Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1129: Give gifts

  Chapter 1129 Gifts

  The other ministers didn't realize that there was anything, but Wei Zhi and Old Tang, who knew the inside story, frowned slightly, then silently returned to their positions, bowed again and sat down.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan also raised their heads to look at King Xiang Yizhou. This was the first time they saw King Yizhou after they knew their life.

  They thought they would show hatred, but when they really saw King Yizhou, they didn't feel much. Their bright eyes looked at King Yizhou standing on it without much emotion.

  The King of Yizhou didn’t pay attention to them, after all, so many people were watching them.

  The queen mother held his hand and sat in the middle position. Today she is the birthday star, so she sits in the middle, the emperor is a little bit away, but from a distance, the seats of their mother and son are similar.

  After sitting down, the Queen Mother patted King Yizhou’s hand and smiled: “You too, let your daughter-in-law sit with the queen, Xin’an, let him come.”

  The county king of Xin'an who fell behind immediately stepped forward with a smile, gave a deep tap, and called out "Grandmother Emperor".

   "Good, good," the queen mother smiled and took his hand and said: "Go and sit with your prince and brother. For a while, you can help grandmother look at the gift from courtiers."

  Xin'an County King responded with a smile.

The prince    glanced at his father, and silently got up and moved up, letting his cousin sit under his head.

  The second prince and the third prince:...

  The four princes and the two younger brothers don't care about this. Anyway, they fight with gods, as long as they don't hurt them.

  The emperor had a cheerful face, as if he didn't care about these things at all, and when they were seated, he raised his hand to signal the start of the birthday banquet.

  Then it's the gift-giving link.

  The birthday gift that can be carried up is naturally not Manbao and the others' little-known and silly gifts, first it is the emperor's gift.

  He picked out the two best from his imperial estate to give to the Queen Mother, and the Queen gave the Queen Mother a Jade Buddha.

  The Queen Mother believed in Buddhism.

  Man Bao sat next to Mingda, pulling out a grape from the fruit plate in front of him to eat, which was hard to eat outside.

  Seeing that the gifts everyone gave were very valuable, Man Bao asked Mingda in a low voice, "You only gave me embroidered things, is that okay?"

Mingda leaned into her ear and explained in a low voice: "I'm still young, I'm not married, and I don't have much money. For us, the most important thing is my heart. After I get married, I won't be able to give away things. That's it."

  Man Bao nodded, and saw that the king of Yizhou gave the queen mother a coral tree higher than her. The red coral tree was as clear as jade, and Bao Bao, who had never seen the world, was stunned.

  It was Mingda who couldn't help but glanced twice, and whispered: "The emperor's handwriting is really big, such coral trees are not in the palace."

  Man Bao secretly said: This is the sweat and blood of their Jiannan Dao, especially the people of Yizhou.

The emperor also looked at the coral tree several times.

  The queen mother was very happy, and the folds on her face were a little deeper with her smile. No matter what they thought in their hearts, the officials underneath complimented the king of Yizhou for her filial piety.

  The Queen of Yizhou is the gift of other princes. After the uncles have finished the gifts, the prince will start their generation.

  Man Baomu stared blankly at those who had never seen it before, and some rare treasures flowed to the Queen Mother like water, and gradually wondered how much money the Queen Mother would earn after this birthday.

  Man Bao turned to ask Mingda, "Does the Queen Mother have her birthday every year?"

Mingda was stunned and shook his head, "Neither. In the past years, birthdays were always family banquets. Even the emperor and the uncles didn’t come to Beijing very much. Only when they had a big birthday. I was young when my grandmother had a big birthday. many."

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief.

  The result is clear: "But this year is not the grandmother's birthday, but the grandmother said that her health is very bad, and wanted to take this opportunity to have another reunion dinner for the whole family, so the father gave grandmother her birthday."

Man Bao looked up at the Queen Mother’s face carefully. She was not far away, so she could still hear clearly, and then listen to her. Man Bao then whispered to Mingda: "Don’t worry, the Queen Mother is in good health. ."


  Of course she knows that the royal grandmother is in good health, at least better than her mother’s queen, but...

  She glanced at Manbao, don't you want to say it.

  Man Bao looked at her, blinked, and understood a little bit.

  There are not many ministers who can carry gifts to the hall. The gifts that everyone prepares are very valuable, except for two people.

  One is Wei Zhi, and the other is Gong Yu Xian.

  Wei Zhi is really poor, so he gave the queen mother a box of pens, which was given to him by his son. He has been reluctant to use it, and he still feels very heartbroken to transfer it to the queen mother.

  But the queen mother is at this age and rarely writes anything, so she laughed and let people accept the gift, and didn't look at it too much.

  It is Gong Xian Yu who is lighter than Wei Zhi’s gift.

  Man Bao felt this way, because Gong Yu County wrote a birthday form to the Queen Mother.

  She thought that the queen mother would not like it very much, but who knows that the queen mother was very happy, sincerely happy, and she leaned forward when she asked the Xin'an County King to pick up the gift.

  She took the zhezi and opened it, with a bright smile on her face. The admired Chongyu County thanked her for justice.

Seeing Man Bao’s little face with doubts, Mingda smiled slightly, and whispered to her: "The articles of Gongxian Yu are very famous. The emperor's grandmother likes to read articles and poems written by him, and he has a long life. Write a birthday form to the emperor's grandmother. This is something you can't ask for."

  Man Bao understood right now, "Mr. is right. He is a good student, and earning money is just what he wants."

  Minda thinks it really is.

  The two looked at each other and couldn't help but grin.

  Wait for the public of Yu County to finish presenting the gifts, and then it was their turn to the unmarried little princess.

  Everyone sent something handmade by themselves, Mingda sent embroidered birthday characters, and Changyu sent a handwritten scripture...

  The Queen Mother was also very happy and accepted it with a smile. Because it was Mingda and the others, everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but focus on them. Then King Yizhou found Zhou Man, who was sitting next to her,

He frowned, and he didn't want to mention the matter. After all, mentioning it in public was equivalent to giving her a name, but he endured it, and then he couldn't bear it when he saw Bai Shan and Bai Cheng sitting behind the fifth prince and the sixth prince. live.

  He smiled and said to Princess Mingda: "Mingda, who is the little lady sitting next to you?"

  Mingda looked back at Man Bao and saluted and replied: "Uncle Emperor, she is my friend."

  The King of Yizhou asked: “I don’t know which little lady she is, but she can actually sit on the seat of our Li family.”

  Mingda paused and said: "Her last name is Zhou, and my sixth sister and I have a good relationship with her, so I let her sit next to me, and neither father nor mother objected."

  She looked at the Queen Mother, and said a little coquettishly: "Grandma, I want to sit with my friend, okay?"

The queen mother also liked Mingda very much. She glanced at Zhou Man and found that she was a little girl who was not much different from Mingda, with a round face, white and tender, and nodded with a smile, "Of course, you are weak. Don't stand for a long time, go back and sit down."

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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