Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1273: deliver

   Chapter 1273

The servant put the marinated venison on the iron plate and turned it skillfully. In a moment, the aroma diffused. Liu Huan, who insisted on roasting the meat, took a look and immediately left his own. A piece of meat, also sits at ease and waits for it to be eaten.

  Feng Zongping and Yi Ziyang despised him, and continued their actions.

  Obviously, they often do such things, and their craftsmanship is much better than Liu Huan.

  The two servants stood by to help them barbecue. After they were grilled, they were served on a plate. It was the first time that Manbao and the others had venison, they were all looking forward to it.

  The three of them took a sip carefully, and then their eyes lighted up, and they rolled the rest into their mouths. Liu Huan was content, "How about it, yummy?"

  The three nodded together, Bao Bao said: "There is no sheep's fat, and it is tenderer than cattle, and the meat is tighter. It is really delicious."

   Yin or smiled and said: "If you like it, if my father hunts deer after a while, I will ask you to send some."

  Bai Shan asked curiously: “Is that a wild deer hunted in the mountains or raised in a hunting ground?”

   Yin or said: "Both, but the wild deer in the mountains are not easy to hunt, and at this time it snows again, the wild mountains are dangerous, so they usually go hunting in the hunting grounds."

Feng Zongping said: "Even the hunting grounds are not good for hunting. The people in Sinong Temple are very tired of things about the mountains and forests. Every year they put some cubs in the hunting grounds or feed some food. They have to take away good prey, saying that they are going to be bred, but who knows how many are actually used for breeding?"

Yi Ziyang also had a big opinion, "Last time we went in and hunted a roe deer, they said that it was a mother roe deer, she was pregnant, so we took it away, but within two days Li Yi asked us to go to his house. He said that he was going to stew the roe deer to eat. We went, how familiar the roe deer looked."

   Liu Huan couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

  Yin or a few others couldn’t help but laugh, and said: “Sinong Temple occasionally sends my father some prey, saying that they got it when they went into the mountain to survey the hunting ground.”

  Yi Ziyang turned to Feng Zongping and said, “Look, I’ll forget it. You, the grandson of the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, are not as good as the grandson of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice and the son of Jing Zhaoyin.”

  Feng Zongping lightly stepped on his foot, and said with a smile: "Fuck you, it's not that my grandfather and Sinongqing are not with you, you don't know."

  Bai Shan and the others are very curious, "Why don't they make peace?"

Feng Zongping smiled and said: "It's all about Chen Zhizhi's rotten corn, and I can't tell what it was for. Anyway, they are at odds, but they are all trivial matters. If you are an official, who doesn't have many enemies? Don’t you also have enemies?"

   Liu Huan raised his head after hearing the words, "Are you talking about Yunfeng County Lord and Xinqing County King?"

  Man Bao looked up and asked as he ate, "Are they looking for us to take revenge?"

The news of Feng Zongping and Yinor is the most informed, especially Yinor. His father is Jing Zhaoyin. The news from the palace is much faster and more accurate than the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry. He said: "I heard that the Queen Mother is giving Princess Yunfeng Look for a county horse, and next year Yunfeng may be married."

  Man Baodao: "It's too early, she's just getting married, it's not good for girls to marry too early."

  Everyone:......Is this focus of attention a bit strange?

  Yin may just want to speak, Man Bao has already asked again: "Is there anyone you care about? Don't be in the capital or back to Yizhou. We will avoid her for a while."

   Yin or a few people's hearts fell back, shook their heads with a smile, and Yin or said: "I heard that the Queen Mother wants to find the little gentry in Jiaodong."

"The fief of Xinqing County is in Dizhou. I guess the queen mother wanted to find there too," Feng Zongping said, refreshed and said happily: "When the king of Yizhou first entered Beijing, the queen mother asked my grandmother. For me, fortunately, my grandfather faintly felt wrong when investigating the case of Sujian's falling horse, so my grandmother declined."

  Yi Ziyang: "People may not be attracted to you. I heard that the palace was originally favored by the Wang's family, and that person is also the one, so you'd better be careful when you enter the palace recently."

  Bai Shan and the others were listening with gusto. He didn't expect him to bring the topic to them, blinked and asked, "What does this have to do with us?"

   "Of course it does matter," Feng Zongping said: "Princess Yunfeng is in a bad mood. Are you afraid that she will trouble you?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "I'm really not afraid of this."

  He looked at Man Bao, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you afraid?"

  Man Bao shook his head.

  Now, she is not the queen's person in and out of the palace, or the prince's person. Basically, she will not contact the third person along the way. Everyone is very polite to her.

  Never mind if she is outside the palace, she doesn't believe that Princess Yunfeng in the palace can personally come to her trouble.

  And Bai Shan can have this self-confidence, naturally because of seeing the sincerity of the queen and the prince.

  Feng Zongping raised his eyebrows, and he became more aware of Zhou Man’s importance to the palace now. Although he wanted to ask, could the prince’s illness really be cured?

  But the words came to the lips and swallowed again, forced to resist not asking, forget it, let his grandfather know that if he asks this, he will definitely be cut to death.

  But I feel so uncomfortable.

  Feng Zongping could only look for other topics, “Senior Tang has returned to Beijing, didn’t you say you are friends with him, why don’t you ask him out for dinner and drink?”

  The three said together: "No time."

   Feng Zongping sighed: "Yes, he has been in the Criminal Department, and he is already taking over the remaining case of King Yizhou. I guess he is too busy right now?"

  The three of them looked up at him together, then lowered their heads silently, they said they were not free.

  I’ve been so busy recently. Where can I have time to party? If it weren’t for Liu Huan to say that he has venison...

  Man Bao and they had a good day at Liu Huan’s house. The venison is really delicious.

In less than half a day, several companies knew that Zhou Man liked to eat venison, so the Li family and the Han family each sent a deer leg to Changqing Alley. The three teenagers were so surprised that they experienced the harmony brought about by the doctor-patient relationship. the benefits of.

  Man Bao asked Aunt Rong to keep some, and then divide the rest into two, one to Erliuxiang, and one to Wuwu Lang and the others.

  Even the prince knew about it. When Man Bao entered the palace to see the prince the next day, he asked, "You like eating venison?"

  Man Baosheng was afraid that he would also give it away, so he quickly said: "His Royal Highness, I already have a lot of venison in my house. It's hanging under the eaves and freezing. Don't give it away."

  The prince nodded slightly, "That alone ate it."

  Man Bao suggested: "You'd better not eat it either. Wait two months before eating."

The prince frowned, "I can't even eat venison?"

   "That's not true, but venison is aphrodisiac. I'm afraid you might have the urge to eat it."


  The princess who was drinking tea directly sprayed the tea, and quickly coughed with her veil covering her mouth.

  The prince glared at her, then turned to Zhou Man and said: "Hurry up, you have to go to the mother's harem soon."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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