Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1305: Mistakes (September monthly ticket plus 1)

  Chapter 1305 Mistakes (September monthly ticket plus 1)

  Bai Shan and the three of them almost couldn't open their eyes, so after hearing the compliment from the husband, they still tried to hold on to keep their eyelids from drooping.

  He asked: "So sir, do you think we can do this too?"

Of course it’s unreasonable, but he saw the three people’s hard work for more than a month, so he admired them as usual, "Well written, can refer to the Guozijian to write such a book, you are very old. Great, I dare to think about it."

  Seeing that their eyes were about to open, Mr. Zhuang waved his hand: "Okay, I'll talk about these things tomorrow. Go to sleep first."

  So the three of them half-closed their eyes and touched them back to the room to sleep.

  They slept soundly, but Mr. Zhuang could not fall asleep. He was lying on the bed tossing and thinking about the zhezi they wrote.

Of course he knew that they were learning how to write the table, and they also learned how to do it. It seemed that he wanted to run the Women’s Imperial Hospital well, referring to the recommendation of the Imperial College, but he did not expect them to think so in detail. comprehensive.

  Although there is a high probability that this disputation will not be adopted, no, it will definitely not be adopted, but from this fold, you can see the abilities of the three children.

Mr. Zhuang expressed his satisfaction with this.

  Their growth greatly exceeded his expectations.

  Mr. Zhuang thought about this, his thoughts rolled over and he didn't fall asleep for most of the night, until the **** crowed and fell asleep in a daze.

  Early the next morning, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang, who had just finished the year-end exam, got out of bed, but Man Bao was about to get up and go to the clinic with a yawn.

  Today she keeps going!

Man Bao was sitting at the table and was almost finished eating breakfast before Bai Shan and Bai Erlang went to the table. She said, "I'm going to talk to the treasurer Zheng about going back to my hometown today. The luggage at home is also packed, you guys. Do I need to buy anything? I can bring it to you when I get out of the palace."

  Bai Shan shook his head, saying that all the gifts he wanted to buy had been bought some time ago, and there was nothing to add. He just asked, “Are you going to the palace to give the queen and the prince a needle today?”

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, I will leave tomorrow. Today is the last time I will enter the palace. By the way, I will say goodbye to them."

  Bai Shan pointed to the study room and asked, "Then when will you give the queen our account?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and then said: "Take it to her in a while. It just so happens that she can take a look at it during the Chinese New Year."

  Shirazen and Shirajiro didn’t think there was anything wrong, after all, last night Mr. said they wrote well.

   So Man Bao went out with the zipper.

  She went to Ji Shitang first, and talked to the treasurer Zheng about returning home.

  Man Bao had mentioned this to Zheng Da’s shopkeeper a long time ago, and Zheng Da’s shopkeeper also agreed, knowing that she was leaving tomorrow, and thinking that she would invite her to a restaurant to see off today.

However, Man Bao declined because she was very busy. In a moment, she was going to the palace to give the prince a needle first, then the queen, and give her what she wrote during this period of time to Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao, especially Liu. Doctor girl, she has a lot of homework assignments for her.

  After hearing what she was going to do this day, the treasurer Zheng said in a daze: "Your schedule is too tight. Why do you need to finish it on this day? Just leave it for two more days?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "The prince will not give a fake, the journey is far away. If you stay here for two more days, you have to stay at home for two days less, no, no."

  The treasurer Zheng took a look at the lobby, and then said: "Why don't you go to the palace now? I don't think there are many patients today. Do you have any patients who have to follow up?"

  Man Baodao: "There are two."

   "After reading those two, go, and Doctor Ding and the others will share the rest for you."

  Man Bao is still very happy to have a little more time to come, so he smiled and agreed.

When Mr. Zhuang woke up, washed up, used breakfast, led Bai Shan and Bai Erlang into the study, and was about to take out the fold to explain to them in detail the shortcomings, only to know that the full treasure fold. It was taken.

  Mr. Zhuang:……

  Mr. Zhuang was silent for a long time before asking: "Are you going to be sent to the palace?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "We are leaving tomorrow, and Man Bao happened to enter the palace today, so I took it in."

  Is it okay to submit something?

Mr. Zhuang looked at the hourglass and breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The zigzag cannot be submitted. It would be a joke if you hand it in. You can go to the front yard and ask someone to get the zigzag from the Jishitang. By the way, he told Manbao. , Don’t you rush to tell the queen about this matter?"

  Bai Shan was puzzled, and asked: "Why?"

"Your Zhezi is simply rebuilding an imperial medical department. It involves a lot of things. Although the scribbling is well written, it is absolutely impossible to be adopted. Since you know that it will not be adopted, you are not courtiers, so why bother to hand it in. Eye?"

   Baijiro couldn't help but said: "But you didn't say that, Mr. Last night, you said that we wrote well."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded and said: "The comment is well written, but not bad, it does not mean it will be adopted."

  Bai Shandao: "But referring to the Imperial College is also suggested by Mr.".

  Mr. Zhuang nodded and said with a smile: "I gave your suggestions based on your ideas. You did write well, but I didn't say that you can submit it as written by the Imperial College."

  Bai Shan understands that what they have done for more than a month is actually just a coursework, not a mature idea that can be discounted.

   He sighed, and stood up disappointedly: "Well, I'll get it back."

  As a result, when he arrived at Jishitang, the treasurer Zheng told him that Man Bao had been away for more than a quarter of an hour.

  Bai Shan frowned, and chased after her before he could say more, but he did not catch up.

  When he arrived at the gate of the imperial city, Da Ji drove out the car.

  Bai Shan sat on Liu Gui's carriage and looked at each other with Da Ji for a while, only to turn his horse's head back home.

  Mr. Zhuang was also taken aback when he heard that, he turned his head to look at the hourglass and asked first, "The hourglass is broken?"

  I couldn't help but look outside, the position of the sun is indeed not very high.

  Bai Shan said: "I went back and asked the treasurer Zheng, the treasurer Zheng said that there are too many things about Man Bao today, so he let her go into the palace in advance."

Man Bao’s entry into the palace is different from other fateful wives. Other fateful wives need time to enter the palace, but she can enter at any time. Even if the prince and queen are not available after entering, she can also ask Doctor Liu to arrange homework and time. No waste at all.

  So it was such a coincidence that they missed it.

  Bai Shan asked: "Sir, what should I do?"

Mr. Zhuang thought for a while and shook his head and said: "It's okay, just submit it, and make jokes just make jokes. Anyway, we will leave tomorrow, regardless of the ups and downs that have nothing to do with us, and it will be over when we return to Beijing. It’s been a month, and the palace was busy during the New Year. Maybe the queen had forgotten about it at that time."

  Shirazen and Shirajiro thought about it, so they felt relieved.

  As a result, none of them expected that the queen looked at it with gusto after getting the booklet, and she didn't finish it. She took it out that night and shared it with the emperor, and then said: "I think their comments are good."

  The emperor also looked at it with gusto, but he just looked at the booklet as a notebook. When the queen said so, he almost fell off the bed.

    ask for a monthly pass

     see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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