Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1102: chat

  Chapter 1102 Conversation

  Determined the treatment plan, Xiao Yuanzheng and others withdrew from the inner room, and Man Bao gave the queen an injection for the first time.

Most of the princes and princes retreated, but the prince stood still.

  The three princes had all got up to go out. Seeing that the prince hadn't moved, they stopped and did not leave.

  The emperor couldn't help frowning when he saw them, and waved: "What are you doing while standing, why don't you quit?"

  The prince said: "I want to stay and look at the mother and queen."

  The emperor gave him an eye knife, "How old are you? Take your brothers and sisters out!"

  The queen also waved to the prince and smiled: "Go, look at your brothers and sisters."

  The prince can only go out, but he is too lazy to care about the three princes.

  The three princes followed him out.

  Only the Emperor, Queen and Aunt Shang were left in the house. Aunt Shang glanced at the emperor and put down the tent, leaving the emperor alone.

  Man Bao motioned to the queen to untie her clothes, and took a needle for her.

This time it took a long time for the needle to be applied. There was an hour. Because the needle was divided into two times, Aunt Shang was standing in the tent and staring at Man Bao. Seeing that she twisted the needle, it slowly pierced the queen’s head one by one. And shoulders, neck and chest, couldn't help swallowing.

  The Queen wanted to talk to Man Bao, but after the needle, her heart slowly calmed down, and she was sleepy and fell asleep slowly.

  Man Bao counted the time, pulled out the needle, gently pushed the queen, turned her over, and tied her back again.

  The queen slept drowsily, her eyes closed again after only earning a bit.

  Aunt Shang sighed with relief when she saw it.

  Due to illness during this period, the queen always couldn't fall asleep at night. Sometimes she fell asleep and coughed and woke up.

  Man Bao sat on the side of the bed and looked at the queen. She knew that this patient was different from the previous patients. So even though she wanted to go out and chat with the emperor while taking advantage of the needle, she still held back.

  Man Bao held his chin and looked at the queen in a daze. When he turned his head and saw Aunt Shang standing upright, he asked in a low voice, "Aren't you sitting?"

  Aunt Shang bent her knees with a smile, thanked Man Bao, she glanced at the queen, and asked in a low voice: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, the lady can't sleep peacefully at night, is there any way to do this?"

  Man Bao shook his head and said: "If you are an ordinary person, you can use tranquilizers or sleeping pills, but the queen suffers from qi disease. It is best not to use these scented drugs."

  Aunt Shang just remembered, Xiao Yuanzheng had also warned that they never used incense in their house.

  Aunt Shang sighed.

  Man Bao counted the time and pulled out the needle. The queen was still sleeping soundly on her stomach. Aunt Shang quickly pulled the quilt over to cover her.

  Man Bao took a look, stretched out her hand to press an acupuncture point on her waist, the queen frowned slightly, moved her body uncomfortably, and turned over.

  But she still did not wake up.

  Aunt Shang was taken aback when she saw it.

  Man Bao motioned her to quickly cover the quilt, and when she pressed the quilt, he rolled the tent together.

  The emperor was sitting outside drinking tea alone. He sighed with relief when he saw them rolling up the tent, and quickly stepped forward to look.

  Knowing that she had always slept lightly, the emperor did not speak, he looked at the queen for a while and then slightly nodded to Man Bao, motioning her to go out with him.

  The prince and them all went to the front hall and waited. There were only palace people waiting for the queen. The emperor thought for a while, instead of going forward, he took a path to the side.

  Man Bao followed him.

  The emperor walked for a while, and when she saw her, he followed every step of the way. He couldn't help being funny, and said happily, "You are brave, so I don't want to ask me what I want to do with you?"

  Man Bao scratched his head, "Didn’t Your Majesty have something to tell me?"

  The emperor saw that she has not changed much from before. Obviously, although she has experienced a lot in the past two years, her temperament has not changed. He smiled and nodded, "I want to talk to you."

  The emperor glanced back, Gu Zhong immediately waved his hand backward, and the palace servants who followed moved back and stopped following.

  Only Gu Zhong followed a few steps behind.

  Man Bao walked behind the emperor two steps behind. He heard him sigh and asked, "Are you still used to studying in school?"

  Man Bao replied: "It's quite used to it."

  She asked smoothly: "Your Majesty, do you want to see my brother?"

  The emperor did not expect that she would suddenly ask like this, and after a pause, he smiled and said, “It’s not necessary. Let your younger brother study hard. In the future, you will learn something and serve the court.”

  Man Bao strongly recommended her younger brother, "Your Majesty, my younger brother is very talented, and if you see him now, it will be good for us to do in the future."

  Emperor: "...what do you want to do in the future?"

"Yes," Man Bao raised her head to look at the emperor, and met with her eyes. She thought a lot in her heart for a moment. Her husband's instructions, Bai Shan's instructions, swallowed what she said to her mouth, but she did not flinch. Instead, he skipped many words and said directly: "Isn't this also what your majesty hopes for?"

  The emperor looked at her speechless for a while.

  Gu Zhong, who was a few steps behind, was about to come down in cold sweat.

  The emperor turned his head after looking at Man Bao for a while, carrying his hands on his back, and walking forward, "The reason for your entering the palace is plausible, but why can he enter the palace?"

  Man Bao thought for a while, too, Bai Shan didn’t know how to heal, so he hurried to catch up with him, “He can’t enter the palace, so your Majesty can leave the palace.”

  The emperor smiled and said, "I wanted to get out of the palace, but the ministers and workers wouldn't agree."

  Man Bao snorted softly in his heart. You even ran to a place as far away as Yizhou. Now you can't even get a palace and go around the capital?

   Who do you lie to?

  However, Man Bao didn't dare to say anything, so she thought distressedly, thinking about any good way for Bai Shan to meet the emperor with fairness and proper reason.

  The emperor smiled when she saw her thinking, and softly suggested: "Actually, you are also a suffering lord, and your complaint is the same as his complaint. You should sue here first, and he will just follow along."

  Man Bao pondered for a moment and then said: "I have to go home and discuss it with my family, and the queen's illness still needs to be cured."

   "Yes," the emperor said hastily: "This matter is not so urgent, let's stabilize the queen's condition first."

  Man Bao glanced at him deeply and nodded.

  The two turned around before returning to the main hall. The prince hurriedly greeted him, skipped his father, and asked Man Bao directly, "What happened to my mother?"

  Man Bao replied: "She fell asleep, she didn't sleep well, so let her fall asleep, but don't sleep too long, and wake up in half an hour."

  The prince breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the emperor and said: "Father, it is better to forgive the world, save others and enter the humanity, and pray for the queen."

  The emperor agreed after a little thought, "Also, go to the Puguang Temple and ask the eminent monk to enter the palace to pray for the queen."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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