Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1051: Visit Kyoto

  Chapter 1051 Come to Beijing

  The carriage ran forward for a while, and Man Bao opened the window of the car, leaned out half of his body and called back, "I'm here, you come after me!"

  Bai Shan squeezed out from her, and saw that those people ignored her, he helped her yell over there, "We are all here, come here--"

  Someone finally looked back at them. This time it didn’t matter. Everyone immediately pointed to the carriage that ran a long distance and shouted, "Where is the little genius doctor..."

  Everyone turned their heads, and chased them after pulling their legs.

  Daji heard the movement, and with a click, he twitched the horse's butt, and the carriage ran out quickly.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan saw a group of people chasing after them hurriedly, they yelled in excitement, and kept cheering them up, "Come on, come on--"

Baijilang also poked his head out from the other window, and waved at them excitedly. He probably didn't feel like it. He also took out a veil and waved it in the air, yelling: "Come on, come on. , Come and chase us—"

  The Great Kedah drove to the front, followed by a large group of people chasing them, chasing them back and beckoning them to stop.

  Received the news, the servants who were coming to Jishitang to maintain order saw such a large group of people, and they could only temporarily change their goals and chase after this group of people, wanting them to stop and disperse.

Thus, the people standing in the restaurant saw a carriage with three giggling young girls passing under the window, and behind it was a large group of people who were almost unable to run but persistently chasing them, and behind them was A small group of government officials.

  Yizhou King:……

  He turned his head and asked the person next to him, "What's the matter?"

The person next to him hurriedly asked his hand to find out. After a while, he got the exact news back, and then he bowed and said, "Master, the little genius doctor who saved the little grandfather is in the car. The people in Beijing heard that they wanted to see her. As a result, Ji Shitang was surrounded by water, and the little genius doctor came out again without knowing where he was hitting, and was leading people away."

  The king of Yizhou frowned, "What is the style of such a noise in the capital? Let Jingzhaofu deal with it."


  In the box not far away, someone laughed loudly, and the sound went directly to the box.

  King Yizhou was silent for a moment, and the person standing beside him immediately whispered: "It sounds like the voice of His Royal Highness."

  His Royal Highness was holding his stomach in the box. He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, laughed and waved: "Reward!"

  The waiter who had just reported the matter immediately knelt down happily and said loudly, "Thank you for your reward."

  The person sitting by the side asked curiously, "Usually, there have been talents chasing cars and begging for poetry in Kyoto. Your Royal Highness is not happy when I see them. Why are you so happy now?"

  His Royal Highness smiled and asked, "Didn’t my cousin laugh out loud just now?"

  As soon as Zhao Huan thought of the three teenagers who had just poked their heads out of the window and waved back and laughed, he couldn't help but smile, shook his head slightly and said, "Coke indeed, your Royal Highness knows three of them?"

   "Didn't the attendants just said that, one of them is the doctor who saved Saburo."

  Zhao Huan was surprised, "Is it really a genius doctor? But I think all three of them are very old..."

"They are all very small, right?" The prince waved his hand indifferently: "Aspiration is not young, natural, and talent is not young. Zheng Hong's husband has no ability to save Saburo, and he is afraid that he will be asked about his crime. I brought a civilian doctor to come, but she didn't expect that she was really capable. I heard that Ji Xiang's little grandson also fell from the horse last year and almost dragged the horse to death. She stopped the blood and brought her life back."

  Zhao Huan thoughtfully, "In that case, her foundation is not shallow."

The prince picked up his lips and said: "It's not shallow, you say it's strange, it's not strange that her junior took 20 bucks to make her famous. I thought it would be good to be able to beat her reputation in seven or eight days, but it turned out overnight. Her name is known everywhere in Beijing."

  Zhao Huan was startled, "It won’t be His Royal Highness..."

The prince said angrily: "I'm full, what can I do? I don't bother with this effort, but I only find it occasionally, so I just checked it, but it's very strange that I can't find out who helped them. This one."

  Zhao Huan frowned, "I can hide from your Highness in the capital..."

   "That's too much," the prince said casually: "In the capital, it's the easiest for anyone to hide their loneliness, what am I?"

  Zhao Huan held the tea cup with his head down and said nothing, but he thought about it in his heart.

The prince was established as the prince after his majesty ascended the throne. He has only become ridiculous in the past few years. Although he was not praised by the ruling and the opposition before, the Manchu civil and military were mostly satisfied with him, just because he was the prince and couldn’t. It's just a boast.

  Although the three princes have been favored over the past few years, it seems to be nothing more than that. In terms of strength, he is far inferior to the prince trained as a prince since he was a child.

  If there are forces that even the prince can’t find, there are only a few coming and going, and the most likely one is the one in the palace.

  But why?

   Isn’t that just a doctor?

  The prince also thought to himself, aren’t the three young girls in the car the doctor and the student?

  Who is so strenuous to help them?

   also moved forces that he couldn't find out.

  Daji led them around the street and saw people following, so he ran towards the outer city.

When they were about to leave the inner city, the three of them looked at the back, followed only a few people from a distance, and laughed happily. The laughter floated for half the street, and the people on the street couldn't help but look at them. Look over.

  A team that had just entered the inner city heard this familiar laugh. Both the people in the car and the people under the car looked up and followed the sound.

  The car curtain opened, Mrs. Liu looked forward and saw two heads that came out of the car window at a glance. When she turned her gaze again, she saw the small heads protruding from the other side of the window.

  Looking at how they looked up to the sky and laughed, Mrs. Liu couldn't help but smile in her eyes, but she was a little helpless.

  Zheng also stared blankly, and asked: "Mother, didn't you say you want to keep a low profile?"

  She watched, three children are no different from being in the village.

Looking at the Sixth Road, Da Ji also saw the oncoming convoy and slowly pulled the carriage to a stop. The three people who were still looking backward saw that the carriage was getting slower and slower. Finally, they stopped and turned their heads to look forward together. I didn't notice the caravan, "Good luck, why did it stop, there are still people chasing after it, let's go out of the inner city, and drag them to the outer city for a lap."

  Daji bends down directly at the front and shouted: "Old lady, ma'am!"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao turned their heads to look at them, and they met Mrs. Liu who was looking at them with the curtain up.

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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