Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1255: Book fan

   Chapter 1255 Book Fan

Man Baocai felt that what he seemed to be saying had some truth, and Grand Doctor Zheng turned around and said to her: "Although this thing does not look as good as a crystal mirror, it is still very useful to Dr. Zhou Xiao, so Dr. Zhou Xiao had better not promote it. Everyone knows it, just know it yourself."

  Early Doctor Liu nodded slightly. Although he hadn't heard of it, the first doctor Zheng nodded when he saw him, he knew that he would not say anything.

  Although this thing is helpful to the imperial physicians, it is not necessary. Neither Royal Doctor Liu nor Royal Doctor Zheng are very excited.

  But they know that there will always be many people in this world who like Qizhen.

  This thing is not important to them, but Zhou Man’s treatment of ulcers is good, I am afraid that many treatments will use this thing.

Thinking of this, after avoiding Dr. Zheng, Mr. Liu could not help but persuade Zhou Man to say a few words, thinking that she should focus more on the research of syndrome differentiation and prescriptions, or acupuncture and other treatment methods can also be used. , And should not put so much energy on ulcer medicine.

"Ulcer medicine is just one of the many treatment methods," he said: "Under the condition that other treatments are available, the method of ulcer medicine is still seldom used. Not to mention that it is easy to damage the blood and blood after moving the knife. Inflammation means that you can restrain both of them, but for ordinary people, such a method is also undesirable."

   "Ordinary people can't even eat the dregs of medicine, so how can they use a treatment like yours?"

  Man Bao looked up at Doctor Liu when he heard the words, and asked: "How did Doctor Liu get into the hospital?"

  Liu Grand Doctor smiled and said: "My family has practiced medicine for generations, but it doesn't have a big reputation. When I was a traveler, I saw too many patients, so I was recommended to the hospital."

  So he knows how difficult the people’s livelihood is, and Zhou Man’s treatment will be used by rich people, and poor people will want to use prescriptions or other convenient treatments.

  Because of his birth, when the imperial physician Zheng was looking for an imperial physician in the imperial hospital who was willing to work with him to lay hands with Zhou Man, only he agreed.

  The other imperial doctors of the Tai hospital don’t know how Zhou Man’s medical skills are?

  Naturally knows.

  But in the palace, everyone left Yu Xiaoyuanzheng and her, but when outside, not everyone was convinced of her.

  Especially her age is still here, except for the young doctor Zheng who is on the rise and wants to learn more medical skills, who will give her a hand?

  Man Bao obviously hadn't considered this. After knowing the history of Doctor Liu, she knew what he said in her heart.

  Already had the consultation, Mr. Liu asked Man Bao when he would like to have the operation.

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "I am going to prepare, about the morning of the day after tomorrow."

  She can ask for leave with Ji Shitang. If it goes well, she will go to the palace in the afternoon to give the queen an injection. The next day she will take a break, so she can go to Xuandu Temple for a dip without any delay.

  Physician Liu and Physician Zheng nodded and agreed to the matter.

  Man Bao began to prepare, and asked the Xiang family brothers to clean up the house, and wash the bedding, and she had to prepare needles and threads.

  The needles used this time are extremely thin, and Manbao asked the treasurer to find a craftsman to make it. However, no craftsman has yet to take the order because it is too fine for ordinary people to pick it up.

  So she decided to buy the needles that day directly from the mall, and the thread should be thinner. She also asked the treasurer Zheng to help them make them early.

Not to mention, it was really made. The very thin gut has been fumigated with medicine. When the shopkeeper Zheng gave this small gut to her, he still reluctantly gave up, "I only charge you for the cost, and you don’t make a profit. Your money, twelve taels."

  Man Bao: ...... What the doctor Liu said is really good, as expected, only rich people can do this kind of surgery.

  But she glanced at the well-prepared gut and nodded. This small handful is long enough.

  The treasurer Zheng has already learned from the treasurer that Man Bao is going to have an operation, but he is not very interested in it.

  How many people can have their hamstrings broken all over the world, let alone they are really easy to run into, this kind of disease seems to be rare, and its practicality is not very big.

  In contrast, infertility is more and more interesting.

The treasurer Zheng gave a light cough. Although the world always blames women for not having children, as a doctor, treasurer Zheng is very clear about this kind of thing, half and half, basically, ten pairs of none Half of the children’s husband and wife are women’s problems, and the other half are men’s problems.

So infertility is really more interesting. I was trying to get Dr. Zhou Xiao to pay more attention to Zheng Da, the treasurer who looked at the young Man Bao, and then swallowed it. Forget it, it’s not in a hurry, she You are still young, so don't frighten people and children.

  The treasurer of Zheng is actually a bit worried. You know, this kid hasn’t even talked about kissing, but when it comes to things like Jingyuan, he is talking about it.

  The treasurer Zheng waved his hand with a headache and said, "Go to the counter to check out. You will have a day off tomorrow."

  Man Bao bowed and retired.

When    arrived in the lobby, she distressedly went out to pay for the money, and at the same time inquired with the shopkeeper Xiao Zheng, “What fumigation do you use for this gut, why is it so expensive?”

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng said: "This is still expensive, do you know how much we are going to take out?"

"have no idea."

"Twenty-two a tie!" Xiaozheng shopkeeper said: "When cooking, add angelica and safflower, and then fumigate with musk, sulfur and atractylodes, especially when separating, the thread you want is extremely thin, and you have to make sure Toughness and length, our pharmacists are almost blind, if it weren’t for very few people, we would also like to set a higher price.”

Man Bao sighed, "No wonder it's so expensive."

  She gave him the money.

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng asked curiously, "Is Xiangjia no money?"

Before Man Bao answered, the shopkeeper Xiao Zheng sighed: "Yes, all of their clan has fallen into that. Now, I am afraid that there is nothing left except the land in Dongxi Village. Where can the money come from? Dr. Zhou Xiao, Why don't you charge a little less for the operation?"

  Man Bao: "...I only charge for medicine and confiscated his money!"

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng rolled his eyes and looked at the door of the backyard. When he saw his father's absence, he lowered his voice and said, "Next time you prescribe a prescription for their home, I will give them a cheaper price."

  Man Bao looked at him suspiciously, "Isn’t it cheaper for me to take medicine from Jishitang?"

  The shopkeeper was silent for a while and then said: "In fact, it can be cheaper, but only Xiang Mingxue, others can't."

  Man Bao took a close look at him, and the shopkeeper Xiaozheng held a strong look at her.

  Man Bao was very suspicious, "You won’t take the money to make up for it yourself?"

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng turned his eyes left and right, and said nothing.

  Man Bao couldn’t help sighing: “It’s great to be the protagonist of the book. I have already thought about it. Let Bai Er write me in the next book.”

  The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng asked, "Does Dr. Zhou Xiao have any stories that can be widely extolled?"

   "I treat illnesses to save people."

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng is not very interested, “I’m seeing people and saving people every day!”

  So what's so interesting?

   See you at eight in the evening

     Today is February 2nd, have you eaten tofu stuffed?



  (End of this chapter)

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