Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1069: Maintain the status

  Chapter 1069 Maintaining the status quo

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "It is possible to be able to, but his body is best to have another child. I am afraid that the child he will give birth to will be the same as him."

She sighed in a low voice, "Did you not listen to Old Doctor Tan? He was a disease brought out in the womb. I think he was unstable in the womb and was saved by medicine, so it was so difficult after birth. Actually He shouldn't be born either."

  Bai Shan had different opinions, "Where is there anyone in this world who shouldn't be born? If he shouldn't be born, then there will be no Yin or in this world."

Man Baodao: "Someone told me that giving birth to a healthy child is not only responsible to himself, to his family, and to the child. When he is not aware of it, he can determine whether he is healthy and whether he can do well in this The survival of the world is also the responsibility of the healer."

  Bai Erlang opened his mouth wide, "Then if Yinor's mother meets a doctor like you, wouldn't he not survive?"

  Man Bao said in an angry tone: "I'm a doctor. Can I force the patient to abort? I just expressed my opinion. What happens in the end? Isn't it up to the patient to make his own decision?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "Yin may be very happy, but the Yin family may not agree."

  Man Bao sighed, “Why does the Yin family have to have Yin or have children? Isn’t the son born the same as the daughter born?"

  Shirajiro: "Different, right? You are the water poured out, and we are the soil left at home."

  Bai Shan looked at Bai Erlang sympathetically.

  Man Bao rolled up his sleeves and rushed to Bai Erlang, hitting him directly before letting it go.

  Mr. Zhuang felt relieved when he learned that Yin might not be in danger of life, and waved his hand: "Go and rest. I have to go to school tomorrow."

  Yes, no matter how many things happen, those who should go to school still have to go to school, and those who should go to work still have to go to work.

  There are more patients who come to Manbao for treatment now than before, but no matter how many, she only watched for a long time, and then left after noon.

  Sometimes she was too busy to have lunch in the drugstore, and she could see a few more patients. In the afternoon, she went back to read a book, but Mr. Zhuang stopped giving her a class, and she had to enter the system to take a class with Teacher Mo.

  In the afternoon, Bai Shan and the others were about to leave school, and Man Bao and Da Ji went to pick them up together, and then stopped by to Yin's house.

  Yin’s house is very lively, because the eldest sister Yin and the others have all returned to their parents’ house. They dare not go in and make a noise, so they only talk in the shade of the yard, all with a worried look.

   Seeing the three Man Bao coming in, their eyes flew over.

  Man Bao greeted them remotely, and without going forward, he went straight into Yinor’s room.

  Sister Yin couldn’t help being angry, "Grandma, look at their rude appearance..."

"Well, they are here to see Qilang, not to see you." The old lady Yin was haggard a lot, her eyes turned dark, apparently she didn't sleep well last night, she waved her hand and said: "When you come back It’s been long enough. Uncle and the others have also gone home. Let’s go back."

  Second Sister Yin held on to Mrs. Yin and said anxiously: "Grandma, your body doesn't matter, isn't it?"

  Old Madam Yin waved her hand, "It's okay, you can go back."

  Sister Yin bit her lip unwillingly, and said: "Grandma, the younger brother is unwilling to treat the illness. Maybe they are the ones who are instigating him. Why are you still letting them come to see the younger brother?"

  Old Madam Yin raised her head to look at them, and said in a jealousy: "Qi Lang said that in the future, he will adopt a child from you, or let the fourth and the rest recruit a few extras."

  Sister Yin frowned for a moment, "How is this the same? How can the biological and adoptive be the same? Besides, the clan won't agree."

  Second Sister Yin and Third Sister Yin were also a little surprised, and then lowered their heads to think.

  Old Madam Yin waved her hand and said: "Okay, the most important thing now is to let Qi Lang take medicine to heal her injuries, other things, let's talk about it slowly later."

  Eldest Sister Yin wanted to talk again, so Third Sister Yin pulled her a bit, and then she converged, and bowed with the two younger sisters.

  The old lady Yin watched the three granddaughters go, and then she looked at the other three younger ones, and said, "You guys go and rest too, and come back later."

  Sister Yin and her two younger sisters responded and bowed away.

  The old lady Yin saw that they were all gone, and then she took the big girl's hand into the house.

Yin or Xijing, when there are extra people in the room, he will lose his temper, especially after the events of last night, his way of expressing disgust is more direct. The Yin family, including Mrs. Yin, don’t want to offend him at this time, so Only Longevity is waiting in the room.

  At this moment, I will live long and wait outside. When I see the old lady coming in, I immediately kneel down to ask for peace.

  Old Madam Yin waved at him and entered with a calm face.

In the inner room, the three of Bai Shan were sitting by the bed talking to Yin or laughing, and they didn't know what they said. The three of them looked up to the sky and laughed. Even Yin or his face showed a smile, looking at them like stars in their eyes. .

  Old Madam Yin couldn’t help but stop.

  Hearing the movement, the teenagers all looked back and saw that it was her, and smiled slightly.

Old Madam Yin smiled and stepped forward. The three hurriedly got up and saluted. Old Madam Yin spared their ceremony and Man Bao said, "Dr. Zhou, Old Doctor Tan said that he will come later, and you can do it again. Talk about Qilang's condition."

  Man Bao looked back at Yin Or and asked, "How does the old lady want to treat it?"

Old Madam Yin also glanced at Yinor behind her, and after a pause, smiled and said: "First take care of his injury. Since he has been taking the new medicine for a while, then follow Zhou Xiao. The doctor’s rule comes."

  What about after that?

  But Man Bao also knows that haste is not enough. She can't force the patient's family to make a decision. Anyway, she still treats it according to her method, right?

  Man Bao responded, saying that she would study and study with Mrs. Tan.

  The old lady Yin stepped forward two steps, looked at the grandson on the bed and asked softly, "Qilang, does the wound still hurt today?"

   Yin or with a faint smile on her face: "Don't worry, grandma, it's not that painful anymore."

  The old lady Yin breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned over to press the quilt and said, "You shouldn’t scare grandma so much in the future. If you have something to say, please say..."

  The old lady Yin said here, and said softly: "Grandma will also listen to you."

   Yin or nodding with a smile.

  The old lady Yin sighed, and the three of Bai Shan nodded and then turned to leave.

  The three people felt that the atmosphere of their grandparents was weird, and couldn't help scratching their heads and looking at Yin or suspiciously.

  Yin may see their movements are exactly the same, can’t help but smile: "You are really the same."

  After a pause, he smiled and asked, "I haven't asked you before, how did you meet?"

  Man Baoli took it for granted: "We are in the same village. We have known each other since we were very young."

  "Then do you really have fifteen?" Yin or looked at her suspiciously, "I always think you are younger than the two of them."

  Man Bao smiled and said, "No, I'm fourteen years old."

   Baijiro added: "I am twelve years old, and will be thirteen in a few months, hahahaha..."

  Yin was even more confused, "Isn’t that younger than you and Bai Shan, why is she a senior sister? I wanted to ask a long time ago, but I think it’s not good again, how come your rankings are reversed from your age?"

  Shirajiro can't laugh anymore.

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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