Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 122: Points are required (Yunqi recommends sixty-five thousand votes)

  Chapter 122 points are needed (from the cloud, the recommended votes are sixty-five thousand plus more)

Then, what Man Bao looked at, he felt that there was more soil than leaves, so he was unhappy. They pulled Da Ya and they went to the bottom of the tree on the next mountain, and directly pulled the rotten leaves that fell on the ground together, and put them in the basket. Carry it into the pit and pour it in.

On Tuesday Lang originally didn't know what they were doing. When he saw a few children carrying a large basket of rotten leaves, his eyes were about to protrude. He jumped into thunder, "This basket is a good basket, it’s used to hold rice. Who told you to pretend to be rotten leaves?"

  Man Bao was taken aback, and Da Ya and the others dropped the basket and ran away, so angry that Tu Lang cursed at the back, "I will go back to see if I will beat you at night!"

Looking at the basket lying next to the pit again, Tue Lang was so distressed that he poured the rotten leaves inside into the pit and patted it. He could only put it aside and planned to wash it in the river for a while. .

   Zhou Dalang looked at him and laughed, and said, “It must be Man Bao’s idea. This kid doesn’t know where so many weird ideas came from.”

"What's the matter? Isn't the fattening method currently used in our village that the uncle learned from the outside and told us?" Wei Lang disapproved, and he was a little regretful. "Unfortunately, Man Bao is a girl, otherwise if he is farming, It must be a good crop handle."

On Tuesday Lang couldn’t help rolling his eyes, “What’s so good about farming? It’s too tiring to be in the sun. I think Man Bao is a good girl. After reading, I will find a good family in town to marry him. ."

  Manbao and Datou ran away quickly, and a group of children laughed when they saw the adults catching up. Obviously they were too happy.

Man Bao looked at his dirty hands and proposed to wash his hands by the river. Then Da Ya sternly refused, "My mother said, it is okay for my sister to go to the field to play, but if you dare to go to the river, one counts one. , All break their legs."

Datou and Ertou Erya also nodded again and again, persuading: "Sister, if you want to wash your hands, go home and wash."

  Man Bao could only nod his head, "Okay."

  The six brothers of Zhou's family are still busy working in the field, while the three of Zhou Xi and Xiaoqian are in the house to screen the rice seeds for the last time.

  They mainly plant rice and beans in spring.

  When the rice seeds are selected, the field is about to be plowed. When there is no water, the field must be turned over. After the rain has accumulated in the field, the plowing will be performed again, and then the seedlings can be planted.

  Now everyone is still at ease. When February begins, everyone will start to have trouble.

   Put the full rice seed in the dustpan, Man Bao only glanced when he ran back, and then squatted in the yard to wash his hands with the big heads.

   Seeing them fetching water, Xiao Qian immediately stepped forward and stared.

A group of children like to play in the water, especially Manbao. I don’t know why they like water so much. When it rains, they like to tread on the water. Every day when they come back from school, they have to intervene whenever they see them doing vegetable washing. He said that he was helping, but in fact it was to add to the chaos. In the end, he didn't talk about getting the water everywhere, and even got his clothes wet.

  Xiaoqian was angry with Man Bao several times.

  Man Bao, who was about to take a picture of the water, suddenly saw his sister-in-law who appeared behind him.

  That’s the case, she was too guilty, and she raised her head to find nothing to say, "Sister-in-law, do you choose grain seeds?"

  Xiao Qian's "hmm" and continued to stare at her to wash her hands.

  Man Bao could only take out his hand from the water obediently, and simply ran up to join in the fun, but was pulled by the little Qian, and said: "Your hands are wet, and the rice seeds should not get damp."

  Man Bao could only stand aside and watch, and asked, "Sister-in-law, where did the rice seed come from? Did you buy it?"

"I bought only two catties, and the rest are the seeds left at home." Xiao Qian continued to sit back, and carefully put the selected rice seeds into the cloth bag, and said to Qian, "Mother, Da Lang, go buy them." When the rice was planted, the grain shop said that the output of the rice plant this year is two and a half shi per mu."

  Qian didn’t care: “Liangpu says that every year, but how many can actually grow two and a half stones per mu? Just listen to this.”

  Man Bao curiously asked Keke, "How much is the yield per mu in your area?"

  Keke was silent for a while and said: "I don't think you want to know."

   "Why, is it lower than ours?"

"No, it's too high," Keke said. "The rice yield per mu of scientific research data has now been updated to 1250.8 kg per mu. Of course, the average rice yield per mu of non-research data is only 1064.6. Kilogram."

Man Bao has bought so many things from the mall. She knew that one kilogram is equal to two kilograms, so she broke her fingers and counted it as a kilogram, and then replaced it with Dou He Shi. The moment she calculated it, her eyes widened. .

   Kekedao: "You are not wrong. Based on the measurement and weight of your world, one stone is about 53 kilograms. Our yield per mu is eight times that of yours."

  Man Bao wowed in his heart, and asked: "Why do you have such a great yield per mu?"

   "Because our rice is good, we cultivate intensively, and we still have various nutrient solutions and nutrient fertilizers."

  Man Bao immediately said: "I want to buy!"

   "The reason?" Keke said: "There are some things that the host does not have permission to buy, but what reason do you take out after you buy it?"

  Man Bao looked at the rice seeds her mother and sister-in-law were choosing, and immediately said, "I want to buy rice seeds!"

   Kekedao: "The host can go to the mall to find information about rice seeds, but I don’t recommend the host to buy it."


"Because the future rice seeds can basically only be planted for one season. Although the seeds can be sown after harvesting, the yield will drop drastically and it may also induce a variety of diseases, which will then be transmitted to the local normal rice seeds." This is the change made by the grain seed company in the future to ensure its own interests. In a long, long time ago, humans were still used to keeping seeds by themselves, but after thousands of years of changes, human beings have become accustomed to buying from grain seed companies every year. Seeds suitable for their requirements.

  Man Bao’s blood quickly became cold, she collapsed her shoulders and asked, "Is there nothing to do then?"

   "Yes," Keke threw out more than a dozen books in an instant, saying: "Read more and learn about science and culture. It can make you realize many seemingly impossible dreams."

  Man Bao was very excited, and said happily: "I want to read these books!"

  Keke took all the books back in an instant, and said: "Host, these books are not suitable for you at present, and learning knowledge is also a step-by-step process. I recommend you to read this book first."

  Look at Man Bao. The cover is "The Development Process of Farm Manure From Ancient to Present".

  Man Bao dumbfounded.

  Keke continued to give out a book, saying: "There is still this one."

   ""A Thousand Ways to Make Flower Manure"?"

  "Yes, rice seeds are improved or something, the host, you are too young, and your knowledge and cultural level is not up to the level. Let's start with the simple ones. Didn't you just wonder how to fatten up?"

  Man Bao suppressed his excitement, "Okay."

She went back to the room and asked for a book, but Keke said: "Host, this "The Development Process of Farm Manure from Ancient to Today" costs 25 points, and "A Thousand Ways of Making Flower Manure" costs 20 points. ."

    There is a chapter recommendation ticket plus more at around 8 pm



  (End of this chapter)

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