Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1138: In the game (a reward for book friends "Xue*hua"

  Chapter 1138 in the game

   "What kind of life recordings are you going to care about right now, I asked a small inmate to call him..."

  Man Bao's face was pale, and he grabbed him and said, "Which little inmate? You asked him to call, and he called? He received the imperial decree, so he can't leave his position without authorization."

  Bai Erlang was startled, with a bad feeling in his heart, he swallowed, shook his head and said: "No, it's not right, he said he was going to call Baishan, and asked me for a token."

  Man Bao asked: "What token?"

   "Jade pendant, our jade pendant."

  Man Bao glanced down at the jade pendant on his waist. It was given to them by Mrs. Liu during the Chinese New Year last year, one for each of them, with the same style, but the name engraved on the inside was different.

  Manbao thought about it, thinking of what Keke said, the palace man who handed the note to the five princes in the hall, and the palace man was still very close to Gu Zhong...

  Man Bao suppressed his flustered heart and asked Keke, "Keke, can you help me find that little eunuch? See where he went?"

  Keke is already looking for it, but, "Host, I don't know what that little inner supervisor looks like."

  "Then go find Bai Shan, follow the way here to Bai Shan, he will definitely go to Bai Shan if he takes something, even if there is a suspect, we go find him and stop him..."

   "It's too late," Keke interrupted her and said, "Host, he is by Bai Shan right now."

  Man Bao's expression changed, then he let go of Bai Erlang, and turned to look at Li Yunfeng who was still struggling.

  Mingda also felt wrong, and asked Bai Erlang, "What are you talking about?"

  Shiijiro shakes his lips and said nothing.

  Yin or panting ran over, clutching his chest and asked: "What's the matter?"

  Man Bao retracted his gaze, gently pushed Mingda aside, and said to Yin, "You take Bai Er out of the palace."

  Shirajiro was unwilling with tears, "Every eighth!"

  Man Bao swallowed and whispered: "Go back to find Mr. Liu, find Grandma Liu, and you tell them that today is the best day, and the ministers of the court, and even the patriarchs of the various families are there."

  Hakujiro: "But..." Didn't they discuss the timing of the day last night? After all, it was the Queen Mother’s birthday, and it was too much for them to make a noise. It was also possible that the Queen Mother would pity King Yizhou, and the emperor would not be easy to do it if he pleaded.

  Man Bao stretched out his hand to remove the jade pendant from his waist, hung it on his waist, and gave him the sign of entering and leaving the palace that he had kept in his arms, and said in a low voice: "Let’s go."

  Mingda stood by and couldn’t hear what she and Bai Erlang said, but he heard what she and Yin or said, and couldn’t help but wonder, "Are you going to go out of the palace now?"

  Man Bao turned around and said to Mingda: "Princess Mingda, please ask someone to send them two out of the palace."

Mingda looked at Bai Erlang and Yin Or, then looked at her, and was silent for a while and said: "Wait, you," she stretched out her hand to invite the palace man who had been watching from a distance, and a palace man immediately rushed forward, she Said: "Go and bring my nun, and send the two princes to the gate of the palace."

   "Yes." The palace person answered.

  Man Bao looked at Li Yunfeng again. It was too far away from the main hall. No matter how she ran, she obviously couldn't stop Bai Shan.

  Sure enough, at this moment, Keke whispered in her mind: "The emperor called Bai Shan to the palace."

Bai Shan had eaten up Man Baosai’s two steamed buns. He was sitting in his position and tried his best to learn to record. In his position, he could have an overview of the audience, so he knew Man Bao and the others had gone out. Knowing that Bai Er and the others followed out afterwards.

  He doesn’t worry about them very much.

After all, Man Bao has been in the palace for a while, and he gets along well with the princesses, and he won’t cause trouble if he looks at him. Bai Er has Yin or, and he is also stable. Will conflict with Bai Er.

  So he didn't worry too much, but in the end he received a note and a jade pendant from the small inner supervisor.

  Yu Pei belongs to Bai Erlang, he hesitated and refused to believe it.

Bai Er’s silly lack, it’s also possible to be followed by the jade pendant while playing, but the note sent is not small, but the words on it are very small. It records the conflict between Man Bao and the Yunfeng Princess. And the words that Baijilang said.

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang did indeed do this kind of thing. The paper said that Man Bao had left the Bai Erzhi, and now he is alone with the anger of Yunfeng Princess...

The little inner jailer hadn't left yet. Seeing Bai Shan swiped through the notes with ten lines at a glance but was still indifferent, he leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Young Master Bai, Doctor Zhou Xiao and Second Young Master Bai are waiting for your help. "

  Bai Shan raised his head to look at him, the two eyes met, and the little inner supervisor lowered his head and walked out slowly.

The living man on the side noticed their movements and couldn't help frowning. It was just that he was a recorder of history, so he shouldn't interfere with anything happening, just record it truthfully.

   But seeing that Bai Shan was just a teenager, he still couldn't hold back, and reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty has asked you to record history, so you can just remember it honestly."

  Bai Shan crumpled the note in his hand and stuffed it into his arms, squeezing the jade pendant on his hand and did not speak for a long time.

  He felt like a fire in his heart. He was afraid that this was a trap and that it was the truth. Either one of them stepped in, or not stepped in, it could be fatal.

The things written on the note flashed quickly in Bai Shan's mind, and he thought about what happened after entering the palace today, thinking that the five princes suddenly took him out to show up, almost half pushing and half trying to confront the king of Yizhou. , He couldn't help but smile wryly, I'm afraid the truth is true, and the trap is also true.

  He raised his head and glanced at the happily hall. At this time, the Xin'an County King was toasting to the Queen Mother, and pouring out as if he was kind, like no money. The Queen Mother was very happy and rewarded him with a lot of things.

Bai Shan’s tears burst out, and his tears fell drop by drop, falling on the booklet, fainting the words that had just been written, and the living man on the side caught a glimpse of him and was startled, just about to remind him to recuperate. Seeing him still sobbing...

  After a while, when he saw him put down the pen, he knew that he had done it intentionally. He opened his mouth and lowered his head as he couldn't see it.

  The queen mother had only finished speaking with the Xin'an County King, and everyone in the hall followed the words and praised the Xin'an County King. It came to an end at this time, and the music had not re-played. It was quiet time.

  Bai Shan’s weeping sound is not loud, but it is not far away enough for the emperor, empress, queen mother, and prince Yizhou king to hear it.

The crown prince was strange, turned his head and looked. When he saw that it was Bai Shan, his brows were slightly frowned, and he was about to let the palace man take him down for a while, when he heard Gu Zhong's voice sounding not too big or too small, "You are so big. Courage, what are you doing, why don't you go back soon?"

  The emperor put down his wine glass and asked, "What's the matter?"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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