Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1270: Yunyong

   Chapter 1270 Yunyong

Man Bao took the cart of flowers and plants home, and then began to divide the plants into Keke. When Bai Shan and the others came back from playing, Man Bao was squatting on the side of the flowerpot to fill in the spilled soil. go back.

  Bai Shan looked around and asked, "You just put these things like this?"

  Man Baodao: "They were all dug outdoors. Since they could survive the winter before, of course they can now. Looking back, I will find some straw or wheat straw to cover them, so I can barely keep them warm."

  Man Bao patted the mud on his hands and asked, "What did you do?"

   "Ride a horse," Bai Shan said, "We went to the eastern suburbs and ran a horse."

  Man Bao's eyes shimmered slightly, and he asked enthusiastically: "How do you feel?"

   "It feels cold," Bai Shan said, "We decided not to ride a horse before spring, and we don't recommend you to ride a horse. It's really, it's too cold."

Bai Erlang also asked her to look at his face, "How is it, is there any crack? The wind is like a knife. I regretted it as soon as the green ears ran, but I liked it very much, and I couldn't stop it suddenly. "

  Man Bao: "What about my Chi Ji?"

   "Don't worry, it ran a lap with it, and now I am happy." Bai Shan helped arrange the flower pot before asking, "Is this all from the prince?"

  Man Bao nodded, "The crown prince led me to choose, don't tell me, they are quite generous."

  Hakujiro still can't understand why she likes flowers and plants so much. He looked around and found that there was no one he knew, so he just threw his hands away and ran back to wash his hands and prepare to eat.

  Bai Shan said: "Let’s go, it’s time for lunch."

After lunch, Man Bao went to Xiang Mingxue to get an analgesic needle. This time she changed a set of needles. The effect was not as good as the previous one. She made a good record and planned to take it with Teacher Mo later. Research and research.

  Mr. Mo is still doing research on the two anesthetic prescriptions, and both of them have maintained a frequency of communication for at least one hour at night during this period.

  But Chu Lang was not in a hurry to see the great treasurer of Ji Shitang, he went back home in the middle, called the third son and they went out and wandered around.

  Of course, it’s not just walking around without a purpose. Wui Lang is with them.

  Because of the need to buy ingredients for restaurants, Wu Lang met many people, and he also knew which places were selling and what the prices were.

Friday Lang took Chu Lang to walk around today, and waited for Man Bao to come out of the room. Chu Lang and the others hadn’t come back yet. He asked someone to come back and spread the word, saying that they would not eat at home tonight, but instead. Eat in a restaurant.

After Thursday Lang asked Saturday Lang’s opinion, he went to the old man Qiu next door to have a drink, and reached the relevant intention at the wine table. Old man Qiu expressed his own demands, and Thursday Lang also expressed his concerns. Both sides expressed their understanding. So the matter was temporarily shelved.

  But neither side stopped Saturday Lang and Qiu Peiniang from coming and going. Old man Qiu felt that he was reluctant to bear the child and could not get rid of the wolf. Chu Lang felt that he could marry his wife as soon as Saturday Lang was old. Now he still has to let him get started.

  So the two families are happy, and the atmosphere is still peaceful, and the matter is settled.

  Saturday Lang doesn’t know much about this, because he is busy in the back kitchen, and Zhou Lang has promised to add two more helpers to the back kitchen.

Of course, it’s not to say that there are cooks. It requires careful selection to pick out the right ones. In addition to posting announcements outside the door, he also plans to walk around these two days to see if he can find a cook with a better character. It's not bad to dig people over at that time.

  Everyone seems to be very busy. Bai Shan and Bai Erlang are about to take the exam at the end of the year. Although they are off, they are too busy.

  The evidence is that when Man Bao locked himself in the house to study medical skills, both of them stayed in the study and worked hard, and did not come to look for her out to play.

  Whether it is a restaurant or Changqing Alley, although it is busy, it is calm, but it is not peaceful outside.

  Yesterday, the third prince had just left Beijing with his family, and today the East Palace summoned Zhou Man to the palace to see a doctor.

  While Zhou Man will cure infertility is already known throughout Beijing, what does Donggong mean is the most obvious.

  The Three Princes faction, which had been hit because of the Three Princes’ subjugation, was hit again.

  What is the reason why they followed the three princes?

  The second is naturally because the emperor loves the third prince very much, but what about the one?

  Isn’t the main thing that the prince has no sons?

  If the prince has a son...

  Just assuming that they have seen the end of their future. As the saying goes, the future of killing someone is like killing a parent, and Zhou Man now sees the killing of a father and an enemy in the eyes of some people.

  So while Man Bao was still studying medical skills at Le Yoyo, some rumors passed through the queen’s defense and reached the ears of the queen mother.

  When the queen received the message that she wanted to stop it, she was one step too late.

  Aunt Shang was a little worried, and asked, "Niang, what should I do?"

  The queen did not worry much, she thought for a while and said: "It doesn't matter, take a look first, the Queen Mother will put her country first."

  Aunt Shang: "Then tomorrow..."

   "Tomorrow you will personally take Zhou Man into the palace, first go to the East Palace and then send me here," the queen said softly: "Tell Zhou Man, she will only treat the illness, and don't worry about the rest."

But Aunt Shang did not have a chance to say these words the next day, because Zhou Man didn’t know anything. When she went to meet people at Ji Shitang, she was still happy to say goodbye to the treasurer Zheng Da and the others. Obviously something was outside of her. Don't know yet.

  Aunt Shang thought for a while, and felt that since she didn't know, there was no need to tell her to worry her, so Man Bao went directly to the East Palace to give the Prince a needle.

  The emperor obviously also knew that the prince was receiving treatment, and he did not know how he knew that the prince was not sleeping well at night. He began to reduce the workload of the prince today to allow him enough time to sleep.

  Man Bao finished watching the prince, had lunch in the East Palace, and then moved to the Tai Chi Hall. When she was sent out of the palace, it was already time.

  The carriage in the palace took her home.

  The journey was safe and sound, not only on this day, but also for the next few days.

The blackness in the eyes of the prince gradually disappeared, and his energy level became a lot, his temper was not so big, at least he would no longer violently scold him when he was pointed at his nose again, and he would not go back privately. Sue the emperor.

Although his face is still very ugly, but when standing there quietly, looking at it from a distance, there is a bit of calmness as it was a few years ago. Wei Zhi and others do not say anything, but they are somewhat satisfied in their hearts, so they are not like it. I found fault with the prince like that before.

  Some people didn't react at all when they saw the Queen Mother, they couldn't help but become anxious and began to work harder in the harem.

  In a rage, the queen rectified a group of palace people, and the harem fell silent again.

  She never guards the harem strictly, but that doesn’t mean she has nothing to do.

   See you at six in the afternoon

     I have a cold and I’m very sleepy, so I’ll take a nap before talking



  (End of this chapter)

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