Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1061: investigation

   Chapter 1061 Investigation

  Su Jian and Du Yu had a fight. Du Yu hit Su Jian with a polo bat. It was in full view. This was something that could not be denied.

After Feng Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry took over, he directly sent Du Yu to the Criminal Ministry for questioning. Although the prisoner was not taken, the meaning was obvious. Recently, he could not go out of Beijing.

  Ke is also in full view, so everyone knows that although Du Yu hits someone with a polo stick, he can be able to withstand Su Jian's ability.

  At that time, Su Jian was hit with a stick, and Du Yu also made a defensive posture, just to prepare him to turn around and turn around with a stick.

  It can be said that Du Yu was ready to have a good fight with Su Jian at that time.

But who could have expected Su Jian’s boots nailed nails. When he turned over, his toes kicked the horse’s stomach. The horse hurts. He changed from running to a slapstick. Su Jian, who turned halfway over, was immediately caught Upside down, half hung on the horse...

  Then the horse ran forward like crazy, but the king Teng next to him didn't look right. He rode up to chase and cut off the saddle with a sword. Otherwise, Su Jian could be dragged to death by the horse.

  Of course, he did not fall well even when he landed on the ground. He was kicked in the abdomen by a horse's hoof and the horse ran away.

  Feng Shangshu carefully investigated the causes and consequences, and while writing notes to the emperor, he was thankful in his heart. Fortunately, the horse was not kicking Su Jian's head, otherwise he guessed that even the immortal Daluo would not be able to save people.

  Feng Shangshu was halfway through, and Feng Zongping's head came in from the door.

  Feng Shangshu heard the movement, raised his eyelids and glanced at his grandson, then lowered his eyelids and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Feng Zongping immediately laughed and stepped forward, "Grandfather, how is your case investigation?"

"Check it out," Feng Shangshu said while bowing his head: "This matter warns you, it's okay to go to the racecourse and these right and wrong places. Last time you went to the Xijiao Racecourse? I heard that some classmates were involved. Between right and wrong."

Feng Zongping coughed lightly: "No, it was a classmate of Taixue who set up a bureau for another classmate. I thought it was trying to cheat him to buy a horse at a high price, but he didn't expect it to be a gambling. The classmate's brother happened to be in the country. Zixue, knowing me, knowing that he will not be angry in the future, so he set up a game and gave him a shameless face in front of us. Grandfather can ask Yinor if he doesn't believe it, he was there at the time."

  Feng Shangshu was slightly surprised, "Is Yin or here?"

"Yes," Feng Zongping knew what his grandfather was surprised. He smiled: "Grandfather doesn't know. Yin or Guo Zixue now has friends. The one who found the place for his junior brother is his friend, called Bai Shan. He Bringing us should be a testimony."

  Feng Shangshu frowned and asked, "Who is the Taixue student who set up the bureau? It doesn't matter if you make a fortune of two pennies, it will attract people to bet. This is the root of ruining the family."

   Feng Zongping said: "It's called Zhang Jinghao, and his grandfather is the consultation doctor Zhang Zheng."

  Feng Shangshu was surprised, "Is it him? The Zhang family has always been strict in tutoring, how could it..."

  Feng Zongping smiled and said, "Perhaps it is because the tutoring is too strict that he is so nonsense outside."

  Feng Shangshu looked at his grandson thoughtfully, "Speaking of strict tutoring, our tutoring is also strict..."

When Feng Zongping heard this, he immediately stood up straight and said, "Grandfather, I just like to play around a little bit. What kind of gambling, or whoring, I never participate."

   "What about playing polo?"

   Feng Zongping said: "That's a hobby."

  Feng Shangshu said: "I have nothing to run out recently, and come back after school."

   Feng Zongping asked mysteriously: "Grandfather, is what the people outside say true?"

   "What did the people outside say?"

"It is said that the third prince's work was done by the third prince," Feng Zongping lowered his voice and said, "Because of the miscarriage of the concubine in the East Palace, the prince." I was already angry with the third prince, at this time the little father-in-law had another accident..."

  Feng Shangshu raised his hand and gave his grandson a head, staring at him: "Are you able to say these things? If you hear these rumors, you should stay away..."

Feng Zongping covered his head and said, "Grandfather, everyone will also talk in private. You also know that His Royal Highness often comes to our Imperial College. He wants to repair books. He has a good relationship with the husband and students in the school. I am not worried. Did you come here to ask you?"

  Feng Shangshu said solemnly: "In the courtroom disputes, you don't get involved. In the future, if your Three Highnesses go to the Imperial College, you will stay far away, and the honest examiner will go out of office. Don't think about any crooked ways."

  Feng Zongping rolled his eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Grandfather, do you think he is a crooked way?"

Feng Shangshu sighed heavily, and said, "East Palace is the foundation of the country. Does it mean that it should be abolished when it is abolished, and it should be established when it is established? In the past two years, His Royal Highness is a bit ridiculous, but it is not too out of the ordinary, Zhao Guogong He and his ministers would not agree to abolish the prince. The third prince took it for granted."

   "But what if the prince has no heirs?"

Feng Shangshu was silent for a while and said: "Since the prince's concubine can be pregnant this time, it means that everything is still possible. It is really impossible. It will be another one in the future. As long as the prince is stable, the queen and Zhao Guogong If he is here again, he won't be deposed."

   Feng Zongping secretly said: What if the prince can’t stand it?

  However, he didn't ask the question.

  Feng Shangshu also thought of this, he sighed faintly, and said in his heart: If the prince can't stabilize, it depends on what their majesty thinks in his heart.

   Feng Zongping asked in a low voice: "Grandfather, are you more optimistic about the prince?"

Feng Shangshu didn’t say a word, but said, “This time the Dongjiao Racecourse is not as simple as you see it. The night before, a small servant of Piguo’s mansion who served Su Jian committed suicide, and the Dongjiao Racecourse also died. Two people committed suicide."

Feng Zongping opened his mouth wide.

   "What I can tell you is that this incident is not the calculation of the three princes, let alone the prince's calculation."

  Feng Zongping's back was chilled, "Here, there are other people here? Who, the three princes are arguing for the seat, after all, he is also the queen, but other princes..."

  Feng Shangshu looked at him meaningfully and said: "How do you know that the current princes did it?"

   "Is that Su Jian's other enemies?" Feng Zongping asked: "I want to borrow a knife to kill people and blame Du Yu? Does Su Jian have such a big enemy?"

  Feng Shangshu didn’t remind him, but followed his words and asked: "How do you know if it is?"

   "Usually, he gets along well with everyone. Although there is squabbling, he doesn't have any feuds."

  Feng Shangshu waved his hand: "Think for yourself, no, you must not think about it, read your book well."

  Feng Shangshu thought about this and raised his head, "By the way, the classmate of Guozixue you just mentioned, the one named Bai Shan, is he the younger brother of Zhou Man, the little genius doctor who saved Su Jian?"

    See you tomorrow. I have to sort out the manuscripts and materials. It’s about to celebrate the New Year. Too Sui may see that I’m about to get through the catastrophe, and I’ve been looking for me in these two days.



  (End of this chapter)

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