Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1195: knowledge

   Chapter 1195

  Man Baozhi left Qiuyue, and sat on the side of the bed and asked Fu Wenyun, "Second Sister Fu, do you know what happened to Master Yue's advice?"

  Fu Wenyun hasn't received the news yet. Hearing this, she raised her head to look at Man Bao and asked in surprise, "Is that right, I don't know."

  Man Bao sat opposite her and looked at her.

  Fu Wenyun couldn't tell the truth, so she could only smile and said: "It's not all for you, I also give myself a sigh of relief."

  Man Bao said solemnly: "I just went to see Master Yue. His collision was not light. I heard that there was an adult in the middle who stopped him and tore his sleeves."

  Fu Wenyun's expression also became serious.

  Man Baodao: "I think of those figures in history, no matter what happens to the people who have been cruel to themselves, they will always succeed in the middle anyway, and they will be cruel enough to others."

  She looked at Fu Wenyun and asked, "Second Sister Fu, did you give this idea to Master Fu?"

  Fu Wenyun did not regret it and nodded.

   "Does Master Yue know?"

   Fu Wenyun turned her eyes, and shook her head after a while, "Father won't tell him that this idea came from me, nor will my father-in-law think of it."

  Speaking of this, Fu Wenyun smiled and leaned on the pillow and said: "He is the same as his mother-in-law at this point. They don't really value women in their hearts."

  Man Bao heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's fine, it's just Sister Fu, are you really going back to Yue's house?"

   Fu Wenyun said: "Where can I go if I don't go back?"

  Man Baodao: "My eldest sister has also been with the divorced person. Jin's law is not a roundabout. If you want to reconcile, it's okay."

Fu Wenyun tilted her head slightly, glanced at the child sleeping on the side of the bed, and motioned to Man Bao to look, "I gave birth to him as if I was struggling, and suffered the suffering of the tenth month of pregnancy. Why don't you just leave him like this? , Does it matter?"

  Man Bao also looked at the weak child on the side of the bed, and said nothing for a while.

  Fu Wenyun said: "If he hadn't survived at the time, it would not be difficult for him to get along. I will have a harder life in the future, and I will have an excuse to deal with my parents, so I can live at ease for the rest of my life. But now, I can't bear it."

She whispered: "You know, it is impossible for the Yue family to take the child away to me, and I can't take it away. If he leaves, how difficult his life will be in the future. My parents will not agree, and beat the Yue family. , It is the biggest support they can do for me."

  Man Bao also knew that her situation was different from that of the older sister, so he sighed and stopped persuading.

Fu Wenyun thought very openly, and smiled: "You don't have to worry about me. Didn't you say that, there are so many sad people in this world, they can't eat enough, and they don't even know where they live and die. I really don't think this is a life. How sad it is."

   "It's just that I think Sister Fu is always smart, and sometimes her heart hurts even more."

  Fu Wenyun smiled comfortably: "I know, but I have learned not to take such things into my heart, and my heart is not so narrow."

  Man Bao laughed again when he heard the words, and nodded with crooked eyebrows: "Yes, there are many fun things in the world. The door is not open here, the other side of the window is open, and there are countless beautiful views."

   Fu Wenyun couldn’t help but tap her nose and smiled: “I’m obviously younger than me, but I’m always a good teacher. Do you still have sugar?”

  Man Bao touched his pocket, but actually grabbed a handful of candy from Koko and gave it to her, and asked, "How old are you and still like to eat candy?"

Fu Wenyun peeled off one and put it in her mouth, and smiled: "No matter how old sweet things are, I like to eat sweets. Even my mother likes to eat sweets at this age. I have been taking the bitter medicine you prescribed every day for the past few days. I'm not allowed to eat too spicy food, my mouth is bitter, but it's uncomfortable."

  The two stopped talking about the Yue family, instead they talked about something from their childhood.

  Until Qiuyue brought up the snack, and took the kid who was kicking to wake up and wanted to drink milk out to nurse, Fu Wenyun asked Man Bao, "The matter between your family and King Yizhou, you..."

  Fu Wenyun pondered for a while before asking, "Are you in danger?"

  Man Baodao: "They all said that at the feet of the emperor, now everyone is watching, they will not attack us, but they are still at ease."

  Fu Wenyun sighed and said: "Who would have thought you had such a life experience? If it weren't for Mr. Xu to go to the gate of the Imperial College to inquire, I'm afraid I would never have known it."

  Man Baodao: "But after today, I am afraid that the world will know."

  Fu Wenyun thought of her father-in-law's admonition, and she also smiled and said, "Yes, after today, I really want the world to know."

  The presiding officer is considered dead after touching the column. Although Yue Wei did not die in the end, the matter is also very big, and it will be known to all the capitals.

It’s like beating the drum to the court before, Manjingcheng also knows it, but I don’t know if someone wants to hide Baishan and Zhouman, or someone wants to protect them, or both. Let’s work together to make Jingcheng. The people know that they have not filed a complaint too much.

  The version circulated outside today is that the King of Yizhou sent people to kill the Xiang clan to raise his militia, and also covered up the past by flooding.

The orphan of the Xiang clan has been committed to assassinating the King of Yizhou over the years, and has been unable to assassinate the king. The only son was captured by the King of Yizhou.

It was also because of these discussions in Manjingcheng that there were many people who thought that the Xiang family was compassionate. Although many people in the dynasty questioned the brothers of Zhan Xiang family on the charge of assassinating the emperor’s relatives, they were caught by the emperor and other courtiers who opposed them. And pressed it down and sprayed it back.

Originally, only the Xiang family brothers had been passed on, and the people in the capital felt that King Yizhou was cruel. As soon as Yue Wei touched the pillar, the whole incident began to be dug up. After all, this is something worth discussing after dinner. thing.

  So, the whole process of the birthday banquet was dug up and spread out.

  This is not a secret. After all, there were so many people attending the birthday banquet that day. The families of officials with Grade 3 or higher and their relatives and friends knew about it. If relatives and friends pass on their relatives and friends, the family members who are officials in Beijing basically know it.

  Yue’s family didn’t know much about it, because not long after their family entered Beijing, the old lady Yue was busy giving birth to children before she had time to socialize with her wife, and the family began to mess up.

  Master Yue knows.

  But he only knows that the youngest son of the Bai family who complained at the empress dowager’s birthday banquet was a student of Guozixue, and the other woman was a little genius doctor who treated the queen and was well-known in Beijing.

  And Master Yue, who had never liked to participate in back-home affairs, didn’t know that the doctor who treated his daughter-in-law was the famous little genius doctor in Beijing until he woke up from a coma.

  Old lady Yue could not help chanting a few more words as she wiped her tears, "Why do you think so much, master, what should I do if something goes wrong with you?"

  Master Yue pointed his finger at the water, dizzy and speechless.

  The old lady Yue fed him water while muttering: "Fortunately, the doctor and Zhou Xiao both said you are okay..."

  Master Yue just started to speak, "Since there is an imperial doctor who came to see a doctor, why have you hired another doctor? Is it our fault?"

Mrs. Yue quickly said: "She is a good friend of Erniang. I heard that you were injured and came to see her. And she is not an unknown person. She is a famous genius doctor in the capital. Seeing a doctor."

  Master Yue stiffened, his eyes widened and asked, "Who do you think she is?"

    I ate in the dark and played with my phone for more than an hour in the dark. I was preparing the leave slip, but the call came. At that moment, I was so sad.

     alas, see you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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