Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1140: evidence

  Chapter 1140 Evidence

   Seeing Man Bao pulled his leg to the hall, the fifth prince felt a thunderbolt hitting his head on a sunny day. After a while, he recovered, and then he pulled his leg to chase him.

  Ji Hao followed suit.

  When Changyu saw it, he turned his head and said to the stunned Mingda: "Go slowly, I'll take a look."

  Then let it go and keep up.

  The six princes also got excited, jumped up to chase, but was called by Mingda, she turned her head to look at Yin or He Baijilang standing aside.

  Yin may have no expression on his face, Bai Erlang has tears in his eyes, but he did not chase Man Bao.

  Mingda didn't know what Man Bao was going to do, but knew that this must not be a good thing, otherwise she would not send Yin or and Bai Erlang out of the palace in advance.

  Mingda took the sixth prince and asked him to wait a little longer until he came back. Then she said to Yin or and Bai Erlang: "You go, they will send you to the gate of the palace."

   Yin or nodded, pulling Bai Erlang up to sit down.

   Li Yunfeng patted the dirty things on her body and glanced at them contemptuously and said: "This is the time to go out of the palace to rescue soldiers? Huh, can you move them?"

   Bai Erlang glared at her bitterly, biting his mouth without speaking.

   Carrying the sitting eunuchs trot to the gate of the palace.

  Li Yunfeng didn't want to be too embarrassed when she appeared in the main hall. She just hit a civilian. She didn't think it was a big deal. She dared to make trouble at the emperor's grandmother's birthday banquet.

  So she didn't worry at all, turned around and held Qiuye's hand to freshen up and change clothes.

  Man Bao ran all the way towards the main hall. She did not go to the back hall this time, but ran towards the front hall.

  The fifth prince ran to chase him. He thought he would be able to catch up with Man Bao soon, but he couldn't catch up, and she ran fast.

   But he thought, maybe people will be stopped when they reach the front hall door, right?

  After all, she described it as embarrassing and still running in the palace.

  As a result, she ran into the main hall unimpeded all the way, and the five princes, Ji Hao, and Princess Changyu who followed them did not have time to think, and ran in.

  Man Bao walked to Bai Shan's side and knelt down step by step, and spent this time wiping through the evidence collected in the space, and then took a deep breath and raised his head to look at the emperor and queen dowager sitting on it.

  Since this is already the case, let’s just say it all together. It really makes people lock them up and look for evidence slowly. Who knows what will happen to them?

  Only if they bring out enough things, their chances of survival will be greater.

Man Bao reached into his arms and took out an account book and said, "Your Majesty, this is the account book brought out from Yizhou City by the White County magistrate twelve years ago. It is evidence that the King of Yizhou has greeted the money for repairing the Weir Weir. "

  The queen mother raised her eyelids to look at her, and asked: "Aren't you a doctor? How come these things are on you?"

There were tears in Man Bao’s eyes, she stubbornly raised the account book in her hand and said: "I am a doctor, but I also have the vengeance of killing my father and my mother with King Yizhou."

Man Bao was also afraid that she would not ask. Before the emperor stopped, she said like a bullet: "Twelve years ago, the magistrate of Bai County found out that King Yizhou was about to rebel, so he ran for his life with evidence. I lost my parents and gave the things to my parents for safekeeping, but my parents did not escape the assassination of King Yizhou, but the evidence was hidden by them, and we only found it recently."

  The emperor motioned to Gu Zhong to get the account book.

  The queen mother said: "Yizhou's flooding incident has long been concluded. It was the former Jiedu envoy and the governor of Yizhou who were corrupting the law. The king of Yizhou was just deceived. You scumbags, you slander the king of Yizhou just based on these rumors..."

Man Bao stretched his hand into his arms and took out a booklet and said, "This is the account book of the private iron ore mine owned by the King of Yizhou. There are only iron ore output records in the past two years twelve years ago. Twelve years have passed since the weapons and equipment required by the battalion army."

  Not only the emperor, but also the ministers couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

  The king of Yizhou finally walked out around the table, picked up his robe and knelt on the ground and said: "Your Majesty, Minister, wronged!"

Man Bao glanced at him, stretched out his arms, and took out an account book and said: "Your Majesty, this is the booklet where King Yizhou purchased food from various places 12 years ago. From this booklet we can infer that he was 12 years ago. How many people are there in the private army?"

  The emperor stared at her chest, wondering how she put this thick account book in her arms and couldn't see it.

  No, didn’t they come to the palace to celebrate birthdays?

   Did they hit it off with him and want to sue today?

While the emperor was meditating, King Yizhou turned his head and sneered with them: "What happened twelve years ago, you will choose a good time for planting this king. People who were twelve years ago are long gone. You can slander this as you please. King."

Man Bao glanced at him, reached into his sleeve and took out a letter and said: "Your Majesty, there is another person here who wrote a letter to the county magistrate Bai. That person is the staff of King Yizhou. It is precisely because of this. After the information letter, the Bai County magistrate learned that the king of Yizhou had raised the private army."

Man Bao picked up his lips and said, "And the aides who abandoned the dark touming not only left this informant letter, but also beneficial letters between the king of the state and some wealthy businessmen, high-ranking officials, and dignitaries. The county magistrate and my parents are dead, but Those people are not dead."

  The emperor turned over the account book in his hand, looked up at Zhou Man for a while, and motioned to Gu Zhong to get it.

  Gu Zhong came down again to pick up things, and stepped forward to hand them to the emperor.

  Man Bao reached into his sleeve and took out a stack of letters, “These letters are the evidence collected by the county magistrate twelve years ago, and the little girl was brought into the palace together this time.”


  The ministers were also stunned, and they all looked at the bloodless King Yizhou.

  Man Bao seemed to stare at the emperor with light in his eyes, raising the letter in his hand even higher.

  The emperor looked at Gu Zhong helplessly.

  Gu Zhong went down and took it again.

The emperor opened a letter to see that the content was exactly the same, except that the handwriting was slightly tender. The imitation was not very similar, and even the paper was not worn out. Obviously, they just wanted to make a copy, not an extra piece of evidence. .

  He just said, the original evidence is here with him, how could they have another piece of evidence?

  The emperor sighed, and this sigh had different meanings in different people's ears.

Wei Zhi and Mr. Tang looked at each other. Of course, they also knew that the evidence that Zhou Man had brought out must be false and could not stand up to scrutiny in the hall. The two immediately went out and knelt down, "Your Majesty, please investigate this matter thoroughly. ."

  Other ministers also came back to their senses, and went out and knelt, "Please, your Majesty thoroughly investigate this matter."

  The Fifth Prince, Ji Hao, and Princess Changyu who were still standing in the hall looked at all this in amazement, didn’t they, didn’t they just have a fight?

  Why don’t you ask Zhou Man about the fight with Li Yunfeng?

  The queen mother squeezed the handle of the chair, raised her hand to prop her head and screamed, "Oh, my head..."

  The grand palace lady who was serving the queen mother immediately screamed, "The queen mother--"

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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