Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1240: Open a seat

   Chapter 1240

In the end, Zhou Man’s genealogy was not resolved. After the completed genealogy was tribute, everyone would tell their ancestors after offering incense and worship, and then the village chief took the genealogy home, and others picked up the chickens and ducks on the case. The sheep went back to his old Zhou's home to cook.

  After the ancestors finished eating, it would naturally be their turn to eat.

  The old Zhou family borrowed many tables and chairs. The two yards could not fit, so they were placed on the road outside. Not only the villagers of Qili Village, but also the in-laws of the old Zhou family came.

  Liu County Lieutenant, who was temporarily acting as the magistrate of Luojiang County, also came. Of course, he did not come in vain, and he also brought condolences.

Zhou Yin was posthumously awarded as a state animal husbandry. Not only did Qili Village have a bright face, but Luojiang County also has a bright face. Although he has a good reputation and has no practical benefits, he thinks that when he returns to Mianzhou, he may have to send officials over. Condolences.

  So he wanted to erect a monument at the entrance of Qili Village to record Zhou Yin's affairs, but before coming to Zhang's master book to remind him, he just remembered that the empress mother was still there.

  Although they are far away from the emperor Tiangao in Luojiang County, the big figures in the capital may not know what they are doing, but they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case they are not?

  So he suppressed it.

  However, the Zhou family and the Yang County magistrate have a good relationship, and they have made great contributions to the rebellion of King Pingyizhou. Now the Yang County magistrate has returned to the capital, the Zhou family may really take off in the future.

  In addition, the Zhou family’s financial contribution to Luojiang County in recent years has also been quite large. After many considerations, Lieutenant Liu decided that the monument could not be erected for the time being, but the relationship could not be left behind.

  So he brought his subordinates and came over with condolences.

  For their arrival, Lao Zhou’s family welcomed them very much, and arranged them and Master Bai in the seats, and then the seats were opened lively.

   Aunt Qian took Qian’s hand and whispered in the room, “Okay, okay, your hardship is finally over, and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

  Qian nodded with a smile, "I said the same, thanks to my eldest brother and sister-in-law who helped us cover up over the years."

  Otherwise, Man Bao’s life experience can’t be kept from his relatives in Qian’s village.

   Aunt Qian laughed and said, "Are we still talking about this between our aunts? By the way, Man Bao's birthday is coming soon, she is also thirteen, should we say kiss?"

  Qian smiled and said, “It’s okay, but the sixth child is not married. She is like a child, so I don’t worry, let’s let it go for a few more years.”

   "Yes," Aunt Qian also followed her to start her sorrow. "How come your sixth child hasn't said a kiss? If you delay it, you won't be able to ask your daughter-in-law in the future."

Qian also sighed, "Who would say no, but he is in the capital now, and I can't tell him. But I have discussed with his father, and when he comes back, we must say a kiss and leave before we get married. ."

   Aunt Qian became worried, "Big head is also in the capital, he has reached his age."

  Big head is her grandson, she is still very worried. When she thinks of big head, she thinks of big girl, "By the way, I heard that you are going to say kiss to big girl?"

   "It's not someone else's home either," Qian motioned her to look outside. "The grandson who grew up in the house is also studying. I have seen it. He has good character and appearance. Now he is not in good shape."

   Aunt Qian opened her eyebrows comfortably, bending her eyes with joy, and said with a smile: "This marriage is good, this marriage is good."

Is    bad?

  The chiefs are generally held by middle-aged and elderly people who are highly respected in the township. If they are not listed, they are very rich, have a lot of land, and are very powerful in the locality.

  Li Chang's family is between the two.

  He has been in the li for many years, and now he doesn’t walk when he goes out. He is pulled by a bullock cart or pushed by a pallet, but no one can replace him.

  If you have any problems in the village, you usually first find the village head. If the village head can’t solve the problem, you will find the chief of the village. Generally, except for the case of death, the chief of the village can do everything.

  Therefore, the power of the district chief is still quite big. This means that the county magistrate is inferior to the current administration, and the district chief happens to be the one currently in charge.

  In the past few years, Lao Zhoutou had a dream and never thought that he would be able to make a relationship with the elder’s family.

Qian said, "The rest of their family is good, but they have few brothers, they have two sons in the house, and there are only three grandchildren, but they all know the bottom line, and his family is considered harmonious. If Da Ya talks about his house, it will be easy to go home. Not to mention, we can also take care of it."

   Aunt Qian nodded, "That’s the truth."

  It is a pity that Ertou and Erya, who are also of the same age, are also in the capital. The remaining few are still young and are not enough to talk about their relatives, so the aunts and sisters stopped talking and talked about this year's harvest.

At this time, Bai Shan in the capital had just pulled a pony out of the carriage. He listened to the treasure, and led the horse back down the street. After walking for a while, he saw a small alley, but he Did not go in, but stood at the street and waited for her.

  Man Bao was caught by Lady Han.

  She rested today and didn't need to go to Jishitang, but today she wants to go to the fortune, so she went to Erliu Lane and gave Fu Wenyun a pulse, mainly to tell her what she had inquired about.

  Then the two of them hid in the room and whispered, and they were in good health. Fu Wenyun finally found the unsightly folds on her stomach, so Man Bao recommended the ointment to her.

  In order to prevent her good friend from being pitted by Zheng Da’s shopkeeper, she went on a special trip with Qiuyue, only to buy the ointment for Qiuyue. Before she could go out, she was blocked by Lady Han.

  She came to Man Bao on purpose, or for her sister's business.

  Ms. Han said: "Miss Zhou, my fifth sister is almost eight months pregnant. I wonder when you have time to take a look?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow is all right, you can let her come over."

  Sister Han paused and asked, "Can't Miss Zhou go to Yongzhou for a visit? It's not very far, you can go back and forth in one day."

  Man Bao has never been to Yongzhou, but he knows the journey, because Dr. Ding has been out of Yongzhou’s outpatient clinic and said that he can go back and forth in one day. That must be because it takes no time to see a doctor.

  She said: "I need to sit in half-paradise here at Ji Shitang, unless there is an emergency, so I should ask Lady Han Wu to come over."

   "Also, since it is almost eight months old, it should be about to give birth. Didn't the Han Damaid come to me because I had delivered a child to the Yue family's daughter-in-law in Songzi Alley?"

  Manny Han's eyebrows jumped, she really found Manbao because of this, otherwise, if you are going to see a doctor, their family can afford to hire a doctor, and the wife can also touch the fetus. There are not many people who can get Manbao for practical use.

  Man Baodao: “It’s impossible for me to leave the capital to live in Yongzhou for several days, so for the convenience of subsequent production, I still have to ask Lady Han Wu to come over.”

  Ms. Han nodded after hesitating for a while, "Okay, I will send someone to pick her up today, and I will ask Miss Zhou to come to see her tomorrow."

  Manbao said that there is no problem, and asked her to send someone to Jishitang tomorrow to pick her up, "You can come here around noon."

  She still doesn’t know where Lady Han lives.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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