Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1049: Famous four

  Chapter 1049 Famous Four

  Man Bao looked at Mr. Bai Shan, and Bai Shan also looked at Mr.

  Mr. Zhuang coughed lightly and waved his hand: “It’s okay, it’s okay, the three of them have become tigers. There are a lot of rumors in the capital, and I don’t believe everything.”

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief.

  She took the silver back to the house, then threw it into the system space all her brains, and decided to wait until the night was quiet to sort it out.

  In addition to silver, the Su family also gave away a lot of valuable things, fabrics, four treasures of the study, and a box of exquisite beaded jewellery. They were not very expensive, but they looked good, and Man Bao was just right for his age.

  Man Treasure only took the four treasures of the study, and other things were placed on the table for everyone to share with less interest.

  Friday, Saturo and Datou Ertou glanced at the colorful fabric, then looked away, waved: "You and Lijun take it to make clothes, do you really need to clarify the rumors?"

   Bai Erlang said: "Clarify what? We spent twenty taels of silver to hire someone to pass it, and then clarify. Isn't the twenty taels a waste of money?"

  Friday Lang stretched out **** and tremblingly said: "Two, twenty-two..."

   "Twenty taels?" Man Bao was also surprised, "Didn't I only give ten taels?"

  Friday Lang's eyes were about to stare out, and he turned to ask her, "You still spend the money?"

  Man Baodao: "If you want to get it, you have to pay first, only ten taels of silver. Didn't I make it back just now?"

"Well, can it be the same? You saved people before the rumors. This thank you gift was originally intended for you." Zhou Lang said, "If you want to spread such rumors, tell me, a few of us. I can do it for you."

  Saturday Lang nodded again and again, that is, who can't talk about gossip. When I was in Qili Village, the news could be spread from the head of the village to the end of the village in less than half a day.

  Bai Shan said with a light cough, “Brother Friday, the capital is much larger than Qili Village. There are ten Qili Villages in one square. How many squares are there in the inner city and how many squares are there in the outer city?”

He said: "Don't underestimate the fame. If Dashan wants to spread the news to the inner and outer cities, they don't know how many people they will hire, and they have to tell the story back and forth, which is interesting. , Remember, only then can Manbao’s reputation be promoted."

Mr. Zhuang on the side nodded approvingly.

   "What are the benefits of being famous?"

  Bai Shan paused for a moment and said: "This benefit cannot be said, but everyone knows that it is a celebrity, whether it is an ordinary person, or a powerful person, or even the emperor, whether it is from the heart or not."

  Mr. Zhuang looked at Bai Shan in surprise, but he didn't expect that he could think of this, or even say it.

  Bai Shandao: "As long as a person still has concerns and cares about the worldly gaze, then he will have two more fears of celebrities."

  Man Bao thought for a while, and felt that he was right, so he nodded and added: “Become a celebrity, and more people will ask me to see a doctor, all kinds of incurable diseases, and more money.”

  Mr. Zhuang: …Why do things become tacky when they reach the big disciple?

  Bai Shan nodded in agreement, obviously agreeing with Man Bao's words.

  He lowered his head to look at Man Bao, who happened to also raise his head to look at him, and the two of them looked at each other over the steps.

  Baijiro stood aside, looked at this, then turned to look at that, and he hit a joke, feeling like goose bumps all over his body.

Friday Lang was persuaded by them, and then turned his head to look at Man Bao carefully, and touched her chest and said: "I grew up with a **** and a big pee and became a genius doctor. Why do I feel so strange? Panicked. "

   Big head: "Uncle Wu, it's my mother who urinates with shit. At most, you take my sister-in-law out to play. That's not right. When we were young, it seemed that we took my sister-in-law to play more."

  Friday Lang patted him, and asked, "Who brought you that? It's not me and your sixth uncle."

  Man Bao ignored them and asked Zhou Lijun to move the remaining gifts back to the room, and then the two aunts and nephews picked up fabrics to make new clothes.

  Zhou Lijun said: "It’s Mid-Autumn Festival, and seeing that winter is approaching, I heard that the winter in Beijing is cold, do you want to make a thicker set of clothes for Wushu and the others?"

   "But they can't wear this fabric."

   "When we find time, we will go to the cloth shop and stroll around."

  Man Bao thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's OK, then I will buy some for Dad and Big Brother, and then send them home with these fabrics."

   "It's expensive to go to the post."

   "Bai Shan and the others will definitely send the letter back, so they can bring it along."

   Zhou Lijun thought about it, and nodded happily, "Then I will pick two best-looking fabrics for the eldest sister and the third sister."

   "Okay, this pink is suitable..."

  The two aunts and nephews were picking things in the house enthusiastically, while Mr. Zhuang called Bai Shan to talk to the study, and Bai Erlang played with Big Tou and them.

   Even if it passed, everyone didn't take it seriously, but they didn't know that Man Bao's name outside was like the wind of Mid-Autumn Festival, which blew through every corner of the capital.

The next day, Man Bao walked down from the carriage with a basket on his back. When he was about to enter Jishitang, she found that Jishitang was full of people inside and outside. She got out of the car and everyone turned around and looked at her. .

  A middle-aged man stared at Man Bao and asked, "The little lady is Doctor Zhou Xiao?"

  Bai Shan opened the curtain and looked out, seeing the dense crowd, immediately said: "Get in the car."

Man Bao turned around and was about to get into the car, but the shopkeeper Xiao Zheng squeezed out from the drugstore with a few buddies. When he saw her, he grabbed her and surrounded her with the buddies. "Go in, go in, oh, I forgot. I'm going to tell you not to come today, I'm really so busy..."

   "She is Dr. Zhou, a little genius doctor!"

  The crowd boiled, and everyone rushed towards Man Bao, waving their hands and saying: "The genius doctor, the genius doctor, you show me the disease..."

   "Genius doctor, look at my dad, my dad has been in bed for the first half of the year..."

   "The genius doctor, and me, and me..."

  Man Bao was so squeezed that she almost fell down. Some people put their hands in front of her face, and Man Bao shouted in an angry tone: "You are so alive and kicking, where are you sick?"

   Unfortunately, the scene was noisy and no one heard her.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang in the car were stunned. They immediately jumped out of the car and pulled away the people who were squeezed up. They shouted, "Calm down, everyone, this is a drugstore, it's a drugstore..."

The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng took the man to protect Man Bao in the middle, and he slammed into the shop from the heavy encirclement. As soon as he entered the lobby, he squeezed people into the backyard. Bai Shan and Bai Erlang were also confused with Da Ji's help. Came to the front.

As soon as the shopkeeper Xiao Zheng saw them, he slammed into the backyard. Then he and his mates guarded the door and closed the door forcefully. Then he turned around and smiled and greeted everyone: "Calm down, calm down, everyone. You have to wait in line to see a doctor. Line up."

    The next update will be around ten o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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