Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1204: remind

   Chapter 1204 Reminder

  The prince stopped and looked at them curiously, "What are you doing, ready to escape?"

Everyone raised their heads, except for Bai Shan, Man Bao and Bai Erlang, no one knew him, so Zhou Wu Lang and others just looked up and continued to lower their heads to count the money. There was no way. They had a bad memory. They forgot how many counted.

Is it eighty-five taels or ninety-five taels?

  Bai Shan three people reacted quickly, and quickly got up from the ground to salute, "See His Royal Highness."

  The silver in their hands slipped, and they looked up at the prince in shock. At this moment, they really forgot how many they had counted.

  A few people did not get up, and knelt directly in a squatting position.

  The prince waved his hand to avoid their courtesy, dragged a chair over to sit down, and raised his chin for Bai Shan to answer.

  Bai Shan talked about the bounty yesterday and said: "This money is divided equally between our two families, and we are counting the money that the treasure wants to give to our family."

  The prince glanced at the gold and silver on the ground, and said, "It's just more than 400 taels of gold, so why bother about it?"

  Man Bao became unhappy, "This is almost all of my savings. After saving for several years, how can I not care about it?"

The prince    waved his hand and said: "Okay, the queen is unwell, and she has not been able to eat well recently, and she can't sleep well. You will cure her, and I will reward you with five hundred gold."

Man Bao blinked and was very emotional, but she has always been a good child seeking truth from facts. Finally, she shook her head and sighed: "No, the queen's disease is not so curable. I can only relieve it at best, but Xiao Yuanzheng They help."

   "Then alleviate it." Although the prince was a little disappointed, he was already mentally prepared, but he quickly changed his goal.

  Man Bao immediately said: "That's okay, I will go to the palace tomorrow to give the queen a needle."

  The prince frowned, "Does it have to be a needle?"

  Man Baodao: "Acupuncture and moxibustion are the best, otherwise Xiao Yuanzheng and their prescriptions will be no worse than mine."

The prince tensed his face. His mother said that he did not want Zhou Man to see a doctor at this time, so she would definitely not see her.

  Their family members are like that, they are very stubborn.

  So the prince rubbed his forehead and said, "Okay, I will find a way to let you into the palace, but you have to dress up."

  Bai Shan frowned, "Why? It's not that she can't see people, because she has seen the queen before."

The prince glanced at him and said: "Although the royal grandmother is seriously ill, she is not confused yet. She hates you very much now, so you don’t even need to go outside the palace. If you go into the palace openly, you say she will Wouldn't you ask you to come over and talk?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan shivered together, and immediately nodded deeply with a deep face: "The dress is also good, and it is an honor for me to be able to see the queen."

  The prince was satisfied, and waved: "Don't worry, the bounty is indispensable for you."

  The prince finished talking about the important things, got up and wanted to leave, and Bai Shan led everyone to see off.

The prince    stopped abruptly, looked back at them, and asked: "Your courage is indeed great, but you are still too impulsive. The timing is not very good."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao are slanderous, isn’t that for you and the third prince?

  Although the two have no evidence, according to the few words they heard from Master Wei and Master Tang, the reason why the emperor could not tolerate King Yizhou, even the Queen Mother’s birthday, was because of the prince and the third prince.

  But they looked at the prince at this time, he didn't seem to know anything.

  The prince thought of them, and said earnestly: "After this, you should leave the capital for a period of time, and wait until you grow up to enter Beijing."

  Bai Shan looked up and asked, "Why?"

  The prince twitched his lips and said: "Do you know how many families are involved this time?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao shook their heads together, they only stared at King Yizhou.

The prince said: "There are officials and families involved in Longyou, Jiannan, and even Jiangnan, not to mention the merchants who have been transporting food for him and buying horses these years. Among so many people, no one knows how many people are resenting you. You are the target if you stay in the capital, so after this, you should leave, and wait for ten or eight years. The time is long enough. The world has almost forgotten you before you enter Beijing."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao obviously didn't expect this, and they were dumbfounded for a while.

   "But you have to heal my mother and queen before leaving," the prince said to Man Bao.

Man Bao was about to talk, the prince also remembered, and raised his hand to interrupt her, "I remember, if it can't be cured, then you can pass your acupuncture technique to a court lady, and ask her to give acupuncture to the queen in the future. All right."

   Seeing Man Bao stared and did not speak, the prince was unhappy and said: "Why, you don't want to?"

   "This is not true, I just remembered suddenly, isn't there a doctor girl in the hospital?"

  The prince said faintly: "There are medical women, but they all serve the imperial concubine to give birth and confinement, but they know some medical methods and medicated food, which is far from curing diseases."

  Man Bao said: “Then just teach them, why choose a maid who doesn’t know anything to teach again?”

  The prince thought, "That’s okay, I’ll send the doctor girl to you to choose later. You choose two teachers and try to teach them."

   After that, he turned around and left.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao sent him to the door.

   Seeing that someone had left, Shiraijiro immediately sat back on the chair, patted his chest and said, "Really, why didn't you submit a post first?"

  Friday Lang directly sat on the ground, still in a daze at this time, "We saw the prince?"

  The opposite Shiajiro nodded.

   Zhou Lizhong couldn't help asking, "Is it the son of the emperor's father?"

  White Jiro nodded.

   Zhou Liwei swallowed and said, "The prince, then he will be the emperor in the future, my God, we have seen the emperor in the future."

   Now Bai Erlang stopped nodding. He looked around and saw that they were all his own, so he lowered his voice and said, "Not necessarily, don't be too happy."

   Zhou Lijun also asked in a low voice, “Did he not be a prince, so he might not be an emperor?”

   A cough came out of the study, and the heads that had been gathered together immediately dispersed, each sitting upright, bowing their heads as if they were counting money seriously.

   But in fact, I just hold the gold or silver in my hand and touch it. I don’t know how much I have counted. Yes, I have to count again.

  But they are not in the mood now.

  The future emperor, even if he can’t be the emperor, he is also the prince, and returning to the village is enough for them to play for a lifetime.

  Bai Erlang is already counting the money. He has even seen the emperor. No, he has seen the emperor’s family. There is really nothing to worry about.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao came back, sitting on the futon with a calm face and continuing to count the money.

   Bai Erlang looked at them and asked, "So when King Yizhou is arrested, shall we leave the capital?"

  Bai Shan tossed the gold in his hand and smiled: "What is the hurry, the boat will be straight at the bridge head, but we have to get his kindness."

  Man Bao nodded.

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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