Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1099: Queen

  Chapter 1099 Queen

  Duke Wu carefully led her through a series of palaces. The farther back, the flower beds on both sides of the road occupied more places, and there were various flower pots under the corridor.

Along the way, Keke has no emotions from time to time to report that he has discovered treasured species, but let alone Man Treasures, even Keke knows that its host cannot go to the flowerbed and squat for it to dig flowers and grass, so its electronics The tone was not agitated at all.

  Man Bao listened to these voices and walked to a palace. She looked up at the plaque and said "Lizheng Hall" in her heart.

Gonggong Wu turned sideways and was about to tell Man Bao to follow him. When he looked up slightly, he saw her looking up at the plaque. He was taken aback, and quickly moved forward and pulled her sleeve, and whispered: " Hurry down."

  Man Bao bowed his head, and followed his way, slightly tilted his head to talk to him, "You can't raise your head?"

   "No!" Duke Wu yelled and whispered: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, talk less after entering. You can answer whatever the masters ask you. By the way, Zheng Tai and others are also in there."

  Man Bao gave an "Oh" and asked, "Who else is there besides the prince? Who am I seeing a doctor?"

  Duke Wu saw someone coming out, so he hissed: "Don't ask so much, you will know when you go in."

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng nodded repeatedly and pulled Man Bao's sleeve.

  Man Bao obediently followed in behind Wu Gonggong, lowered his head, folded his hands in front of his abdomen, but his eyes couldn't help turning around flexibly, looking at the ground.

   entered a hall, she could see people coming in and out lightly on both sides, she heard coughing from a long distance away.

  Man Bao didn't hold back looking up slightly, and saw that there were only palace people in and out of the hall, no princes, and no other people who looked like nobles.

  She blinked and looked at the side screen.

  A young woman walked out of it, Man Bao immediately lowered her head and lowered her eyes to stare at her toes.

  She saw Duke Wu, standing in front of her eyes, floating away from her sight. She lowered her head and did not look up to see where the person was floating.

  The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng, who had been secretly watching Man Bao, breathed a sigh of relief.

  The two heard Gong Gong Wu talking to the young woman, "Aunt Shang, the doctor invited by Your Highness is here."

  Aunt Shang looked at Man Bao, smiled politely at Wu Gonggong and stepped forward: "Open the medicine box and let me have a look."

  The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng immediately put the medicine box on the table aside and opened it.

  Man Bao finally looked up at this moment, and looked at Aunt Shang curiously, but she didn't expect Aunt Shang to look at the medicine box instead of looking at the medicine box, but stared at her.

  The two looked at her, and Man Bao smiled at her subconsciously.

  Aunt Shang looked away from the medicine box expressionlessly. She checked the contents of the medicine box and nodded slightly: "Okay, go in."

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng quickly closed the medicine box, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Man Bao followed Aunt Shang, and the shopkeeper Xiao Zheng immediately hugged the medicine box to follow.

  Passing around a central screen, I entered the palace at the back and opened the door to enter. There were many people standing inside. Aunt Shang took them to a large screen and asked them to wait and turn around the screen to enter.

  Man Bao heard her talking to Humanity: "Niang Niang, the doctor is here."

  The cough sounded, and Man Bao heard a soft voice saying: "It's not a serious illness, why did you hire a doctor from outside?"

   "Mother, you should take a look at it."

Man Bao heard that this was the voice of the prince, she heard that voice sigh quietly, "Since it's here, please ask her to come in and take a look. I also want to see what the person who saved Su Jian is like ."

  Aunt Shang came out soon, and said to the shopkeeper Man Bao and Xiao Zheng: "The lady declares you, come in."

  Man Bao followed her around the screen, and saw that there were more people standing inside. There was a person on the bed in the middle. Man Bao only glanced at her secretly and lowered his head.

  Although she only glanced at it, she also thought she was pretty.

  Man Bao bowed his hand deeply, but the shopkeeper Xiaozheng behind her had already knelt down. Man Bao noticed that she was a little stunned for a while, but she was already bent over at this moment, and it was too late to kneel down.

  Man Bao can only act as if he hadn’t seen it, and Yi Li said: "See the Empress Empress."

  The queen raised her hand slightly and smiled: "No gift."

  Man Bao straightened up and looked at the queen, his eyes swept to the prince standing aside.

  There were many young people, teenagers and beautiful girls standing beside the prince, who were also looking at him curiously.

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng also stood up from the ground holding the medicine box, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, don't you kneel and say it early.

  The queen knew that Zhou Man was young, but she was surprised when she saw her. She was so young and couldn't help but beckoned and smiled: "You are Doctor Zhou Xiao? Come and see."

  Man Bao walked forward, stood in front of the bed, and saw the queen clearly. Seeing her description of emaciated, but difficult to hide her beauty, she couldn't help but smile.

  The queen couldn’t help laughing as soon as she saw her smile, beckoning her to step forward, "What a lovely child... ahem, how old are you?"

  Man Bao felt that he could not lie to her, so he said very honestly: "It's almost thirteenth. I am the birthday of the twelfth lunar month."

  The queen laughed, "Then there are still three months of kung fu, it is so good at such a young age, who did you learn your medical skills from?"

   "That's too much, my fifth sister-in-law's grandfather, Dr. Ji, Yuyi Fan, Dr. Chen, and the treasurer Zheng, Dr. Ding, and Dr. Tao."

  The queen said softly: "I heard that you are still a disciple of Confucianism?"

  Man Bao was startled for a moment and then hesitantly nodded, "I am studying Confucian classics, but I also read Taoism and Legalism. If I have learned their skills, I will be regarded as their disciple."

  The queen laughed, coughed and said, "So, you don't have to be too formal when you see us."

The prince beside    said: "Mother, let her show you."

  The queen stretched out her hand and smiled at Man Bao: "This is an old problem. It has been more than 20 years, and it can't be cured by many medicines. Feel free to take a look."

  Man Bao turned around, Xiao Zheng's shopkeeper had already opened the medicine box and took out the pulse pillow.

  Man Bao put her hand on the pulse pillow and listened carefully to the pulse. The room became quiet, except for the queen's coughing from time to time. There was no movement.

  The emperor walked in, stopped everyone's movements, and stood with his hands behind his back, watching Man Bao treat the queen.

  Man Bao didn’t take his hand back, but looked at the queen’s face and asked, “When did the empress first become ill?”

  The queen thought for a while and then said: "When I was fifteen years old, I got sick from the rain at that time, but the disease did not heal, and the root of the disease was left."

  Man Bao asked, "What else is uncomfortable besides coughing?"

   "I always feel chest pain when I get sick, and my head hurts so much. I feel lazy and don't want to move."

  Man Bao asked: "Can you have symptoms of chest tightness?"

  The queen smiled and nodded, "Yes, but occasionally, it's especially uncomfortable at night."

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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