Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1156: capable

   Chapter 1156

  Zhou Lijun wiped his tears and said, “Uncle Wu and Uncle Six said the same thing. They said it’s useless to tell the family. Achievement is a success. If it doesn’t, we can only help the coffin to go home.”

  Man Bao: "...have you laid the coffin for me?"

   "That's not true, but Uncle Wu went to see it and said that if it is too dangerous, buy it if the wind is wrong, maybe it will be better if you rush it."

  Man Bao: "...Good idea, remember to worship Master Tianzun when you are happy."

   Zhou Lijun turned around and looked at the cell they had just cleaned up, with a look of disgust, "This cell is really messy, sister, let me clean it up for you."

After I rolled my sleeves, I started to move. By the way, he called the three people who were still silent on the side, "Uncle Ji, hold up this curtain and hang it on this corner, and the one... Take a look at the leftovers on the table..."

  Man Bao moved their well-organized medicine pots, wooden basins, etc. as soon as she came, and immediately opened his mouth to stop it, but it was easy for her and Bai Shan to get it right.

  As a result, she had already taken out several wooden sticks from the back basket, and the Xing Bu Shi Lang also held his arms and stood aside watching. He just wanted to see what they were doing with the wooden sticks.

  Man Bao understood at a glance, he immediately stepped forward to help hold it, and sure enough, there were gaps in the wooden strips. Once in, the wooden strips were fixed by inserting a tenon.

   Soon, a three-story triangular wooden basin shelf was completed.

Zhou Lijun swiftly scooped water from the big wooden bucket and cleaned both wooden basins and placed them on the bottom and middle layers. Then he took out a new one from a big back basket and placed it on the top. Man Bao said, "Sister, this one belongs to you, and this second one belongs to Master Bai Shan, so let's use the bottom one for Brother Xiang Jia."

  Man Bao nodded blankly.

  The criminal minister and the guards who ran over to watch.

Zhou Lijun's hands and feet were very quick. She also disliked the pot for cooking porridge, and then put the pot with the medicine pot on the side of the small stove, and said: "Sister, let's use these two as medicine pots. You boil water. Use this for hot things."

  She took out an open urn from Da Ji’s back basket and put it directly on the big stove, not too big or too small, just right.

   Seeing that Daji and the others had set up the curtains, they asked them to move the big wooden barrel to the corner here, and the leftovers on the table were also quickly cleaned up, so she began to take things out.

First, there was a large porcelain bowl, the size of a human’s head, and it was tightly covered. She opened it to Man Bao to see, "Sister, this is the noodles made by Uncle Six for you. You have late food and tomorrow’s morning meal. You eat this, and you can eat as much as you want. This basket contains green vegetables that have been washed and picked. Didn't you say that people eat green leaves every day?"

She put the things on the table, took out a large porcelain bowl of the same size, and opened it to her: "This is scumbag. I use chopped mutton. Add the dried bamboo shoots from home and stew it together. Yes, the oil and salt have been adjusted for you. You can prepare the noodles, blanch the greens, and pour a spoonful of scum on top."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan swallowed at the same time.

Zhou Lijun built them up and said, "This is the simplest one. Uncle Six said, it’s not good for you to give you complicated ones. If it’s done, it’s not good for you to send in, but you have trouble with the adults who guard the cells. All meals are delivered, so we will take care of you for one day at a time."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded again and again, thinking that this is a good way.

  Zhou Lijun carefully took out a large bamboo tube from the back basket, and said: "This is the chicken soup stewed at home to replenish the body..."

  Xiang Chang interrupted immediately, "This is for the patient."

  Zhou Lijun glanced at him and said: "Yes, but we deliberately have a little bit more, sister, you and Young Master Bai Shan also have a little drink."

  In addition, she also brought Man Bao and Bai Shan a change of clothes, and asked Xiang Chang to stuff the officers with money to buy two more wooden barrels.

  The criminal servants all turned one eye and closed one eye and didn't care, and the servants made this money and they were ecstatic.

Both baskets were taken out, Zhou Lijun went to dig out another basket, and brought out six books from it. She said, "I don't know what books you are reading. Master Bai Cheng cleaned them up. It’s what you are looking at. By the way, this is your pen and ink. The pen holder is not easy to get. I brought you a pen holder..."

  Everyone:......Why didn’t your family just move in?

  There are so many things. Zhou Lijun was surprised to tidy up. Books, pen, ink, paper and ink were placed on the side where Man Bao was sleeping, on the edge of the Kang, and there was not much added in the house.

Finally, Zhou Lijun brought out an incense burner and a packet of incense tablets. She said: "You eat and drink Lazarus in this room. It must be very smelly. This is what Mrs. Bai specially asked me to bring, so that you can burn it in the house. If it's not enough, we'll get it back for you when we come back."

  This is really gone.

  Zhou Lijun, she asked Daji and Xiang Chang to take away the clutter. The last thing was collected and found that apart from an extra space with a curtain in the other corner, the room was cleaner and spacious than before.

  Man Bao held Zhou Lijun's hand with tears in his eyes, "Lijun, I want to keep you."

  Zhou Lijun: "...Sister, if there is more of me in this room, it will be really crowded."

  Xiang Chao looked dumbfounded, seeing that the person was about to leave, and finally remembered what he had been thinking about, "Medicine, medicine..."

   Zhou Lijun said with tears in his tears: "I am still unwilling to accommodate the medicine."

The officer of the Criminal Department said angrily: "You should be content. From midnight yesterday to now, do you know how many people I have blocked for you? It's not certain whether you will see people again tomorrow, Lord Wei did not write in his hand. It’s impossible for the prescriptions and medicinal materials to come and go smoothly."

  Bai Shan raised his head and glanced at the Xing Department servant, then nodded to Zhou Lijun: "It's okay, you can go back, go back and tell your husband and grandmother these things, so that they don't worry."

   Zhou Lijun and Da Ji didn't hesitate, they turned around and went out. Xiang Chang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and left with a worried look.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao’s respectful servant of the Punishment Department gave a hint of gratitude.

  The Xing Department attendant glanced at them, nodded slightly, locked the cell door, and then took the people away.

As soon as    and the others left, Xiang Chao couldn't help but ask, "What should I do if there is no medicine?"

Bai Shan said, "There will be. Didn't you listen to the minister of the criminal ministry? He has blocked a lot of people from the middle of last night until now. Not many people will come to us last night. I am afraid that most of them came today. He didn't let anyone in until now. It seems that the situation is very favorable for us."

  Man Bao nodded, "Wait for Grandma Liu to ask Master Wei to remind you, and get the handwritten script. We still have enough medicine for two days."

  Bai Shan went to turn over the book Zhou Lijun had brought. The one placed on the top was his "Spring and Autumn." As soon as he opened it, the pages of the book spread immediately, revealing the two thick letters sandwiched in between.

    See you tomorrow. Alas, I will start working overtime tomorrow. I also want to stay at home and do nothing to contribute to the country.



  (End of this chapter)

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