Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1176: consider

   Chapter 1176

  Bai Shan and Man Bao went to the Yue family, and of course they brought Yaotong Xiao Shao. The reason they brought him was to ask for money from the Yue family.

  Xiao Shao said: "Yesterday the pharmacy sent the bill to the Yue family, but the Yue family didn't settle the bill at that time, and Mrs. Yue didn't see the buddies we sent to settle the bill."

  Man Baodao: "It's okay. You can wait a while. When I see the patient, I will prescribe better medicine for her."

  Xiao Shao nodded happily.

  Heard that Man Bao came to the door, Mother Fu took Chuncao to greet her in person, ignoring her eyes all the way back to the second courtyard, and sent directly to Fu Wenyun’s room.

  Bai Shan and Xiao Shao were naturally not allowed to enter, so they stood in the yard with their hands behind their backs and looked at the sky.

  Chuncao was about to invite them to rest in the hall, and served them tea by the way, and saw that the study door opened and Yue Dalang came out.

  His gaze at Bai Shan was slightly startled. Seeing his good temperament, he later questioned: "A visitor is here?"

  Chuncao bowed and said: "Return to uncle, this is Young Master Bai, who came with Miss Man."

  Because she was afraid of Yue Dalang's negligence, she said: "The Bai family is a clan of Luojiang County. His wife and her master had contact with the Bai family when they were in Luojiang County. Today, she accompanied Miss Man to visit his wife."

  I heard that it was a gentry, Yue Dalang's complexion was slightly calm, and he bowed his hand to Bai Shan before saying: "It turns out that it is Brother Shi, please sit down in the hall."

  Bai Shan replied with a bow, and called the second brother-in-law of Fu with a smile, obviously from Fu Wenyun's name.

   Chuncao breathed a sigh of relief, and served the two of them to the lobby to have tea.

  Yue Dalang walked all the way and asked, "Why did Brother Bai come to the capital?"

  Bai Shan said calmly: "Come to study in Beijing."

   "Oh? Which college did you study in?"


  Yue Dalang:...

  He stopped in shock, his chest jumped violently, and his throat was a little dry, "Guozijian is the first to learn Guozixue?"

  Bai Shan tilted his head in doubt, "Why, are there any other Guozi in the capital?"

  Yue Dalang twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "No, no, I'm just a little surprised. Brother Bai is so young, he didn't expect to do this. Please sit down, Chuncao, and get some tea from the study..."

  Bai Shan talked slightly in his heart, but his mind flashed past Miss Fu Er who he followed Man Bao and the others to sell sugar, and he saw Miss Fu Er at the side door of the county government office.

  At that time, Miss Fu Er was the same size as Man Bao now, and she sat on a rock under a tree with Man Bao. The two of them shared two candies, shaking their legs and talking about their recent books...

  Bai Shan raised his eyes and looked at Yue Dalang again, feeling that Fu Xianling’s vision was really bad.

  Man Bao is also talking about this with Fu Wenyun.

  There is no way, she asked Yue Dalang curiously when she got the needle, and Qiuyue on the side poured beans out of a bamboo tube and talked about it all.

  Anyway, there are only three of them in this room now. Qiuyue knows that Man Bao has a good relationship with Miss. After so many years, there are only one or two friends whom Miss can talk to. Man Bao is definitely at the top.

  So seeing that Fu Wenyun was lying on the pillow and did not object, Qiuyue had no scruples.

"...The young lady didn't like him very much when he said that he was kissed, but the few families who came to beg for him were not very good. After all, the Yue family is from a good family background, and the old lady and wife are satisfied. The young lady is not happy and can't be the host. , Just married here."

Qiuyue lowered her voice and said: "I didn't expect to know that when we married, their family is just good-looking, and the inside is not as good as ours. My wife doesn't know how to operate. The Yue family's background is a bit stronger than our Fu family, but the assets are not. How about it? For many years, relying on the little salaries of the master and the little filial piety that can't be pushed away, the life is tight..."

"The young lady has to take care of the feeds when she comes to marry. The wife is just as unwilling as she is killing her. If she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to care about it. The young lady doesn't want to worry about it. She reads, reads, writes and writes at ease every day, but she again Miss Abandon brought a lot of servants, and the cost was high, and every month she found excuses to deduct money and tried every means to get money from her."

  Man Bao was speechless for a while, couldn't help but look down at Fu Wenyun, who was enjoying her injection with her eyes closed, and asked: "Second sister Fu, can you bear it?"

  Fu Wenyun closed her eyes and smiled lightly: "Fool, don't listen to her, the people I brought should have been raised by me, and the money I gave was eventually returned to my people, no loss."

  Qiuyue: "Why don't you lose money? They still call our people to use your work for nothing. It's not a loss?"

   Fu Wenyun opened her eyes to look at Man Bao, and asked with a smile, "Do you think I am at a loss?"

Man Bao thought for a while, and shook his head, "If you are doing business, naturally it is not a loss, but Sister Fu, you are married, and you are a family. If you count these, will you not be at a loss? My mother won't be with my father. Counting these, the family business my father earned is held in my mother's hands, and there has never been such an intrigue."

"So the home of the common people also has the benefits of the home of the common people," Fu Wenyun said with emotion: "I used to look at you, thinking that there is nothing wrong with marrying a common man, as long as he can read and read, and I can speak. Just talk."

"But I'm in Taining. I have seen official houses like the Yue family, and the gentry's children have also seen it, even the squire children who have only a hundred acres of manor have seen it quietly," Fu Wenyun was rather regretful, "Can Jianzhou The atmosphere in Taizhou is no better than that in Mianzhou and Yizhou, where women wear drapery hats when they go out. Knowing that my brother and I are reading and literate together, there are a lot of criticisms that even my mother tried to oppose."

  She sighed: "And I have to marry someone, so after weighing it, Yue Dalang is a good choice."

Fu Wenyun did not conceal the reason for choosing the Yue family. She whispered: "At that time, there was news. My father-in-law would probably be promoted. If he didn't go to Beijing, he would also be transferred to the Central Plains. The atmosphere here is better than that in Jianzhou. Many prescriptions."

"Moreover, Yue Dalang's knowledge is considered top-notch among a few people. I don't like Jianzhou and Taizhou, and my father also needs the support of the Yue family, so I chose his family." Fu Wenyun smiled bitterly: "It's just that I didn't have it at the time. How to pay attention to my mother-in-law, she has always been kind outside, because I don't know people clearly, and I don't blame my father."

  She knew that Man Bao didn't like her father since she was a child, and she whispered bad things about her father when she entered the door just now, so Fu Wenyun explained so much.

  Man Bao asked, "Then Fu Er Sister, what plans do you have next?"

  Fu Wenyun said softly: "This kind of thing can't be rushed. The most important thing for me now is to maintain my body. This has to rely on you. Other things will last longer."

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, it will be long in the future."

  Qiuyue was still a little unwilling, feeling that the lady was too wronged.

  Man Bao finished the needle for Fu Wenyun, took a look outside, and asked, "Where's Yue Dalang, isn't he coming to see Sister Fu?"

  Fu Wenyun leaned on the pillow. Because of the needle, she wanted to sleep a little bit. Without thinking, she said: "I came here yesterday evening, but I was too lazy to deal with him, so I sent it away."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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