Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1080: apprentice

   Chapter 1080 Apprentice

  Man Bao is young, round and round, with a particularly soft body, and a particularly good memory. Basically, he will remember it after practicing.

  She practiced it several times, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the movement essentials, she went to discuss the patient’s recipe with Teacher Mo.

  Keko took a look at the time and reminded Man Baodao: "Host, the latest time you set to fall asleep is approaching. If you don't sleep, you may really not grow taller."

  Man Bao listened to it, checked the time, collected all the drafts, said hello to Teacher Mo, and went to bed.

  Ms. Mo knew that she was young and needed sleep, so she said: "Go ahead, I will check if there are any omissions, then I will send you an email."

  Man Bao responded.

  Ms. Mo felt that it would be good to correct this subject, so he reminded: “Remember to do a good job of the patient’s pulse record and changes. I may need data as a case later.”

  In his era, there are very few cases of damage in this area caused by natural production, and it is basically impossible for him to want data.

  Because very few people conceive in the body to give birth to children.

  Man Bao responded, and after exiting the system, he lay down on the bed, yawned while holding the quilt, and fell asleep deeply when he tilted his head.

  The next day she woke up slightly later than usual, and was woken up by Bai Shan knocking on the door.

  She got up and put on her clothes, and went out with a wooden tub in a misty manner. Bai Shan knew that she slept late last night when she saw her, and asked, "What did you do?"

  Man Bao half-closed his eyes and followed him to fetch water and wash his face. He shook his head slightly and said, "Nothing but a treatment plan for the second wife of the Cheng family.

Last night, Bai Shan knew that Man Bao was in the clinic and wanted to congratulate her. At this moment, he saw that the clinic was even more tired than sitting in the hall. He sighed, "Sure enough, money is not so easy to earn. It takes a quarter of an hour to visit a patient, and it will take a long time to come back."

  Man Bao thought that it was really true. He immediately didn't feel that he had received too much money yesterday, and he nodded with deep approval: "What you said is true. In this way, I deserve the money."

  Bai Shan: ...They seem to be talking about the same thing, but not the same thing.

  Man Bao washed his face and rinsed his mouth, then went back to the house to tidy up his hair. After eating a morning meal, he found a chance to enter the system and read the last e-mail that Teacher Mo gave to her last night, and wrote down some things he added.

  Bai Shan collected the book basket, and saw that Man Bao hadn’t come out, so he shouted: "Man Bao, hurry up, we're going to be late."

  Man Bao stuffed all the drafts into the medicine box, responded, picked up the medicine box and ran out.

  Hakuzen and Baijiro finally had the opportunity to take a good look at her medicine box, "You are finally willing to change a medicine box."

  Man Bao proudly patted the medicine box and said, "The shopkeeper gave it to me."

  Bai Shan looked down and saw that the emblem of Ji Shitang was printed on the side of the medicine box. He was speechless for a while, "He will not lose if I give it to you."

Man Bao also saw it, but didn’t take it seriously. “It’s pretty good-looking. I was also the doctor of Ji Shitang. I’ve asked about this box. It’s done so well. It’s worth a little bit more than a car. They are all expensive."

   Baijiro: "That’s your family cart."

   "You don't take a pallet car less, so what do you dislike now?"

  The three people arrived at Jishitang noisily, Man Bao jumped out of the carriage, said goodbye to the two of them, and entered Jishitang with the medicine box.

  Xiao Shao came earlier than her, and quickly took her medicine box and sent people to the clinic.

  Man Bao took out the draft before the patient came.

  She asked Xiao Shao to bring in one more stool, move the table out, and let him sit next to her, just like she was sitting next to Doctor Ji a long time ago.

  She asked: "Do you have a pulse?"

  Xiao Shao nodded blankly.

  Man Bao asked: "Have you ever prescribed a prescription?"

  Xiao Shao shook his head blankly, then nodded again and again, and whispered: "I drove it myself in private."

  Man Bao nodded, "Then you will sit here in a while, and you will read it again after I have seen it, and then prescribe a prescription. Then save the prescription, and I can take a look for you."

  Xiao Shao was a little excited, "Well, this is not good..." After all, it was only the second day of work, as an apprentice, shouldn't it be two years of rough work under the hands of a doctor?

  Man Bao couldn’t understand what he meant, so he raised his head and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Shao shook his head again and again, "No, there is nothing wrong with it, it's good."

  Man Bao nodded, bowed her head and continued to organize her plan.

  Because there was suddenly an extra person in the ward, the male patients who came to see the doctor were okay, but the female patients were somewhat uncomfortable.

  Man Bao also knows their concerns, so if the condition is private, Xiao Shao will be distracted.

  Xiao Shao also knows to avoid suspicion, but this kind of illness is a minority after all. Those who come to see the doctor are mostly coughing, wind-cold, low back pain, hand pain, headache, and various painful symptoms.

  Waiting for noon, Man Bao opened up Xiao Shao’s prescription while eating, and pointed: “You have to write down the pulse record, so that you can check the prescription in the future.”

  Xiao Shao should go down.

  But she only saw these patients in the morning, so even if he didn't write the pulse case, she could still remember it, so she gave him instructions one by one.

  Xiao Shao took a pen and paper and galloped aside, the big shopkeeper and the three doctors who were eating at the same table were stunned.

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng came in with the bowl, looked aside for a long time, and then sat beside his father in silence, turning his head to look at him.

  The treasurer of Zheng returned to his senses, slapped him angrily, and said angrily: "What to see, eat your meal."

  Man Bao handed the overturned recipe to Xiao Shao, and said, "We'll talk about the rest in our car. You should go eat first."

  Xiao Shao quickly took it, got up and bowed to the doctors, then bowed to Man Bao, and then retired to eat.

  He eats with the guys. This part of the backyard is where the doctors rest and open a small stove.

  As soon as Xiao Shao left, Doctor Ding and the others raised their heads to look at Xiang Man Bao.

  Man Bao looked up at them inexplicably, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Doctor Ding gently wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief and asked: "Doctor Zhou Xiao, Zheng Shao is a genius?"

  Man Bao thought for a while, shook his head, "Although the talent is mediocre, but fortunately hardworking."

  In other words, how can they make mistakes?

  Doctor Ding continued to ask: "Is he your apprentice?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Doctor Ding, "Then he gave you real money?"

  Man Bao shook his head.

   "Then why did you teach him to prescribe a doctor the next day?"

  Man Bao was confused, "He is an apprentice, isn't he just trying to learn these skills from me?"

  "...Then you have to look at the nature of a person first, and touch his bottom first, right? This hasn't been a year or two. Can you see through a person?"

  Man Bao: "One or two years? How many medical books can you read, how many pulses, and how many patients have you seen in one or two years?"

  She was also puzzled, "When I went to Ji Shitang, Doctor Ji let me get started on the same day."

    The next update will be around 4pm

     ahem, it’s the fifth, ask for a monthly pass



  (End of this chapter)

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