Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1251: Please

   Chapter 1251 Please

  Following Shi Dalang's strength pitted her own cousin Dou Dalang, Dou old lady pitted her grand-nephew back with her strength.

  The treasurer Zheng sent away old lady Dou with satisfaction, and then took three bags of things into Manbao’s consulting room and gave her everything, "These are all sent to you by Mrs. Dou."

  Manbao did not refuse, she was using it now, so she accepted it all. She even took a look at the paper bag, and she became more sure, "This is the brown sugar in our drugstore, right?"

   "The brown sugar in this world is all the same, how did you distinguish it?"

  Man Bao raised his head to look at the treasurer Zheng Da and he was about to say that the treasurer Zheng stopped her, "Okay, you can tidy up the table and prepare to see a doctor. A patient is coming."

  Manbao skipped this matter.

  Man Bao is once again famous in the capital. Of course, the bustle is only in this street at present, but it doesn’t take much effort to come to the capital and you should know it.

  It’s not that the people in the capital love gossip so much, and spread it all over the world when it’s a bit of excitement, but Shi Dalang’s disease is a bit special.

  Too much satisfying people’s gossip psychology.

  Even Doctor Ding, Doctor Tao and others who participated in almost the whole treatment could not help discussing in private, "You said, this Shi family and Dou family will not fight in private, right?"

   Doctor Tao’s medicine boy listened: "No."

  He said: "I heard that Aunt Dou brought brown sugar and eggs back to her family's home yesterday. Aunt Dou introduced Shi Dalang to the doctor again. The Shi family is too grateful."

  Doctor Tao nodded after thinking about it for a while, "Yes, it's still Shi Dalang who had first thought about this matter. His aunt kindly introduced him to the doctor, but he was fine, so he pitted his cousin first."

"Fortunately, the disease has been cured, but only a few days to talk about it," Dr. Ding said with a light cough, turning his head and Man Bao said: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, I also have a patient here. This kidney is a little weak, I Introduce him to you?"

  Man Bao asked: "Who is it?"

"A merchant with the surname Wan," he said, "I'm almost forty. I only gave birth to two daughters. They were born when they were young. They didn't have any sons. Now he is very anxious. My daughter is asking for extras."

  Man Baodao: "I am treating infertility, not treating boys and girls."

"His two daughters, one is now 16 years old, and the other is 15 years old. After giving birth to these two daughters, none of them have been able to give birth to a child. I have touched his pulse, with similar problems as Shi Dalang, and weak kidneys. Would you like to look at his pulse first?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Okay, let him come tomorrow, I'm going to see him later."

  She didn’t say where she was going to see the doctor, but Doctor Ding, they all knew that she was going to go into the palace in disguise.

  Now, she pretends to be a **** and enters the palace to treat the queen by hiding her ears and stealing the bell. Outside the palace, I am afraid that besides the queen mother, she is also kept in the dark. You know what you should know and what you shouldn’t know.

So everyone did not continue this problem tacitly. Man Bao was chatting with them, a few more patients came in in the lobby, the four doctors divided the patients, and after reading them, they would take out their hands to help organize the medicinal materials. Make some ointments, pills and the like, and it's so easy at noon.

  People from the East Palace come to pick up Man Bao.

  Man Bao early changed the clothes of the inner jailer in the room where he was resting in the backyard, and then left with an empty basket.

  Now she doesn’t bring a medicine box when she enters the palace. Everything is available in the Queen’s palace, which is very easy and convenient.

  At the gate of the palace, Man Bao lowered his head as usual for the guards to check.

  The guards checked the empty basket, then opened their eyes and closed their eyes to let them in.

  On how decay is produced?

   is derived from rights and selfishness.

  Man Bao followed the inner supervisor to the Tai Chi Hall. The Queen and the doctors of the Tai Hospital were already waiting. Man Bao still gave the queen’s doctors explanations while piercing the needles.

  After finishing the needle piercing, the queen fell asleep.

The prince    found two medical girls for Man Bao, one is Liu and the other is Xiao.

Doctor Xiao is the daughter of Xiao Yuanzheng. She is a concubine. She was selected into the palace at the age of thirteen, mainly in the imperial hospital. Sometimes the imperial doctors are not good at treating concubines and princesses in the harem. Will obey orders and execute.

  And Liu Yinv is the granddaughter of Liu Taiyi, she is a concubine, but her father is a concubine, originally, she should not enter the palace, even if her father is a concubine, but she is a concubine.

  But she seemed to like medicine very much. She wanted to be a doctor in the palace, so Doctor Liu asked her to come.

  Man Bao also prefers to point her, because she learns faster and can ask questions.

  After piercing the needle, the queen fell asleep in a daze. Man Bao and the two doctors withdrew from the account. Man Bao checked their homework. In fact, they tested their acupoints to see how they remembered.

  Acupuncture points, you have to point it out on your body, and find the right point to be considered mastered.

Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao were both very diligent. They looked for acupuncture points on each other and showed them to Man Bao. After Man Bao pointed out a few shortcomings, he taught them a few new things, and asked them to repeat them. After basically mastering it, he smiled sweetly at them.

   Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao:...

  The two of them felt a little uneasy.

  Man Bao asked in a low voice, “Didn’t you say last time that you also visit family leave every month?”

  The two nodded hesitantly.

Unlike the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital, the doctors all live in the palace, but there are some differences between them and the imperial ladies. Although they live in the palace, they can go home three days a month to enjoy the family relationship with their parents. Joy.

  Man Baodao: "Then can you adjust the fake?"

   The two blinked and glanced at Aunt Shang, who was standing in front of the queen's bed and looking at the queen seriously, and asked in a low voice: "Does Dr. Zhou Xiao have something for us to do?"

  Man Bao said with a big smile: "I want to ask you to help me."

She said: "I have a patient on my hand. I will give birth in about two months. Well, if I count this way, it should have been given birth a year ago. However, she had a bad pregnancy and had to have a C-section. I would like to ask you to help me. Busy, give me a start."

   Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao were shocked, and asked, "Do people have to have a cesarean section before giving birth?"

  Here, isn’t this the death of a man?

  Man Bao saw that they had misunderstood, and quickly explained that her caesarean section is different from that of a caesarean section.

  The two medical girls breathed a sigh of relief.

  Man Bao whispered: "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, no matter what the final result is, I will bear the consequences."

However, she has also made it clear to the Li family and the Han family. Even if it fails, she does not think that the Han and Li family will blame her, but there are still no patients who died in her hands. You still have to plan carefully, and prepare for the first C-section when you go back at night.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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