Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1074: Confession

  Chapter 1074 Confession

  The three of them were a little scared when they were sitting in the carriage.

Bai Shan probed out and took a look at the two Jia Ding riding behind them, then retracted his head, and Man Bao sighed: "I finally know why Da Ji found someone staring at us and let Jia Ding follow. Are people so scary?"

  Man Bao shook his head solemnly and said, "No, everyone in the big family is so terrible."

   Bai Erlang said: "My family is also a big family, my family has never killed anyone."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Neither does my house."

  Man Bao: "Are you ashamed to say that your family is a big family?"

He has been a tyrant in Qili Village since he was a child, and his family is not only the first in Qili Village, but also known throughout the county seat. Bai Erlang has always had confidence in himself. , But the self-confidence that he cultivated since he was a child has not suffered much, so he can still nod proudly to Man Bao, “What’s the embarrassment, my family has a lot of land, my family’s money is also a lot, my family’s subordinates There are also many tenants!"

Bai Shan, who was also very confident, nodded and pointed to Bai Erlang: "My family has more land than his family, my family has more money than his family, and my family has more tenants than his family, and There is only one son in my family, and I will be the only one in the future."

  Sure enough, the one in this world who can attack Bai Erlang in all directions is Bai Shan.

  Shiajiro stared at Baishan.

Man Bao couldn't help laughing, and after laughing, he looked at them seriously and said: "There are still differences. Those people have many officials, so they can be called big families. When you become officials in the future, Your children and grandchildren have also become officials and become such a big family. You must remember to be kind to life, but don't treat human life like they do."

  Man Baodao: "People and grass are not the same. When the grass is cut, the spring breeze will grow again in the coming year, but once the life is gone, it will be gone."

  Shirajiro nodded as he listened.

  Bai Shan said to Man Bao: "You will teach them later."

  Man Bao asked, "Who?"

  Bai Shan blushed and said, "My descendants."

   "Teach me, what are you blushing?" Before Man Bao finished speaking, she saw his red ears and cheeks. She slowly recalled, and stared at Bai Shan in a daze.

  As soon as Shirajiro looked up, he saw the two people opposite you staring at me, I stared at you, only each other in my eyes, a little dissatisfied, so he cleared his throat heavily.

  Man Bao blushed and lowered his head. After thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong, then raised his head and looked at Bai Erlang viciously, "Is my throat uncomfortable? Do you want to give you a medicine to clear your throat?"

  Bai Shan's red color faded slightly, his eyes shifted away, and he glanced at Bai Erlang and said nothing.


  Back home, the three of them went back to the house to freshen up, and then went to the study to do their homework, and waited for dinner by the way.

  Waiting for Bai Erlang to arrive in the study, Bai Shan said to Bai Erlang in front of her husband: "I told my husband, Chongyang Chongyang might be able to compose poems, so I will help you make up some poems these days."

  Shirajiro had a bad feeling. He shook his head repeatedly and said: "No, I will just not do it when the time comes. I don't want to show off."

  Mr. Zhuang, who was reading a book, tapped his head lightly with the book, "It's okay. Waiting for your examiner to ask for poetry, will you do it by then?"

   "Then I don't want him to teach," Bai Erlang said: "Sir, didn't you tell me, a famous teacher has a good apprentice, you are so much better than him, you teach me."

   "If you are a little proficiency, Bai Shan can teach you." Mr. Zhuang was afraid that he might not be able to suppress the fire if he taught him poetry.

  Bai Erlang turned his head to look at Bai Shan, and Bai Shan gave him a big smile.

  Bai Erlang opened his mouth wide, he pointed at Bai Shan and said, "You want to avenge your private revenge!"

  Mr. Zhuang raised his head to look at him, and asked, "What kind of private feud did you have?"

  Bai Shan looked at him quietly.

  Who wanted to file a complaint, Bai Erlang opened his mouth. The words were stuck in his throat and couldn't come out. After a long time, he shook his head.

  Mr. Zhuang looked at the two people suspiciously, Man Bao came in from outside, "Sir, do I have homework today?"

  Mr. Zhuang withdrew his gaze and said to her: "Yes, come here and organize a text for you for the teacher. You have been reading it these two days. After reading it through, I will ask you a few questions."

  Mr. Bai Shan saw his back to them, he grabbed his neck and pulled it out, "Go, let's go to the garden to read poems."

  Hakujiro:...He regrets it. He had known that he hadn't cleared his throat.

  Mr. Zhuang looked back at the backs of the two disciples, and asked Man Bao: "The two of their brothers and sisters quarreled?"

  Man Bao blushed and shook his head, but he remembered one thing, "Sir, do nobles kill people at every turn?"

  Mr. Zhuang thought for a while and shook his head: "Although you don't know where you came up with this problem, no matter what the problem is, you can't generalize and overturn a boat in one stroke."

  He said: "The magistrate Tang and the magistrate Yang are both from nobles, do you think they seem to be people who are executed at every turn?"

  Man Bao shook his head.

"That's it," Mr. Zhuang said after sitting at his desk, "However, nobles have long been in the top positions. If there is no compassion, it is easy to regard human life as a waste, so I often ask you to be cautious in your words and deeds when you arrive in the capital. .Because in the eyes of some superiors, not only their subordinates, but also civilians like me are just ants."

  Man Bao said lost: "I see."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded, motioned to her to read the article he picked out for her, after thinking for a while, he found a classic book on the side shelf to give her, "You haven't finished reading this law book, right?"

  Man Bao's scalp numb, "a lot of..."

"No hurry, read slowly," he smiled: "I asked Bai Shan, he reads the law book for three quarters of an hour before going to bed every night, and now he has begun to memorize it. You have to learn medicine, not as good as him. I don’t ask you to memorize it, but it’s necessary to read it through."

  But she has to go to class in the system at night...

  Man Bao wanted to cry without tears holding the thick book.

Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "You are now young, you are at the best age to read. You will watch two or three quarters of an hour before going to bed every night, and you will finish reading it in a few years. If one day you read this law book thoroughly. , You won’t ask questions like today again."

  Mr. Zhuang’s smile was faint, and he sighed: “The reason why they can treat human lives like grass, I think, it is from this great Jin Dynasty, no, it is from the laws of the past dynasties.”

  Man Bao understood half of it, but he held the book in his arms tightly.

  Keke, who has been silent, suddenly said: "It's a pity for your husband."

    When writing this chapter, the heart is beating



  (End of this chapter)

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