Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1222: Ready to work

   Chapter 1222 Preparations

  Man Bao came in with the medicine box, and Xiang Liuye immediately let go of his position. Man Bao handed the medicine bag to Xiang Chang, "This is the medicine for your son. This is the ointment. You should heal the wound sooner."

  Xiang Chang wrote down one by one, and Xiang Mingxue cared more about his feet. He tentatively asked: "Miss Zhou mentioned that my hamstrings can be connected..."

  Man Bao said: "I have asked the treasurer Zheng and the doctor Zheng to talk about it. When he finds all the people, we will start researching and researching. Your health is not good. You have to take care of your body before you can perform the operation."

  Xiang Mingxue breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Trouble Dr. Zhou Xiao."

  Xiang Liuye took the opportunity to ask Xiang Mingxue to stay here for treatment. The environment where they rented is far inferior to this, let alone Zhouman is still here.

  Man Bao didn't think there was anything. He agreed as soon as he mentioned it. The operation was performed later, and she had to watch it every day.

  Man Bao looked at Xiang Mingxue, and then at his ankle. Although he was a little unwilling, he still asked Keke to scan his body data.

  Keke happily deducted a point, and then scanned.

  Man Bao decided to enter the data into the anthropomorphic model after eating and resting for a while, and first look at the effect of the operation on him.

  Manbao’s current points are a bit miserable, mainly because he was assassinated and fell into the water before. In order to save them, Keke bought them two breathable things, and the things are still in the system space.

  Because the technology of things is much higher than this era, so many points are deducted from Manbao.

  And through this incident, Man Bao also realized that her usual savings are correct, and the points just can’t be squandered, so that they can have enough points to buy life-saving things in critical moments.

  Koko insisted that she was stingy, just like her father.

Mr. Jiang and the others have all eaten. They are sitting in the study with Mr. Zhuang drinking tea and chatting. Through the window, they can see Man Bao’s busy yard spinning around. While holding a book, he turned his head and sighed with Mr. Zhuang: "I have brought many disciples, but such a self-disciplined disciple is rare. It is a good blessing."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and took a sip of tea, and said a few words of humility.

  Mr. Chen was a little curious, "Isn't your disciple's father being posthumously awarded as a Mianzhou pastoralist? Why did she go to Jishitang to study medicine?"

  Mr. Zhuang calmly said: “She is a doctor, so naturally she wants to study medicine. I can’t teach her much now. I will teach her three texts every ten days and arrange some classwork.”

  Mr. Jiang flipped through the homework on the case before him, and became curious, “Is this class Bai Shan or Bai Erlang’s?”

  Mr. Zhuang took a look and said, "It's Zhouman's."

  Mr. Jiang:...

  Mr. Chen saw that his expression was wrong, so he got up and looked at him curiously.

  Manbao’s characters are neat and tidy, and it is a regular script suitable for exams and writing, so Mr. Chen can read ten lines at a glance.

  However, he did not read ten lines at a glance, but carefully read this article through.

   After a while, he closed his classwork and sighed with Mr. Zhuang: "Such an article... It's a pity that she studies medicine."

  Mr. Zhuang: " can it be a pity to save the dead and heal the wounded?"

  Mr. Jiang also nodded, "Brother Chen has taken pictures."

Mr. Chen thought it was true, then put down the notebook and shook his head: "I originally said that she should learn some female celebrity cooking, or piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy. Now it seems that she has this kind of literary talent and knowledge. These are waste."

  Mr. Zhuang raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

  Mr. Jiang and Mr. Chen are not much interested in the legendary story of Xiang Mingxue at the moment, instead they remember the three disciples who hung up how Mr. Zhuang taught.

  So the three gentlemen talked about the topic of education, until Bai Shan and the others came back from school, they still had some ideas.

  Man Bao took out the treatment plan for Xiang Mingxue after eating lunch. After getting familiar with it, he closed the doors and windows and entered the system to find an anthropomorphic model.

Man Bao took the data from Keke and inputted it into the anthropomorphic model's system bit by bit. He watched various unhealed wounds appear on his body, his body data began to decline, and his ankles became distorted. .

  When everything was ready, Man Bao contacted Teacher Mo.

  Keke helped send the video to Teacher Mo.

Teacher Mo took a look at the patient’s data, then at the lying anthropomorphic model, and Man Bao said: “His break time is too long. With your environment and medicine, even if the hamstring is connected, the later stage I am afraid that the rehabilitation effect is not very satisfactory."

  Teacher Mo also restored the video to Manbao. This is not difficult. Although it is not possible to connect to the video face-to-face, the speed of video communication is also very fast. The two teachers and students have long been accustomed to this way of communication.

He took out a notebook from the bookshelf. Since Man Bao was in jail, he has been studying Xiang Mingxue's cases with her, and based on his combined various materials and the opinions of colleagues, there is a solid treatment plan. Booked.

He opened it and said to Man Bao: "I told you that the tendon is ruptured, oh, what you call the hamstring. Because of its limited regenerative ability, humans did not overcome this problem until the middle of the 21st century. However, it was not until the 22nd century that drugs were developed to ensure the activity of tendons and ligaments..."

  Mr. Mo was still recording, Man Bao took advantage of this effort to open the toolbox, and when Mr. Mo’s video came over, she sat next to the anthropomorphic model with her chin and watched it.

  "...I and two colleagues conducted a reverse experiment, reversed the potion, and combined the various medicinal materials from your place to barely synthesize an ointment, but I doubt that it can be replicated with your existing technology."

  Although she was skeptical, Teacher Mo still told her about the medicinal materials needed for the ointment, the quantity, and the production process.

  A video is attached.

  Man Bao just clicked in and took a look before pushing it out. She hadn’t seen anything in the experiment except for the medicinal materials on the plate in the video.

   But since the medicinal materials are available, she decided to look back and study again when she was free. Now...

  Manbao recorded the video and posted it, “I decided to try a knife first to see if I can connect the hamstrings. I will study how to make the ointment later in the evening.”

  Ms. Mo said that there is no problem, anyway, the anthropomorphic model can be restored with one key after use. As long as it is not subjected to a devastating blow, such as being cut into pieces and completely disconnected, or burned by fire, it can be restored with one key.

  Man Bao asked Keke to record a video of her operation. When she turned back, she had to discuss with Teacher Mo, she also had to take a look.

   So Man Bao showed the scalpel, smiled crookedly, looked at the ankle of the anthropomorphic model, and cut it...

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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