Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1063: Surging

   Chapter 1063

  Pi Guogong returned to the mansion, went into his son's room, and looked down at him in a daze.

  This made Su Jian's heart a little worried. He lay on the bed and looked at each other with his father, and asked in a low voice, "Father, what's the matter?"

  Pi Guogong looked at him for a long time, then shook his head and said: "It's nothing, you can heal your injuries."

   After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt for him, turned and left.

The Du family can retreat all at this time, but the Su family can’t. One is that Su Jian’s injury is like this, he can’t breathe, and he can’t swallow it; second, he is the prince’s father-in-law, and he and the prince are natural. It’s not something he can retreat if he wants to retreat.

  So Duke Pi sighed and had to step into the turbulence.

  The political affairs are surging, but the outside world is still clear. The teenagers and girls did not feel the urgency of the adults holding their throats tightly.

  Man Bao took a look at the time, ate all the snacks in his hand, took the kerchief and wiped his hands, and then pulled out the needle on Yin or his body.

  Yin who has fallen asleep or opened his eyes in confusion and then closed.

  Man Bao did not call him after pulling out the needle. He covered his back with his clothes, and then sat aside to eat with Bai Shan and the others.

  White Jiro rubbed his stomach and said, “I don’t know if it’s because of the cold. I feel hungry so fast these days. It doesn’t work to eat snacks.”

  Man Bao looked up at him and then shook his head: "No, you are fat."

  Bai Shan also raised his head and looked at him up and down, and said, "It's also a bit taller."

  Speaking of this, Bai Shan straightened his back and gestured to the two of them, and became happy, "I seem to be taller too."

  Man Bao compared his size and said nothing. Bai Erlang squeezed another piece of snack and said, "No wonder I'm always hungry. It seems that I have to let Aunt Rong cook more meat, and eating meat will grow faster."

  Man Baodao: "You are hunger."

   Yin may move his head and open his eyes, and whispered: "Or I will bring some meat."

   Shirajiro curiously asked: "What meat does your family have?"

   Yin or said: "Lamb, or venison?"

  The three swallowed together, and then nodded together.

  Man Bao asked in more detail, "Are you going to stew or roast it?"

   "What do you want to eat?"

   Shirazen and Shirajiro: "It’s baked!"

  Man Bao: "Stewed!"

  Man Bao felt that they didn’t know the goods, and said, “Bake it only if it’s hot, it’s not easy to bring, and it’s delicious once or twice.

  She said: “It’s better to stew it with aniseed ingredients. The stew is soft and waxy. It melts in the mouth. Then it is warmed in a small stove. We can eat it after learning and work. That’s great.”

  Bai Shan: ……People didn’t say to bring it every day. It doesn’t matter if you bring this kind of stuff once or twice. Bring it every day. Isn’t it true that the family won’t worry about it?

  Yin or has already nodded and said: "Then I will bring some of both, my chef's craftsmanship is not bad."

  Man Bao sucked saliva and said to him: "You don't eat much, just eat two or three yuan."

   Shirazen and Shirajiro looked at him sympathetically, they brought delicious food, but they couldn’t eat more.

  Yin or has long been accustomed to it, got up and put on his clothes, took a sip of warm water from the bamboo tube Bai Shan handed over, and left home after speaking to them.

  Man Bao stopped him and asked, "Have you heard my legend recently?"

  Yin or Le, "Is it the legend of the little doctor?"

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly and asked him, "Have you heard of it?"

   "I heard it mentioned before, but I don't go out often, so I don't know much about it. What do you say outside?"

  Man Bao waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry about what’s going on outside, your little friend must know, let him talk to your grandmother and sisters at home.”

  Yin was taken aback, and asked: "Why do you want to let my grandmother know?"

  Man Baodao: "The weather is getting colder and colder. You won't be able to do acupuncture in the car in a month. I want to go to your house to do it. It will be more convenient."

   Yin or the smile on his face fell.

  He pondered for a moment and then shook his head and said, “I’ll go to Jishitang to do it at that time. If it doesn’t work, I won’t do acupuncture and moxibustion.”

Bai Shan looked up at him and said, "Well, why don't you go to our house to make it? Didn't you tell your family to make friends with us? Then after school, just let us go home and have fun, take medicine or something. It’s also much more convenient."

  Yin might look at Man Bao, and asked uncomfortably: "Is it convenient?"

  Man Bao nodded, "It's convenient, acupuncture and moxibustion is now every two days. If you don't have acupuncture and moxibustion, you can go to our house to have fun."

   Yin or heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded with a smile.

  Bai Shan, who was sitting outside, got out of the car first, and Yin or then got out of the car.

   Baijiro and Manbao waved goodbye to him directly from the window.

  Changshou helped Yin or got into his own carriage, leaving them one step ahead.

  Bai Shan watched his carriage leave, and before turning back to the carriage, he took a look at a carriage parked next to him.

   Liu Huan, who was holding his chin watching them in a daze, immediately smiled and beckoned him. Bai Shan nodded to him and stepped on the horse bench to get into his car.

  Daji put away the stool, and drove the carriage home.

  Yuanbao followed his young master’s gaze, and when the white carriage had also gone far, he asked, "Master, do we want to go home?"

   Liu Huan looked puzzled, "You said, what are they doing in the car?"

  Yuan Bao shook his head, "I don't know."

  "Every time Yin or when I go to school, I have to ride in the Bai's carriage for a while, every three to five, and have to stay on it for so long, so many people in the car, don't they panic?"

  Yuan Bao shook his head: "I don't know."

Liu Huan slapped him on the head, "You can’t just think about it? I think it’s not bullying Yin or the others. Last time Bai Shan and the others didn’t come to school, he stood at the door and waited for more than half an hour. You said, are they having fun in the car?"

  Yuanbao thought for a while, still shook his head, "I don't know."

  Liu Huan glared at him with hatred for iron failure, and then dropped the curtain and said, "Walk, go home, I will never tell you these things again."

  Yuanbao didn't care, he took the carriage and jumped into the carriage after turning a corner.

   Liu Huan couldn’t help but lifted the curtain and probed out to talk to him, “It’s a pity that it’s too rude to lift the curtain rashly, otherwise you will go see it tomorrow?”

  Yuanbao was silent for a while and then said: "Okay, Master, I am your servant, and the little rudeness is also your rudeness."

   "Yes." Liu Huan put down the curtain sadly and sighed deeply.

  Man Bao also sighed deeply, “I wanted to pass the clear path of seeing him, but now it seems that it’s impossible.”

  Bai Shan said, "Is his family still prescribing that kind of medicine for him?"

  Man Bao frowned, “If the Yin family only intends to keep offspring, then it’s really difficult for them to know about our affairs. Isn’t there a doctor who treats him? Yin or a change of medicine, he should be able to see it.”

  Bai Shandao: "It should be Yin or tried to fool around."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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