Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1253: Simulation

  Chapter 1253 Simulation

  Man Bao knew nothing about all this, because after she came out of the palace, she went directly to Ji Shitang to get her medicine box, bought the medicinal materials that Teacher Mo needed, and went home.

Man Bao mailed the medicinal materials to Teacher Mo, then went out to study to change her mind, and took a short rest. After checking the time, she moved her fingers to enter the system. She chose a female anthropomorphic model, and then added the data of Han Wu Niangzi Upload.

  Skip the anesthesia process directly, use the anesthesia data that comes with the system to perform anesthesia, and then take out all her surgical instruments and arrange them.

  Man Bao disinfected her hands, she took a deep breath, pinched the scalpel and started...

  When Man Bao came out of the system, it was almost time to eat dinner. Bai Shan was reading in the study, and Bai Erlang was also working hard in the study.

  Man Bao walked into the study with a pensive expression and sat down at her desk. She opened her notebook and wrote. The operation went well, but she had no experience at the beginning, and her mouth seemed a bit big.

  But the sutures went smoothly in the later stage. After all, she is now a person who can suture tendons.

  Man Bao is doing finger exercises while meditating, so the most important thing is the anesthesia. Make sure that the anesthesia is safe and it is best not to harm the child.

  Recovery after operation...

  Man Bao raised his head and looked out the window. Fortunately, it is winter and the wound is not easy to inflame. In fact, it is very friendly to the patient. Pay more attention...

Man Bao planned in his heart, and decided to discuss with Teacher Mo in the evening the video of the surgery she recorded today to see if there is anything else that needs improvement. Anyway, there are some models in her hands that can be left to observe the wound healing. The other two You can continue.

  Man Bao was planning in his heart, and then he shook hands and took a pen to write down the shortcomings of today's surgery.

  Bai Jiro yelled, put down the pen heavily and screamed cheerfully, "Finally finished writing, Bai Shan, take a look at the new chapter I wrote."

  Bai Shan did not raise his head, and continued to look at the book in his hand, and then said after writing down a few words: "Let it go, I will read it after I have eaten."

  Shirajiro just put it aside, looking out, very excited, "I want to play, we don’t seem to go out for a long time."

  Man Bao looked up and counted a few days before saying: "I will take a rest in four days. Let's go out to play again. By the way, it's time for a needle or a needle tomorrow, remember to let him come over."

  Yes, Man Bao is too busy now, she didn't go to Yin's house to give Yin or see a doctor, but let Yin or come to him.

  Since the exposure, Yin or Manbao has no longer covered up her medical treatment. The medicine she prescribes is taken honestly, and the needles will naturally come here openly.

After returning to Beijing from Yinli, they always felt that Yin might be more free. Although there was one more person next to him, sometimes it was just that the time outside was too late and he no longer rushed home. .

  Bai Shan wrote it down.

  He put down his book, rubbed his eyes to relax his eyes, and then asked, "Daji said you are also known as Manjingcheng?"

  Man Bao said in a somewhat self-satisfied modest manner: "No, that case is actually not very difficult. It was all because of the excitement of the old lady Dou."

  Bai Shandao: "Shi Dalang's illness is somewhat similar to that of the prince. Since you can cure him, can you also cure the prince?"

  Man Bao came back to her senses. She tilted her head and thought for a while and said: "I haven't seen the prince's pulse case."

  Bai Shan nodded, and said, "Be careful when you come and go in these two days. Take a few more people when you pick us up tomorrow."

  He said: "The prince is a national foundation, and his physical condition is quite affected. I am afraid that someone will come to you."

  White Jiro scratched his head and asked, "What does this have to do with the Prince?"

  Bai Shan patted him on the head, lowered his voice and said, "Fool, the prince can't have children. You said it doesn't matter?"

  Nowadays, there are many people who want to find Manbao, including the three princes who have already set a date to leave Beijing, let alone the two camps of the team.

  It's a pity that their speed is too slow. When they received the news and arrived at Ji Shitang, Man Bao had already gone home and did not see the doctor.

  So those who want to inquire about the news can only focus on Doctor Ding, Doctor Tao and others.

  But what they didn't know was that when Liu Niang was diagnosed, the treasurer Zheng gathered the doctor and the guys in the drugstore together for a short while, and told him not to reveal any information about the case.

  Of course, Man Bao is not in this meeting, because the treasurer Zheng knows that her goal is her, and then she will not be asked about her pulse.

  In other words, it's definitely more than just a case of pulse.

  So the people who came to the Jishitang to inquire, except for knowing that Shi Dalang was indeed infertile, and now he was cured, nothing was found out.

Grand Doctor Zheng went to see his elder brother when he went home in the evening and said, "The Xiao Yuan is being called by His Majesty today. After Xiao Yuan is coming back, he asked Madam Liu and I, didn’t you say that you want to get hamstrings with Doctor Zhou Xiao? ?"

"what do you say?"

   "What else can I say? Naturally, to tell the truth, the queen mother is ill now, and the hospital is very busy. I can't get away with Dr. Liu, so the matter is put aside for the time being."

  Princess Zheng poured a cup of tea and said: "Xiao Yuan just removed Madam Liu and me from the list on duty, let's go to the case with Doctor Zhou Xiao."

  The treasurer Zheng said: "This is for you and Doctor Liu to inquire about the news."

  Grand Physician Zheng nodded, he looked at the treasurer Zheng, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, look at the pulse case of Shi Dalang and the pulse case of the prince..."

  The treasurer Zheng said in an angry voice: "I have Shi Dalang's pulse case here, but do you have the prince's pulse case?"

  This is really not there. The prince has always been shown by Xiao Yuan. He naturally has no access to such confidential matters.

   "It looks a bit like it."

"You're still a doctor. This person is different from a person. How can you make a conclusion based on the image?" The treasurer Zheng said: "We are not in a hurry about this. Anxiousness can easily cause trouble. The palace is really moved, and I will definitely come to find it. Doctor Zhou Xiao, she still has to go to the palace to give the queen a needle every two days, isn't she?"

   "It has been changed, it has been changed to three days," Zheng Taiyi said: "It is said that the condition has been stabilized a lot, and the prescription has been changed, and now it is much better."

  The treasurer Zheng nodded, "I just entered today, then we will know the meaning of the palace after another three days. The prince is not in a hurry, why are we in a hurry?"

  The prince is really not in a hurry. He is the last person to receive the news, because no one dares to say such things in front of him.

  He knew that it was because he bumped into the palace man who went to Jishitang to report the news to the princess, and then he knew.

  Of course, whether he bumped into him by accident or was bumped into by "accidental", that doesn't necessarily matter.

  Anyway, he knew the whole story from the princess, and then he waved his hand not caring: “Why is it bothersome? You want to know, when next time she enters the palace to give the queen a needle, you ask her if it’s all right?”

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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