the wound he had loosened, and then took the time to look up at the young man with sword, and found that he did not know him, and he was not wearing official clothes, so he looked away and looked at Man Bao's hand. While holding the wound to stop the bleeding, he handed her the needle and thread.

  Manbao took it, quickly threaded the needle, and then started stitching...

  The young man with swordsman watched her movements for a while, pointed at the little official who was kneeling on the ground with the tip of the sword and said: "You go to the treatment and let them both inside."

Xiao Guan'er breathed a sigh of relief, immediately went to grab the needle in Man Bao's hand, and pleaded in a low voice: "This...little doctor, let me come here."

  Man Bao glanced at him, then looked up at the young man with sword, saw the evil spirit in his eyes, upholding the principle of hello, me and everyone, she let go and gave the needle and thread to the little official.

   Then he found two packs of hemostatic powder from the back basket and gave him, "This is for hemostasis. Sprinkle it on him after stitching."

  The powder was snatched by the **** on the side, "Little doctor, the patient here is bleeding more severely. Leave this medicine to the people inside."

  "This is the Sanqi styptic powder that we have prepared. Jishitang has it. Don't you have it?"

The **** paused and looked carefully at the young man with the sword. The young man lifted his chin slightly, and the **** smiled and returned the powder to the little official. He smiled and turned sideways, "Little doctor, let's go first and see the patients inside. ."

  Man Bao did not delay, carrying her back basket and going in, without looking at the young man, she saw that the sword in his hand was for the person who smashed the ground.

  Bai Shan followed her in, and nodded with him when passing by the youth.

As soon as I entered the inner room, the smell of blood became more serious. There were three doctors gathered around the bed, and a girl knelt on the ground by his side, holding a lamp to illuminate it. After a glance, it was found that it was a prescription.

  The **** who led them in has not spoken yet, and the young man behind has already called out: "Doctor Zheng, the person you want has been found for you alone."

  A young man who was surrounding the bed turned his head and swallowed when he saw Man Bao, his forehead was covered with sweat.

  The young man pointed at him with a sword, and said coldly: "If you can't save the little father-in-law, I want you all to be buried."

  Man Bao: …Sure enough, as Doctor Ji said, it’s dangerous to be a doctor.

  Doctor Zheng bent over and responded with a "Yes", and looked at Man Bao, "Are you Dr. Zhou Xiao from Yizhou?"

  Man Bao nodded blankly.

   "You helped stop the bleeding of the little son of the Ji family who fell from the horse?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Emperor Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled Man Bao to the bed to show her the person in front of the bed, "Look at him, can you stop the bleeding?"

Man Bao looked at the unconscious young man on the bed. There was blood on the pillow. He was vomiting blood. The two imperial doctors standing in front of the bed had been putting needles or stopping the bleeding, but the patient’s face was still getting paler and weaker. Man Bao knew at a glance that they had not found the bleeding mouth.

  Man Bao put down his back basket, turned around and said, "Hot water."

  Immediately, a girl came up with hot water.

  Man Bao asked as he cleaned his hands, "Didn't you find the bleeding mouth?"

  Emperor Zheng sweated and said, "We have found all the bleeding points, most of them have been stitched up, and we also gave him hemostatic medicine."

  Before this, the bleeding volume was much larger than this, otherwise the bed would not be stained like this.

  Man Bao took a look at his stomach, buckled his abdomen, listened to the sound, and then looked at the three imperial physicians.

All of them are medical students, and those who can be drawn here naturally have experience in this area. A pair of gazes at Man Bao understands that she has also found it, and then an emperor said: "We also suspect that it was in the abdomen, but I don’t know where it is."

  Man Bao said: "Open your stomach."

   "No," Grand Doctor Zheng said without even thinking about it: "It's too dangerous to have an abdomen, Doctor Xiao Zhou, don't you know how to stop bleeding with acupuncture and moxibustion?"

  The other imperial doctor also nodded. Of course, they also knew that finding the hemostasis and opening the abdomen is the best, but what about after the abdomen?

  How to stop bleeding?

   And the wound is too big, and a person who accidentally becomes inflamed will die. They cannot bear the consequences.

  Man Bao touched his belly and pulse, then took acupuncture needles to stop the bleeding, and said, “I can only see the effect for the time being, but look at his abdomen, I’m afraid it won’t work without an abdomen.”

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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