Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1228: backbone

   Chapter 1228

  Xiang Mingxue, who was reading in the house, heard the dialogue in the yard, and couldn't help putting down the book, looking at the master and apprentice in the yard through the window.

  Mr. Zhuang lowered his head to meet his disciple’s sparkling eyes, and couldn't help sighing deeply.

  He thought about walking in the yard, he also hesitated in his heart, is it right to let Man Bao go further and further on this path of studying medicine.

  Especially after she showed more and more her talent in reading and her understanding of world affairs.

  But all the hesitation was when the child looked up at the starry sky and made a wish, saying that she would become the most powerful doctor in the world, and disappeared when she helped the wounded.

Mr. Zhuang turned around twice, and after careful consideration, he said, "Man Bao, the three of you have lived in Qili Village since you were young. You don’t know much about the outside world, and your environment is simpler than Bai Shan and Bai Cheng. There are some things. My husband never taught you specifically, and your family loves you again, so there are some things you never felt."

  Man Bao listened carefully.

  "In the outside world, people are divided into three, six or nine classes."

  Man Bao nodded and said: "I know, the scholars, farmers, commerce and industry, and slaves and maids, sinners."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and shook his head slightly and said: "You said so easily, obviously you don't know."

  Man Bao looked at Mr. Zhuang suspiciously.

Mr. Zhuang touched her head and said: "Let's put it this way, the world thinks that witch doctors and musicians are despised by gentlemen, doctors are among the talents, craftsmen, and their status is still lower than that of merchants."

  Man Bao opened his mouth wide, and it took a while to find a reason to refute, "No, Shang Ke has no officials. Our doctor has officials."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and nodded, "You are right to say that, so the healer is not registered and called by the government like other craftsmen."

  Be aware that craftsmen are very hard, they have to be registered, and they often have to do white work for the public, and sometimes they will be recruited for free when they encounter large-scale events.

  For example, in military service, there are regulations on the number of days that farmers or common people must serve in military service each year, and local officials will not and dare not delay it for too long.

  Otherwise, the labor is too hard, and the common people rallied and attacked. What should I do if I engage in an uprising?

  But not for craftsmen. If you want to build roads, call craftsmen; if you want to repair water conservancy, call craftsmen; if you want to build palaces, call craftsmen; if you want to fight, you must call craftsmen...

  Some craftsmen were recruited for two or three years, and some were even taken to another place, and they were constantly seconded, and their family members could not be found at all. Sometimes they had been away from home for more than ten or twenty years when they were released back to their hometowns.

   Mr. Zhuang said: "It is now less, but in the past, if there were no doctors in the army if there was a big battle, the army would also recruit doctors from the local to the army."

  If you enter the army, you will be a medic. You can't run casually. You will desert you when you run, and you will be decapitated.

  He said: "You can go from a military doctor to the Taiyuan Hospital, and you can also go back to your hometown from the Taiyuan Hospital to be raised. There is only one Fan Taiyi in a few dynasties."

  Man Bao faintly understood, "So the status of doctors is actually very low."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded slightly, "And you are still a female doctor, in the eyes of the world, your status is even lower, but the educated people will be two more polite to the doctor, and will not be angry at every turn."

  There are also some who drew swords and cut people casually like the prince, but very rarely.

"Mrs. Cheng Er was polite to you before because you are a healer. If you want to see a doctor for her, you will be two more polite, and you will get along well in the future;" Mr. Zhuang said, "I respect you now, I think, one is because you are already there. It is different. Although your father is a posthumous gift, he has a righteousness, you have a filial piety, and you can read and write, so you can be a scholar; and after you are a loyal minister, you are willing to do this thing to save the dead, and you are naturally worthy of respect."

  Man Bao thoughtfully.

"So you see, not all people in this world come here according to the rules. There are people in this world who can see through like Madam Cheng's. Naturally, there are people who can't see these and only recognize the rigid rules in this world. In the future you will meet more people, all kinds of people."

   Mr. Zhuang said: "These people may recognize you as a ‘shi’, or they may only recognize you as a ‘medicine’. But no matter what others think of you, you are what you think you are."

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "I think I am a doctor, and I can also be a scholar, but I don't think that a doctor is inferior to a scholar."

Mr. Zhuang laughed, "That's right."

  He smiled and touched her head, "I can barely count as a scholar as a teacher. Your father and brothers in your family are farmers. In your heart, are there any distinctions between the status of us?"

  Man Bao shook his head embarrassedly, "No."

"This is the world's human relations, and the rules are set by people, but in this world, how can there be scholars who are only friends with scholars, farmers only make friends with farmers, and merchants only associate with merchants?" Mr. Zhuang said: " In the future, you will meet more people. Some will have the same attitude towards you from the beginning to the end, and some will always change. You don’t need to worry about these changes, let alone change yourself for these changes. The original intention, understand?"

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, "Stick to yourself and never forget your original intention."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded approvingly. He likes to teach such a disciple, and it makes sense at one point. He talked about it and simply sat down on the chair and talked more thoroughly with her.

"The distinction between high and low in this world is nothing more than the rules that some wise people want to make deliberately to restrain fools. This is something that has existed since the Xia and Shang era. Of course, the flesh and blood of us can't change this rule." He said: "But the heart is our own. Just keep some things in your heart. If you don't feel that you are humble, then you are not humble. This is spine."

  Man Bao started thinking with her small face, digesting the things her husband taught her today.

Xiang Mingxue in the room was also dumbfounded. He pulled the book tightly. He didn't know how long it took before he came back to his senses when he heard the huhhaha voice. He looked outside and saw Bai Erlang mentioning it. The book basket rushed into the yard with cheers all the way, Bai Shan followed closely...

  Man Bao, who had been thinking about it, was also awakened. She turned her head to look at the two of them and asked, "What are you doing?"

  Bai Erlang and Bai Shan sloppyly bowed to their husband and rushed to Man Bao together, and asked with bright eyes: "Man Bao, where is your horse?"

  Man Bao: " do you know?"

  Bai Shan said, “When we came back, we stopped at Ji Shitang and thought you didn’t come back. Xiao Shao said that you bought the horse and came back by yourself. Where is your horse? Is it in the front yard?”

  Shiajiro also looked at her enthusiastically.

  Man Bao: "……"

  She struggled a bit, but she was still between the two of them. No, the three of them had their shining gazes bit the bullet and said: "If I said I gave the little pony to someone else, do you believe it?"

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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