Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1268: Upright

   Chapter 1268

  Man Bao stood in front of the door and waited for a long time. Instead of waiting for Chu Lang to come, he waited for Duke Wu and the imperial army behind him.

  Bai Shan, who was standing at the gate with Man Bao in a daze, saw him and raised his eyebrows at Duke Wu.

  Gonggong Wu quickly explained that they were on the order of the prince to take Zhou Man into the palace to see the princess.

  Man Bao glanced at the forbidden army behind him, and asked, "No need to change the clothes of the inner prison?"

  Wu Gonggong said: "Doctor Zhou Xiao was joking. You are not an internal prisoner, how can you change your clothes?"

  Man Bao understood. She glanced sadly at the end of the alley, turned her head and said to Bai Shan: "Forget it, when my fourth brother comes back and tell him I'm in the palace."

  Bai Shan nodded, then turned back to the backyard with Man Bao.

  Duke Wu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly overtook him, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, this is..."

   "I have to go back and get the medicine box."

  Wu Gonggong wanted to follow, so Bai Shan and Man Bao didn't say anything along the way. When he arrived in the backyard, Wu Gonggong went to say hello to Mr. Zhuang, and Bai Shan followed Man Bao and entered the house.

  Man Bao packed the medicine box, Bai Shan opened the window, watching Wu Gonggong being greeted by Mr. Zhuang into the study, then turned around and said: "It seems that the palace takes this matter very seriously."

  Man Bao looked up and smiled, "It’s not a bad thing, is it?"

  Bai Shan smiled and nodded, reached out and picked up a strand of her untied hair and tangled it on the tugging, and said, “Don’t you like money? If they mention it this time in the palace, you can express it.”

  Bao pursed his mouth and smiled.

  This time, Man Bao entered the palace openly, but instead of going to the Tai Chi Hall, he went directly to the East Palace.

  The princess knew that Man Bao was coming, and when someone arrived, she was sent to pick her up.

  This is not the first time that the two have met. The princess had also appreciated a lot of treasures before, but it was the first time to sit together and talk like this.

  The princess gave a light cough, and then eased the embarrassment, then said: "Dr. Zhou Xiao used premature food?"

  Man Bao nodded, "I used it."

  After a pause, she asked, "Where is your Royal Highness?"

   "His Royal Highness went to the morning," the princess said: "I'll be back in a while, Dr. Zhou Xiao might as well sit and have some refreshments."

  Since people go to the court, why do you pick her up so early?

  But the thoughts just passed by, Man Bao sat on the chair obediently, because she had only eaten early meals, and she didn't want to eat snacks too much.

  The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing for a while. The princess remembered what the prince had mentioned to her last time, so she got up and smiled: “Why don’t we go for a walk in the garden? I heard that Dr. Zhou Xiao likes to raise some flowers and plants.”

  Man Bao's eyes lit up and immediately stood up, "Yes, I like flowers and plants very much."

  It was the first time that she had expressed her likes and dislikes in front of the princess, so she couldn't bear to smile bigger, so she took Man Bao to the garden of the East Palace.

  At this time, many trees in the garden have fallen leaves, but there are also many flowers and trees that have been well taken care of. The most important thing is that they have a special greenhouse for growing flowers.

  The precious flowers and plants are all in the pots and moved to the greenhouse. They will not be removed until the spring is warm, but Man Bao is not very interested in them now.

  She is more interested in the flowers and plants in the garden that seem to be dry or bare.

  Keke seemed to have realized something. Since entering the garden, Ding Ling started to show Man Bao the way, telling her what plant data was not included.

  Man Bao walked for a while before squatting down, pointing to a small tree with no leaves and asking, "What kind of flower is this?"

  The princess thought for a while and then smiled: "It seems to be called Huang Dumei, why does Dr. Zhou Xiao like it?"

  I can't see its flowers now. I can't be sure what it is called by simply scanning the branches and branches. However, it is right that the scanned branch data does not overlap in the system, so it is not included.

  Manbao smiled and nodded after receiving the affirmative answer from Keke, and found a special reason, "Looking at its branches, it looks like it’s blooming."

  The princess smiled and said, "At that moment, I will ask someone to dig a plant and send it to Doctor Zhou Xiao."

  Man Bao smiled shyly, "I'm so sorry, I think it has strong branches and many branches, so it's better to give me one branch."

  Princess: ... She thought she didn't want it anymore.

  She smiled and said, “It doesn’t have to be this way. There are still several plants in our garden.”

   After that, she asked the palace behind to write it down, and she was going to dig it back to Changqing Lane.

  Man Bao saw that she was so generous, so he walked around the garden boldly, picking many plants she hadn’t seen, nine plants in total.

  Man Bao and Keke have not experienced this amount of gains for a long time. She is not good, and Keke is also very happy.

The princess did not think so. She felt that Man Bao was a little strange. The flowers and plants she chose were not particularly precious, and some did not even have an impression of her. When she asked the gardener, he said that they were very small flowers. Not too precious.

  But she likes it very much, but she doesn't even look at the peonies and chrysanthemums in the greenhouse.

Man Bao was satisfied and walked back with the princess. After drinking a cup of tea, she let go a lot. She said, "Manny, should I get your pulse first? You have to prepare for pregnancy too, and you will also have to eat some. Medicine or something."

  The princess took the tea in her hand and just took a meal, "I want to take medicine too?"

  Man Bao nodded and said: "Generally speaking, preparing for pregnancy before pregnancy is not only good for the mother, but also good for the fetus. The child may be healthier, smarter, and easier to conceive a child."

  The prince concubine sat up slightly, nodded sternly and said: "Then trouble Dr. Zhou Xiao."

  She looked at the maid on the side, they immediately moved a small stool and placed it under the princess's seat, and asked Man Bao to come forward to see the doctor.

  Man Bao went to find his medicine chest and took the pulse pillow out of it.

  The prince's body is actually not very good, especially some time ago, she was ill with qi, now it seems nothing, but she is too worried, so the body is not very good.

  It seems that she has to adjust her body before getting pregnant.

  Man Bao always likes to tell the patient about the condition in detail before prescribing the prescription, so that she knows how to recover from the illness.

  The princess was only slightly surprised, but she soon thought that the imperial physicians had also persuaded one or two words, saying that she was too worried and asked her to relax.

  The princess feels that what the imperial doctors are talking about is nonsense. As a princess, can she not worry about it?

  There is a young uncle who wants to pull her husband down and become the prince. The Minister of the Central Government impeaches the prince and her family at every turn, and the prince still has no children under his knees. The prince has been violent and angry in three days...

  She wants to be at ease, but she has to have conditions.

  But she didn't expect pregnancy to have such a big relationship with worry.

  The princess asked hesitantly: "If you have been worrying too much, have you been unable to have a child?"

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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