Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1117: happy event

   Chapter 1117

  Man Bao jumped off, and Da Ji drove the car around again and returned to the gate of the Imperial College.

  Bai Shan and the others have been waiting there in advance.

  As soon as they got into the car, Liu Huan and Yin might also squeeze up.

  A car was crowded with five people, and the three of Bai Shan looked at Liu Huan and Yin or together.

   Liu Huan looked around and asked, "What is the happy event?"

  Yin may also be curious, so when he did not see the eyes of the three.

  Shirazen and Shirajiro looked at Manbao.

  Man Bao said happily: "Chen Fulin can't be promoted to an official position."

   Liu Huan asked, "Who is Chen Fulin?"

  Bai Shan was surprised, "Why can't he get promoted?"

  Man Bao hummed: "I guess it was the queen who found something and told the emperor that the emperor didn't like him, so he knocked down the discount for his promotion."

  After saying that, I will say what the aunt who went out of the palace had just said to her.

   Liu Huan asked: "Who is this person, who has hatred with you?"

  Man Bao snorted: "Yes, there is grudge."

  Bai Shan said with a light cough: "In fact, we are very big people and don't hold grudges, just a little bit of grudges. We didn't do anything."

  Man Bao paused, nodding repeatedly, "Yes, we did nothing."

  Yin or: ...have quietly filed a complaint and haven't done anything?

  Bai Shan opened the curtain and looked at the sun outside. After estimating the time, he said: "It's getting late, you can go home."

  Liu Huan didn’t leave, "No, you have to tell me who Chen Fulin is and why he has hatred with you? Hey hey, do you want to put him in his sack, do you want me to help?"

  Bai Shan glanced at him, and refused: "We don't do such illegal things."

   "A liar, isn't Zhang Jinghao the one who beat you?"

  White Jiro looked up and asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

   Liu Huan also looked surprised, "It's really you guys."

   Yin or:……

  Man Bao and Bai Shan couldn't hold back, they turned around and held Bai Erlang and beat him several times.

  Liu Huan laughed as he watched, and said: “I heard people say in private that Zhang Jinghao had injuries on his face. Most of them were beaten by you, and Zhang Jinghao also said that it was you.”

  Man Bao said solemnly: "Nonsense, does he have evidence?"

  Bai Shan pointed to Yin Or and said, "We were witnessed that day, and we went back to the city together."

  Yin or nodded, "Yes, we were together at the time, and it has been so long, why did he even mention this?"

"He often goes to our Guozixue recently, because you don't know what it is?" Liu Huan said with regret: "Unfortunately, I didn't know when you asked him to settle the accounts. Otherwise, I will follow to join in the fun. , I haven't put a human sack yet."

Several people:……

  Bai Shan said solemnly: “We don’t want to be sacked, especially officials like Chen Fulin. Assault on officials is subject to punishment.”

   Liu Huan is very persistent, "Who is Chen Fulin?"

  Bai Shan coldly snorted: "It's a villain and a hypocrite."

   "It's a villain and a hypocrite again, how bad is this," Liu Huan asked, "Is there more villains, or more hypocrites?"

  The three of them thought about it for a while. When they thought of Chen Fulin's full smile, they felt a little disgusted when they thought that they were gentle talking. The three said in unison: "There are more hypocrites."

   "That's worse, what did he do badly?"

Man Bao glanced at Bai Shan. Seeing that he didn’t stop him, he said: “He occupied our husband’s place in the Imperial College for more than 20 years, and then stole our husband’s job to prevent our husband from taking the exam and the examiner. Our husband’s poems are spread out first."

  "Let our husband carry the scapegoat for a lifetime," Bai Shan said with a cold face: "The last time we met, I still looked hypocritical and told our husband that all the things in the past were misunderstandings, huh, really we are all fools?"

Not to mention Liu Huan, even Yin may open his mouth wide in surprise. He knew that they had a conflict with Chen Fulin, and asked someone to check Chen Fulin, but he only found out that Chen Fulin occasionally said inexplicable things outside. Can understand.

   But combining what they said, he understood right away, Chen Fulin wanted to beat him up.

  Yin or tell them quickly.

Bai Shan waved his hand: "Mr. had already guessed this, but Mr. did not allow us to intervene in this matter. He said that he was still probing and did not dare to do too much. Things are bad."

   Liu Huan touched a piece of snack and asked curiously as he ate, "What are you going to do?"

  The three of them froze at the same time, and Man Bao coughed slightly: "Famous? We don't have the evidence from that year. If this matter spreads, we won't be well-known in the capital."

  "Oh~~" Liu Huan said meaningfully: "I remember, you are now a little genius doctor who is famous in the capital, and said, did you also spend money to hire people for your reputation?"

"how do you know?"

   "Of course I know, I did not help my elder brother to do this kind of thing, but how much did you spend, it became famous overnight."

  Bai Shan stretched out two fingers.

   Liu Huan widened his eyes, "Two thousand taels? You, are you so rich?"

  Bai Shan said in an angry voice: "No, guess again, I'm not stupid, who would spend two thousand taels to make a name?"

  Man Bao: "That reputation sounds good. Two thousand taels can buy a shop."

   Liu Huan breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "I was scared to death. It turned out to be two hundred taels, but it's actually not a lot. Whoever you are looking for, can you introduce someone to me?"

  Bai Shan retracted his finger and looked at him suspiciously, "Two hundred taels, are you willing?"

Liu Huan looked inexplicable, "I am willing, two hundred taels can be famous overnight in Beijing, why am I not? My elder brother always wins a good ranking in a competition or makes a good poem, I want it. Spending money to make him famous, it also spent two hundred taels before and after, but I haven't seen my elder brother famous in the capital either."

  Bai Shan stared at his two fingers, and said in a low voice, "So we still take advantage of it?"

   Liu Huan asked: "What's cheap?"

   "It's nothing, but I am not two hundred taels spent, I am twenty taels spent."

   Liu Huan stayed for a while, then grabbed his arm, "Who is that person, introduce me to him."

  Bai Shan responded happily, "No problem, okay, it's late, you get out of the car."

   Liu Huan was fooled out of the carriage, almost forgetting the first question he asked.

  Yin may not forget, but he didn't ask much, and after getting out of the car together, he nodded with Man Bao, "Then let's go back first, and you should be more careful."

  He said: "Students are best known, especially people like Chen Fulin, be careful of him jumping over the wall in a hurry."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan expressed their understanding and waved goodbye to them.

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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