Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 115: compensation

  Chapter 115 Compensation

  Old man Liu was very angry, and looked at Lao Zhou, "My family, you can't talk nonsense about this, Da Lang has always been honest."

Before Old Zhou said a word, Qian Sanjiu yelled, "Honest? I sealed the divorce letter to his wife in the early morning, picked up the broken clothes and drove out to call Honest? Is there a son of a traitor? I will find out after ten months. , I don’t believe it, your Liu family is willing to get rid of that child. Ten months later, it will be up to you whether your Liu family has added a new import!"

  Old man Liu's face was as black as a pot, and his hands trembled with anger.

  His family knows about his own affairs, why is he so anxious to give up Zhou Xi? Isn’t it because Widow Wu’s stomach can’t wait?

  Everyone in the Liu family was very angry. The third uncle Qian was a well-known gangster and articulate. In addition, there were Tuesday Lang and Thu Lang making a fuss, and the Liu family had never quarreled them at all.

  Old man Liu couldn't help but look at the people who had always supported his tribe, but they all stood behind and didn't speak, and the women outside the courtyard watched enthusiastically, and did not help their Liu family.

  Looking at the women brought by Zhou's family, they all surrounded Liu's mother, and her face turned blue with one word.

  At this moment, Old Man Liu deeply felt that having more sons is good, not to mention, just quarreling can crush each other.

The Zhou family and the Liu family had a quarrel. Old Zhou was reasonable, Qian Sanjiu and Thu Lang were responsible for harassing and cursing others. They directly crushed each other in all directions, both rationally and unreasonably, and directly stepped on the momentum of the Liu family. Only then made their request.

  It is impossible for them to pick up the book, but it is also impossible for Zhou Xi to return to Liu's house. Old Zhou said that it is okay for the two children to be separated, but they can only be separated!

  All Zhou Xi’s dowry was returned, in addition to the compensation for the same dowry.

  The Liu family, of course the Liu family did not agree.

  When Zhou Xi married to Liu's family, the drought in this area had just passed two years ago, and everyone's life was not particularly good, but Zhou's family prepared a lot of dowries for her.

Of course, many of these were compared in the village. At that time, the Zhou family prepared two camphor wood cages, two new clothes, two new quilts, a pair of silver earrings, a fine silver bracelet, and Hanging a box of money.

  Now, except for the camphor wood cage, everything else is either old or missing. Anyway, Zhou Xi went back bare.

In addition to the compensation the Zhou family wanted, they needed to return him four new clothes, four new quilts, two pairs of silver earrings, two fine silver bracelets and two slings, as well as two new camphor wood cages. Everything can be a betrothal gift for a son.

  Is this a daughter-in-law or a daughter-in-law?

  The Liu family refused to agree.

   Lao Zhou didn’t talk nonsense, he sneered and stood up and said: "No? You don’t agree, and your Liu family’s clan doesn’t agree?"

The village chief who followed stopped the old man, looked at old man Liu, and asked, "Which one do you disagree with, or do not agree to it at all. Say it out, and we will discuss it bit by bit, otherwise the quarrel will be over. It’s not going to be resolved in the next year. After the beginning of the spring, you will have to go to the land. You don’t have so much leisure time to deal with this matter for your family."

  The patriarch and village chief of the Liu family just stood up and spoke, “The village chief Zhou is right. What do you think in your heart? Let’s talk about it.”

  Liu’s heart burned. He knew that the Liu family did not have the upper hand today, so he wanted to postpone it today.

  Lang Renjing is the same on Tuesday, how can you not know what his thoughts are?

Seeing him groaning to shirk off, he kicked Liu Dalang again in front of everyone, and rolled up his sleeves and said, "Why, I'm not sure, I don't want to talk today? Then we are still his brother-in-law, the third, old man. Fourth, what are you doing in a daze? This kid kicked our eldest sister out. Everyone first beat him to vent their anger!"

   After all, he still stared at the village chief of Liujia Village and asked, "Liu village chief, brothers-in-laws vent their anger to sisters, is this not a crime?"

  Liu village chief wanted to say that it was a crime, but this is really not a crime in the country.

  Whose family has no daughters and no sisters?

  He vaguely said: "Don't beat people out for good or bad."

  Tuesday Lang and Thursday Lang rushed to Liu Dalang with their sleeves rolled up. Liu Dalang had a psychological shadow on them, and he hurriedly hid behind his mother in fright, shouting: "Mother, help me, help me!"

   Mother Liu screamed, "This is in my Liu family, how dare you, how dare you, old man, old man, look at their Zhou family too much, such a daughter-in-law should have given up long ago..."

"Shut up!" Old man Liu gave a bitter look at Tue Lang and Thu Lang, knowing that he had to talk today. After thinking about it, he reluctantly said: "He Li can, dowry, the old man’s dowry has always been hers. Our family didn’t take care of the one we took, but she had no credit and hard work in our family over the years. We are willing to pool money to get her a copy of the same for her.”

   means that compensation is impossible.

Lao Zhou sneered and didn’t say a word, while Xiao Qian stepped forward and said: "My father-in-law, my aunt’s dowry, don’t you know I don’t know, but my mother must know. The two quilts she brought in at the time, except for the two quilts. In addition to the one I used, there was another bed that my mother-in-law took for her own use. My father-in-law lays down every day without knowing that the quilt is my elder sister's dowry?"

  Old man Liu was a little embarrassed.

Little Qian continued to count how things were used. No one knew better than Zhou Xi. After all, it was her own dowry. She remembered everything clearly, two camphor wooden cages, hers. One was placed in the new house, and the other was taken away by Mother Liu. It is now in her room.

At that time, Zhou Xi thought that she would not be able to use the two boxes anyway. She would be a family when she married. The mother-in-law opened her mouth and she had to give it away, but the money, silver earrings, silver bracelets and the like were all her own. Take it, no matter what Liu mother hinted, she didn't give it.

  But these things were all used in the end.

  Most of it was used by Zhou Xi when he went to see a doctor, and part of it was when Liu’s family was in difficulties, Liu Dalang discussed with Zhou Xi, and Zhou Xi took it out for the family’s emergency.

But at this moment, the little Qian doesn’t care whether the money is spent on the older sister. Anyway, the older sister was Liu’s daughter-in-law, so it should be Liu’s money. Family pays.

  So she believed that the money was also borrowed by the Liu family, and in the end it became the dowry of the daughter-in-law who borrowed from the Liu family.

  The Liu family was very angry, and felt that the Zhou family was too irrational and unreasonable.

  The two sides quarreled from morning to afternoon, and Zhou’s family pressed on step by step. Old man Liu barely held the bottom line and did not dare to retreat much.

  In fact, in addition to the boss, there is also a second child who is not married. They can't give the boss a wife and give money to marry a wife. He can marry again later.

Qian Sanjiu yelled impatiently: "You Liu family is not willing, we will not accept the letter, and you don’t think about leaving the letter for the time being. If you drag it for three or five years, our girl is not in a hurry to marry me. I have to see if the wild species of your Liu family can stay in their stomachs for three years and five years before they come out!"

   Who said that I don’t have a holiday to add a change, baby I have been adding it during a holiday, it’s better, I just don’t bother to indicate it on the title, the increase in these three days is not a recommended ticket addition, but a holiday addition.



  (End of this chapter)

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