Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1115: Parties

   Chapter 1115 All parties

  The Ministry of Engineering is not very anxious, the Ministry of Households is a little anxious, and the Ministry of Staff is very anxious.

  People have been assessed by them, but if the emperor failed, it must be their responsibility first.

  A magistrate is already the largest official besides Shangshu, so the position is very important. At that time, the information that came up for the assessment was personally reviewed by the staff.

  Now he took it out again. He looked at it carefully from beginning to end, then handed it to his two servants and asked, "What's the problem?"

  The two shook their heads together, "I don't see any problems."

"Yes, I don't see any problems," Li Shangshu knocked on the table and said: "Chen Fulin has done nothing in the Ministry of Households these years, but he has enough qualifications. Even if your Majesty wants to choose a more capable minister of the Ministry of Engineering, Just call me into the palace and discuss it again, why bother to get the discount back directly through the province?"

   "Is that Langzhong Chen offended Your Majesty?"

  Li Shangshu: "He is not qualified to go to the court every day in the small court meeting. Have you heard him speak during the big court meeting?"

"Go and check his character, as well as what misfortune he has done recently. We chose the man and we evaluated him. When Yushitai finds it out, not only your Majesty and Yushitai, That is, Zhongshu Province, Menxia Province, and the other five departments have to bit us. Also,"

Li Shangshu lightly nodded his finger and said, "While preparing another recommended booklet, it should be more comprehensive. If there is no problem to be found, the booklet will be handed up the day after tomorrow at the latest. As long as he has no major problems, then I also recommend him to work as a maid."

  The two servants understood that if this was just the emperor’s personal likes and dislikes, they could not give in, so they responded in unison and immediately saluted and went out.

  Of course, they couldn’t investigate things like this by themselves. They all asked their hands to check, but they had to go to talk to Chen Fulin.

  After all, the other party is a doctor, so you can't send another doctor, right?

  The servant from the left looked at the right servant and asked, "Is it alone, or?"

"Let's go together," the right servant flicked his sleeves and said with his hands behind his back: "Let's also see who this is. I remember that Qianer had only drank together, and he didn't see any difference. "

How did you offend the emperor?

  Shi Lang Yu walked out of their old Shang Shu's door, and passed Liu Langzhong's back foot, motioning him to enter the house and talk.

  Liu Langzhong raised his head and glanced around, slowly tidying up everything on his desk, and then took a document from the table and went to Shi Lang Yu.

   Yu Shi Lang just highly recommended Liu Langzhong, he naturally wanted to tell the other party the good news, so that he could bear his love.

Liu Langzhong was not stupid either. He thanked Yu Shilang happily, and found an excuse to go out for a walk when he left the house. He called the chief executive who was waiting outside the ministry and said: "Go home immediately and let the second master check Check Chen Fulin from the Ministry of Households to see what he has done recently, whether he has offended someone, or made a vengeance with someone."

   "Then sir, you..."

  "After I am in the office, I will go to drink with a few colleagues. Then I can take their car. You don't need to pick it up."

  Changsui understood, and immediately took orders and rushed home to look for the second master.

  Liu Langzhong looked at his distant back and thought, if he chooses people from the ministry, then he can only choose from among the four doctors.

  His qualifications are not the highest, but he is indeed the most capable one in the past two years, so he accounts for 30%. With Yu Shilang's recommendation, he is 20% more.

   But if he can be selected from the six, then he has no hope of even 20%.

   Especially compared with Chen Fulin, he has been in the position of a doctor for nine years. Regarding seniority, he should be ranked no matter how.

  So his biggest opponent is not the other three in the same department, but Chen Fulin.

  Man Bao knew it was already in the afternoon, she was already on the way out of the palace, and then Aunt Shang accompanied her to the outside, and told her the incident "inadvertently."

   "The empress does not like a Master Chen from the household department. Your Majesty only found out two days ago. Coincidentally, yesterday there was a discount for the promotion of Master Chen, and he was beaten down by your Majesty today."

  Man Bao was so surprised that he couldn’t help but stop. “If you go down, does that mean you can’t get promoted anymore?”

  Aunt Shang smiled and said, "Your Majesty doesn’t agree, naturally you won’t be promoted."

  Man Bao tried hard to hold his face, but still couldn't help but smile, so he could only lower his head to hold back his smile.

  Aunt Shang saw her face twitching, trying to laugh and trying to hold it back, her entire small face became distorted, and she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

As soon as he left the palace gate, Man Bao flew happily, and ran to Daji’s carriage directly. The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng who was carrying the medicine box could only chase after him, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, you don’t want your medicine box. NS?"

  Daji went to take the medicine box, Man Bao had already used both hands and feet to climb into the carriage, opened the curtain and waved to the shopkeeper Xiao Zheng, "I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng waved his hand tiredly. Originally, he wanted to ask who Aunt Shang said that Master Shang was, why he told her specially, and wanted to remind her, but seeing her like this, he thought he would forget it. Let's go to the drugstore to see you tomorrow morning.

  Man Bao was already excited to ask Da Ji, "Where are Bai Shan and the others?"

  "Young masters have a lot of school work today. They have to stay in the Imperial College to do homework and read books, so let the younger ones come first to fill up the young ladies."

   "Then hurry up, let's pick them up."

  Daji couldn't help but smile and asked, "Is there any happy event for Miss Man?"

   "Yes, great joy!"

  But they couldn't get in at the gate of the Imperial College. The management here is much more rigorous than in the prefecture, and the guards at the gate are not willing to help them pass the message.

  Man Bao was at the time when her heart was surging. She was so happy that she wanted to talk to someone. After waiting for a long time, she didn’t see Bai Shan and the others coming out. She couldn’t help itching her heart.

   Good luck: "Miss Man, isn't this bad?"

   "What's wrong, the gatekeeper is not willing to help me pass a message, and I won't go in, just ask someone to pass a message for us."

   "Wait no more, maybe there will be a man who will come out."

  "I’ve been out of school for a long time. Those who are still in school are either reading books or doing schoolwork, or playing inside. How can they come out now? Hurry up, where is their wall? Which side is more secluded and easy to climb?"

  Daji: "...I don't know."

  "Impossible, don’t think I don’t know. You like stepping on it the most. It’s also when you are in the school. You touched all the walls of our school."

  Daily: ...but really, what is it that you don’t know? He was obviously very secretive, when did they discover it?

  Man Bao wouldn't tell him that it was Keke's credit, so he just stared at him.

  I had no choice but to drive the car away, then ran around the periphery of the Imperial College, and stopped the carriage after a long, long time.

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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