Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1206: Leader

   Chapter 1206

  The king of Yizhou fled back to Jiannan Road in an embarrassing manner. He did not go back south to Yizhou, but transferred to Maozhou.

  He didn't even enter Maozhou City, so the King of Yizhou directly led people into the mountain.

  The mountain road was difficult, and they didn't touch the pass of the soldiers until night fell. Before entering the mountain, he had already allocated two other guards to enter the city of Maozhou.

   Yin Li sat in the middle tent and received a reply from the scout. He glanced at the already deep night outside and said, "Master Yang, you can go now."

  At this moment, his relationship with Yang Heshu is only between the superior and the subordinate.

  Yang Heshu got up and saluted and retired, and took Xiaowei Song away.

  They are also stationed in the mountains. It is difficult to walk on mountain roads, but it is even more difficult to walk on mountain roads at night.

  Yang Heshu rode on the horse, and Captain Song and Lieutenant Song went out quietly to Maozhou City.

  He looked back at the team that couldn’t even fire a torch, and pursed his mouth, "You general, don’t worry, you are not afraid that King Yizhou will leave someone along the way?"

  Song Captain said confidently: "What about keeping people? Don't worry, Mrs. Yang, Yizhou Wangzhen sends troops to chase him, and the general will stop him."

  These people are all Yinli’s old men. Since he has sent troops and horses back, he is a general.

   "If this is the case, let's put the fire on it," Yang Heshu stopped the horse and gave the order simply, "Let someone light a torch and speed up."

  Song Captain: "...Master Yang, isn't this bad?"

   "What's wrong? I really want to walk in the dark. It's dawn when we get to Maozhou City."

   just arrives after dawn, so it’s good to make a difference in time.

  But when Captain Song saw that Yang Heshu insisted, he could only send the order. There was no way. The general said before he came out that he would obey Yang Heshu's instructions.

  The torch was gradually lit up in the team. The soldiers who had been worried looked at the torch with a little confidence, and started to trot forward with the torch.

  The speed of the group of them was much faster. It was late at night when they came out of the mountain. After running for more than half an hour, they were in the wilderness. Only then did Yang Heshu stop and let them rest.

  Yang Heshu called for Xiaowei Song, "I have something I need them to do. They won't offend the villagers, right?"

  School Lieutenant Song said with a straight face: "Don't worry, your lord, our western army has never committed any crime to the people."

  Yang Heshu listened to this, and only believed three points in his heart, because soldiers in military disasters have always been the same as bandits, and sometimes even worse than bandits.

  However, Yang Heshu also nodded seriously and said: "Then you go and order ninety people to come, I have something to tell them."

  When everyone arrived, Yang Heshu took out a map he drew temporarily in the afternoon. Naturally it was not very accurate, but it should not be much worse.

  Since receiving a letter from Bai Shan and the others, saying that the remaining private soldiers might be hiding in Maozhou, he and Tang Zhihe began to secretly explore Maozhou.

  Of course, I also told Yin Li.

  In the end, Yin Li found the place where the troops were stationed.

  But he and Tang Zhihe did not get nothing.

The two went through all the counties in Maozhou and the villages under their jurisdiction. In addition to consulting the classics, they also sent people to go through it again. At that time, they were to check the places where the soldiers were stationed. Later, they thought, if it was true. Can't stop the military disaster, how do these people move into the city?

   is different from Yin Li. He is a general who only takes care of wars. The county magistrates Yang and Tang are the parents of the same county. They are not thinking about winning the war, but how to protect the people and their property in the disaster.

  After all, Yinli left after the battle, but they wanted to manage the place.

  If King Yizhou wants to send troops, his first move is definitely not to go north, but to occupy Maozhou first, and then go south to take Mianzhou and Yizhou.

  Especially Yizhou City, that is his fief, and his turf is there. Before entering the capital, he must use Yizhou as his base.

  So unfortunately, the jurisdictions governed by County Magistrate Tang and County Magistrate Yang are among the prime targets of King Yizhou.

  So they just used Maozhou to make a hypothesis.

Yang Heshu did not expect that he would use these things so soon. He pointed out the villages that would be affected by King Yizhou on the map and said, "You three are in a team. Go to a village to find the village chief or Lizheng. , Let them go to the city to hide immediately."

  Song Captain said: "Do you also enter the city if you are far away? I'm afraid that you will encounter chaos on the road, and they don't want it."

  Yang He Shudao: "These villages are on the road of rebellion attacking or dispersing, not very far from Maozhou City."

  He said: "Your general now has only 29,000 people, against 27,000 people. I don't think he can take everyone down in one fell swoop. Once the rebellion army retreats or collapses, these people will face the rebellion army."

  Lieutenant Song glanced at the road signs on the map and found that it was really true.

  So he nodded, and ordered to go down, three people and three horses, let them lead the village and leave.

  He said: "After the notice arrives, return to the city and return to the team. No matter whether they listen or not, you should not stay longer."

  Ninety soldiers understood as soon as they heard it. If there are villages that don’t listen, if they delay, they will die if they encounter a rebellion on the road.

  All the soldiers responded, riding away on horseback.

  Yang Heshu did not say no to this order, but put away the map and said: "Let’s go, let’s go, we have to control Maozhou City before dawn."

  Song's lieutenant's eyes flashed. Although the family prince's decision was beyond his expectation, he still obeyed.

  The army of only 910 people continued to move forward. After another half an hour, they arrived near Maozhou. Yang Heshu stopped his horse and asked Lieutenant Song: "How can I open the gates of Maozhou at night?"

  Song Lieutenant hesitated: "Fake military information, saying that it is Tubo's side deduction?"

  Yang Heshu: "...This is the East Gate, should the Tibetan side be called Ximen or North Gate?"

Lieutenant Song was a little embarrassed on his face. It was true. He smiled and said: "Really, and Tubo just buckles. This military situation will not come to Maozhou first. Our western army will be stationed on the border. Military sentiment sent to Beijing."

  Yang Heshu pondered for a moment and said, "Just say that it is the Yizhou Wang Jibao. Let them open the door."

  Song Captain was taken aback, "This works? The local garrison guards the gate. Wouldn't it be exposed if the guard is not the Yizhou King 1st line?"

  Yang He said: “They will report it to the governor of Maozhou. They just call the door. They really can’t find a way to open it. Anyway, we must enter the city before dawn.”

  Otherwise, if the city gates cannot be controlled in advance, the people who have fled can not be accommodated.

  Song Xiaowei responded, and ordered twenty or so people to go forward with him to call the door.

  Yang Heshu left behind with the remaining soldiers and horses.

The army gradually approached, and the soldier who was dozing on the wall gradually reacted. He rubbed his eyes and saw that there were indeed continuous torches below. He immediately awakened his companion next to him and motioned him to see, "What's going on, who's caravan? So long?"

  The companion woke up, "This is not a caravan? Where can there be so many people in the caravan?"

    temporarily moved to the study room, my goodness, my study room was so dirty

     The next chapter is around ten thirty in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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