Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1133: Meet to fight

  Chapter 1133 Meet to fight

  Others are afraid of Yunfeng, but Changyu is not afraid. She drank the wine in her hand in one sip, then turned her head and raised her eyebrows slightly at Yunfeng.

   Yunfeng had luck, turned his head and stared at Man Bao, lowered his voice and said, "You, come out with me!"

  Mingda drank half a sip of tea, holding Man Bao's hand in one hand, and said, "Cousin Yunfeng, Man Bao is my friend, she wants to accompany me."

The queen mother was sitting on it. Although they couldn’t hear what they were doing, they could see the four little girls standing together and talking, because Princess Yunfeng and Princess Changyu happened to be carrying her. She didn’t see their expressions. Mingda and Zhou Man were both smiling, so she laughed in relief, and smiled with the queen and the princess of Yizhou: "A few little girls are pretty close, okay, I was worried about Yunfeng. It will be boring to enter Beijing, and their sisters get along best."

  The queen glanced at Mingda, and replied with a smile.

  The princess of Yizhou is holding her heart, and she still knows a little about her daughter.

The child's temper is bigger than her brother's. Mingda is fine. Although she is a princess, she has always been reasonable and gentle, but Changyu is different. She and Yunfeng have always been tit-for-tat, get together and don't quarrel. That's good.

  Mingda pushed back for Man Bao, not soft or hard, but Chang Yu was ready to move, and said to Yunfeng: "Are you going to fight? What's the matter with finding a civilian? I will accompany you if I have the ability."

   Yunfeng said: "This is what you said, don't cry if you are beaten."

  "Who is crying, who is the old dog!" Changyu rolled up his sleeves and said, "How to fight, or should I be a horse?"

   Yunfeng snorted, “You don’t feel too tired to panic when you go to the racecourse from the Wude Temple. I will let you see my whip today. In the future, the eastern suburbs racecourse, will you go?"

   "Go and go, who is afraid of whom?"

  Mingda feared that the world would not be chaotic and said: "I will testify to you."

  Man Bao asked Changyu curiously, "She uses a whip, what do you use?"

   "I use a sword," Chang Yu slightly raised his chin and said proudly: "My swordsman father said yes."

   Yunfeng sneered, "It's just a fist embroidering leg."

   "You are not embroidered with fists, I don't believe you can go on the court to kill the enemy."

   Yunfeng turned around and left, "Leave now."

   "Go and go." Chang Yu followed closely.

  Mingda immediately pulled Man Bao to keep up.

  The opposite side of Bai Erlang and Yin, who have been paying attention to them, may stare slightly when they see them.

  Yin might ask: "What did they say, why did they leave?"

  The six princes only glanced at the sidewalk and said: "It must be a quarrel. Sister Changyu and Li Yunfeng were at odds. The last time she was in the palace of the emperor's grandmother, she almost fought, causing the emperor's grandmother to lose her temper."

  Baijiro had an ominous premonition in his heart, "No, it must be more than a fight, they might be fighting."

  Yin might hesitate to say, "Isn't it?"

  The very experienced Shirajiro and the sixth prince nodded and said, "Very good!"

  Bai Erlang immediately grabbed the six princes and said: "His Royal Highness, you take us to find them, my senior sister is a commoner, you should not disturb us pond fish if you fight with gods."

The six princes are younger than them. He likes watching singing and dancing performances very much. He doesn’t want to go out, so he said, “It’s not enough, Sister Mingda is fine. She shouldn’t let Zhou Man be bullied, and she doesn’t do anything. , Even the emperor grandmother can't ask her."

   "I can't guarantee that she will not do anything."

  The six princes blinked and asked, "Why, does Zhou Man dare to beat the princess?"

  Bai Erlang said in his heart: Is there anything she dare not, she still wants to kill the princess her father.

  He held the six princes and whispered: "Let’s go, anyway, you have almost eaten, aren’t you boring to sit down?"

  Yin may feel that it is not good for him to talk to the prince like this, so he coughed slightly to remind him to pay attention.

  But the six princes are still young. At the moment, I don’t really care about dignity and inferiority. Instead, I really like Bai Erlang's friend-like way of speaking, so he got up and said, "Okay, let's go and see."

   So he led the three of them to get up to go. The fifth prince who came back after going to change clothes met them in person and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

  The six princes said: "Sisters are going to fight, let's cheer them up."

  Five princes:...

  So the five princes also followed them.

  At this time, adults were all flattering or talking about poems, which was not fun at all, so many young people who had already eaten in the hall winked their eyebrows and sneaked out of the hall to get some air or something.

   Yunfeng and the others left the hall, and went directly to the garden of Wude Hall, which was spacious and easy to fight.

  As soon as he left the house, Yun Feng took off his large robe and threw it into Qiuye's arms, and said to her: "Go, get my whip."

  Qiu Ye was about to cry. She wanted the county lord to fight Zhou Man, not the princess.

   Really made the two masters fight, and after inquiring about it, she must not be able to eat. So Qiuye knelt on the ground with a thump, and exhorted: "The princess, today is the birthday of the queen mother, if the prince and the princess knew that you were fighting today..."

   Chang hesitated to look at Yunfeng proudly, and asked: "Li Yunfeng, you're scared when you're afraid. To put it bluntly, why do you send a girl out to take care of it?"

"You're scared!" Seeing Qiu Ye drag her back, Princess Yunfeng was so angry that he kicked her back, and said angrily: "If you let you go, there is so much nonsense. I don't need you to wait here. Go and give Qiu Man to me. Call me."

   After finishing speaking, I feel wrong, and Qiu Man probably won't let her use the whip, so she lowered her head and threatened Qiu Ye, "Go get the whip and hear if you can, or I will immediately ask someone to pull you down, do you believe it?"

  Mingda frowned slightly as she listened, "Cousin, even if the palace is not well served, it is just to be trained by the maid in charge..."

   "I see, you don't need to teach me, and you don't fight with us."

  Mingda choked.

  Changyu also turned to her court maid and said, "Go and get my sword."

  Samurai sword responded, bowed and retreated.

  They did not wait outside the hall, and went straight to the garden, Man Bao still holding hands with Mingda.

  This is the first time she has seen her peers fight with weapons when she grows up. Because she fights with both hands, she is still very curious about how they fight.

  So she and Mingda were two steps behind them, and asked curiously: "Do they fight often?"

  Mingda thought for a while and shook his head: "It's not often, but I have played it twice in my memory. But I haven't used a sword or whip the first two times."

   She lowered her voice and said, "But she was also severely punished."

  Man Bao nodded sympathetically. Every time she finished a fight with someone, she was most afraid of being punished.

  Mingda looked at her curiously, "Aren't you afraid of them fighting?"

  Man Bao: "What are you afraid of?"

"Afraid of being implicated," Changyu didn't want to walk with Li Yunfeng, so he stopped and waited for them. Hearing Man Bao's words, he turned his head and looked at her, and then said with a smile: "I have also seen many young people Lady, there are even little ladies from the family. If you don’t persuade us like you, you are eager to imagine that we are the first one to fight, so you are not afraid that the queen will punish you when they know?"

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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