Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1294: Humble

   Chapter 1294

The next day, Yin may go to school with them. Now his health is much better. Although the medicine is still constant, he will have to get a needle after a period of time, but he will not fall down without moving like before, and he is too weak to get out of bed. .

Man Bao is also very busy today. She has to go to Li Mansion to see Lady Han Wu first. After examining the wound, she formally said: "Okay, the wound has healed and you can relax a little, but you have to be cautious for a while, try your best. Don't touch the water. When you are out of confinement, the injury will be completely healed."

  Ms. Han Wu breathed a sigh of relief and asked: "Then can I see people?"

  She hadn't seen anyone during this time. Except for the grandmother Li who was able to hold her baby in to see her, only one girl and her eldest sister could enter the house.

  Because Man Bao said horribly, neither of the Han and Li families dared to enter the house to visit Lady Han Wu.

  Man Bao solemnly said with a small face: "It's still cultivation."

  But she did not say that she could not see each other. After all, the mood of the mother is also very important.

  She said: "Be careful to be clean, so don't join in too much fun."

  Manny Han Wu apparently heard Man Bao’s "external evil theory", and she shook her head again and again.

  However, the ban has been loosened, and Lady Han Wu has indeed relaxed a lot. Although she did not let her relatives and friends into the house, she finally saw a few more people a day.

  When there are too many people who want to see her, she will let people bring a huge screen between them, consciously able to block the external evil.

  Not to mention, it's still somewhat useful, at least when Man Bao came to see her two days later, she didn't notice that her wound had deteriorated.

  After watching the Han Wu Niangzi, Man Bao went into the palace to see the prince.

When leaving, as usual, Duke Wu sent Man Bao out of the palace, and Man Bao took the opportunity to ask someone to practice acupuncture. In order to reassure Duke Wu, Man Bao promised: "I will stare when the three of them get the needle. Yes, they are definitely not asked to puncture people."

  The prince who asked Liu Yinv and Xiao Yinv to practice hands was still in charge of Wu Gonggong. He smiled and asked, "The palace people I found for Liu Yinv and Xiao Yinv first..."

   "I asked Doctor Liu, they are all new people who have not been in the palace for a long time, and there is nothing wrong with them. Some acupuncture points are not good."

  Wu Gonggong's heart moved, and he asked in a low voice: "Listening to the meaning of the doctor Zhou Xiao, are you planning to get a needle according to the symptoms?"

  Man Bao said speechlessly: "Of course I have to pierce the needle according to the symptoms. What should I do if I pierce someone indiscriminately?"

  Duke Wu's eyes rolled, and he smiled: "Yes, what the doctor Zhou Xiao said is, are you just a maid, or..."


   Gong Gong Wu tentatively said: "But Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao are to see the queen..."

  The queen is a woman, so the palace maidens that Wu Gonggong had looked for for Liu Yinu and them were also palace ladies.

  Man Bao said, "But Doctor Liu was ordered to follow me to learn medical skills, and naturally the acupuncture points on men should also be learned."

  Duke Wu said that he understood. He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, the genius doctor Zhou Xiao, our family understands, we must find all the people for you. Look at the time for the needle..."

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "I have to prepare, so let’s take a break tomorrow, so let’s start from the day after tomorrow. Every day from the time to the unity day, do you see whether we enter the palace or you leave the palace? ?"

  Wu Gonggong immediately said: "It is troublesome for these people to go out of the palace, I am afraid I have to trouble the little genius doctor to enter the palace."

  Man Bao said that it’s okay, just saying: “It’s okay for Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao to get in and out of the palace, but there is a medicine boy named Xiao Shao next to me...”

  Gong-gong Wu immediately smiled and said: "Little genius doctors come to the palace to see a doctor. It is common to bring a medicine boy. Just go back to our house and say hello to the palace gate."

  Man Bao nodded.

  Duke Wu continued to ask: "Then this place to see the doctor..."

   "Just find two rooms connected together, or find one room, but it's better to divide it into several small rooms with screens and curtains, and put some wooden couches on it."

  Duke Wu knew it in his heart.

   "Can I need any medicinal materials?"

   "I haven't seen it yet, but I'm not sure what medicinal materials I need." But Man Bao herself was a little confused. She asked: "I have prescribed the medicine, can you go to the hospital to get the medicine?"

  Wu Gonggong smiled and said: "The little genius doctor laughed, how dare we **** go to the hospital to grab the medicine with the prescription?"

I'm really going to catch them. People like him who are waiting close to you will probably have to be rested for a while, not to mention those imprisoned palace maids who have no power and power. Once they smell of medicine, they will be transferred to a worse place. , The heavy ones will be sent to the imperial village or the epidemic prevention center, that's terrible.

But the needles don’t have these troubles. The needles don’t smell at all when they are stuck on the body. People like him can secretly buy some medicines from the hospital and take them when they are not on duty. A bowl is somewhat useful.

  Wu Gonggong thought in his heart and decided to arrange himself for the first visit.

  Wu Gonggong smiled and sent Man Bao to the gate of the palace, watching her get on the carriage and leave, and then turned around and took the small inmate back to the east palace.

   Seeing that there was no one, the small internal supervisor immediately chased up, "Master, is the needle for the doctor Zhou Xiao only given to us in the East Palace, or is it counted as the entire palace?"

  Duke Wu glanced at him and said, "Smelly boy, what do you want to do?"

  The little internal supervisor smiled embarrassedly, "Master also knows that I have a fellow villager who came in the same year as me and worked as a errand at Zhu Mingmen. He fell while cleaning the garden..."

  Duke Wu was silent for a while and then said, "I don't know how fast the doctor Zhou Xiao and their doctors are, and let him be listed as the second batch. Whether you can take it depends on his luck."

  The small internal monitor understood that he did not dare to ask for it, he was already very grateful to be included on the list.

  Man Bao went straight home after leaving the palace. The carriage entered the alley, and she heard that her house was quite lively.

  She jumped out of the carriage and saw that the door of her house was wide open, she walked in curiously, and saw Chu Lang and Sanzi moving to the house one by one.

  Man Bao was very curious, so he went up and looked around and asked, "Four brother, what's in this box?"

Chu Lang, who was instructing people to carry things, was taken aback, turned around and patted her head unhappily, and said: "You scared me to death. I walked silently. This is all the fur I bought with someone and I plan to ship it back. Yizhou City makes money."

Chu Lang was very proud, and then he turned up a baggage and stuffed it to her, "By the way, there are a few fox furs here. I will use them to make fox fur. I think the ladies from the rich people in Beijing wear this. Something, you also make one and put it on."

  Man Baodao: "I have it. The queen gave it to me. It's still white."

  She opened it and found that the color of the fox fur given by Chu Lang was a bit uneven, and most of them were gray, so she thought it was good, at least it was stain-resistant.

Who knows that Chu Langyi heard that she had a rare white fox fur, and immediately took the burden from her, "The feeling is good, since you have it, then you can take these pieces back and sell them, let me tell you It’s also very cold in Yizhou. These things must be easy to sell."

  He was a little distressed before.

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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