Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1311: Back to the village

   Chapter 1311

  The dealer is indeed not prepared. Mr. Zhuang may stay at home for a few days throughout the year. The room has been vacant. If people come back suddenly, the room will be cold and inconvenient at all.

  Man Bao, they simply rolled their sleeves and went into the house to clean, and opened the doors and windows...

   Sister-in-law Zhuang watched them take out the quilt, dusted it and put it on the bed, and took the brazier into the room to bake.

   Zhou Man took out a small purse from his pocket and poured the medicinal materials inside into the brazier. After a while, the smell of medicine was in the room.

This is a herb for repelling insects and avoiding filth. They did not burn less when they came back all the way. The house is not inhabited for a long time, and it is not ventilated. It must be smoked. The raised brazier can also dissipate the cold and moisture in the house. .

  The three of them moved very fast, and they did it all without letting Daji who was waiting outside help them.

  Zhuang Ji'an stood by and stared at them in a daze, and immediately stepped forward to help after reacting.

When Zhuang Dalang rushed back from the shop, the room had been cleaned up, Manbao ordered two braziers to drive away the cold in the house, and then the few people retreated to the yard and paid greetings to Zhuang Dalang.

  The dealer can receive festival gifts from the three families in Qili Village every year. Although they are not close to them, they are not unfamiliar.

  I haven’t seen each other for a year. He felt that his father’s three disciples had changed a lot, and there was a vague sense of extravagance in him.

  Thinking of the excitement in the county more than two months ago, Zhuang Dalang was more polite to them. When he asked his father’s carriage behind, he simply got up and went to the intersection with them to pick up people.

  He got into the kitchen and said to Sister Zhuang: “Make the food softer. Father doesn’t like to eat hard things.”

   "I see, you can pick it up quickly, by the way, bring Ji An with you."

  They are picked up on the main road of the county seat. Luojiang County is on this main road. To cross the city, this road must be taken.

  The team has a lot of things and needs to be checked when entering the city, so it is much slower.

  They just stood by the intersection of the avenue and waited. Bai Shan took the opportunity to ask about the county, "I heard that the county magistrate was taken over by Lieutenant Liu? I wonder if the county affairs can change."

Zhuang Dalang didn't want to discuss the county magistrate in the street, but he did not refuse to answer. He just lowered his voice and said, "The county is still the same as the county magistrate Yang. Nothing has been changed. real."

  Zhuang Dalang works as a clerk in the grain shop of the Zhang family, and is not the clerk of a grain shop, but the general account room. The Zhang master book in the county is from the Zhang family, so his information on this aspect is still very good.

As    was talking, several people heard the sound of the carriage moving, and could not help but look up and saw a motorcade appearing at the end of the street.

  Mr. Zhuang’s carriage stopped at the intersection, Zhuang Dalang hurried forward to catch it.

  Mr. Zhuang got out of the car and let out a breath: "A handful of old bones are going to fall apart."

He pushed away Zhuang Dalang's hand, walked on the spot, let the carriage go in, and said to Zhuang Dalang: "I brought some things back, you go and let them unload them and place them carefully. I'll say goodbye to Mrs. Liu. "

Mrs. Liu also got out of the car and saluted Mr. Zhuang. The two were already familiar with each other, but they were not very polite. After saying hello, Mr. Zhuang turned home. He didn't want to ride in the car anymore and wanted to walk in by himself.

  Lao Mrs. Liu said to Bai Shan and the others: "Mr. Zhuang will go home soon after delivery. The city gate will be closed in a while."

  Bai Shan responded.

  Lao Liu and they left first.

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang helped Mr. Zhuang back to the dealer. After taking a sip of hot tea, he waved to the three of them and said, "Okay, you can go back. It will be dark in the next night."

  The three ran away, "Sir, we will see you in a few days."

  Mr. Zhuang waved his hand, turned his head to look at Zhuang Ji’an, smiled, and waved instead, "Come here, grandfather look at you."

  Zhuang Ji'an liked his grandfather who always bought him all kinds of delicious and fun things, and walked up.

  Man Bao and the others ran back to the Qianji restaurant. It happened that Zhou Wulang drove over to pick them up. After picking up the people, they went home together.

   Seeing Man Bao riding a horse, Xiao Qian was too proud of him, but he was still afraid that she would fall off the horse, so he waved at her from the car, "Man Bao, you come to sit in the car, it's too cold outside."

  Friday Lang sat on the shaft of the car and curled her neck and said: "Sister-in-law, she is not afraid of the cold. She is back on horseback for half of the way on the road. Let her ride. There are not so many people in this car."

   Three heads and envious, they also lie on the carriage to look at Man Bao, "Sister, I want to ride too."

  Man Baodao: "But my Chi Ji is still young, so I can't sit with two people. Go and ask for good luck to take you."

  The three heads probed back to look at Da Ji, and then refused, "Forget it, wait until I get home and ride again, sister, will you ride a horse for me?"

  Man Baodao: "I can teach you."

When Sanya heard this, she immediately said, "I want to ride a horse too!"

  Three heads pushed her aside and said: "Are you still young, what horse to ride?"

  Sanya complained to Xiao Qian, "Auntie, third brother bullied me again."

  Xiao Qian gave a three-headed look and slapped him, "Don’t bully my sister."

   Santou felt very aggrieved, and stopped sitting in the car, got out of the car and sat with Zhou Wulang.

  Man Bao, they have already ran away laughing and haha, three faces full of envy, another face of aggrieved face.

Zhou Wu Lang looked funny. Santou was the same age as Man Bao. He was also brought up by Wu Lang when he was a child. So the two nephews and uncles were also very close, so they bumped his shoulder and said: "Your mother just said you. , Why are you angry?"

  The three heads whispered: "I read it every day."

  Friday Lang didn't believe it, the three heads whispered: "Uncle Wu, you don't know, now the family is not biased towards us, the third sister is beginning to be biased."

  Frirang is strange, "Why?"

"Because there will only be a third sister and a girl in the family," he said: "The eldest sister is going to get married, the second sister is in the capital again, and the fourth aunt gave birth to a younger brother. From now on, only the third sister will be left in the family. Began to favor her."

  Santou is eloquent, but Weilang doesn't believe it very much. No matter how eccentric, Sanya still gets help from the restaurant?

  It can be seen that it is not too eccentric.

  Lao Mrs. Liu and the others left first, so Qili Village was the first to arrive. When Manbao and the others came back on horseback, a lot of people had gathered at the entrance of the village to watch the excitement, and Lao Zhou stood in the forefront.

His eyes were very good. Yu Xiazhong stared into the distance. When Man Bao first appeared on the small road at the entrance of the village on Chiji, he slapped his thigh and said with joy: "Oh, it's Man Bao. I saw it. No, Man Bao is riding on the horse."

  The village chief who was caught by him nodded repeatedly, "I saw it, I saw it."

  Old Zhou’s head was rustling, and Le Taotao said to everyone: "This is my girl, my girl..."

  Everyone: …nonsense, for so many years in the same village, who doesn’t know this is your daughter?

  No, this is not your daughter!

Someone was trying to clarify this point. Man Bao had already rushed forward. When the horse ran to the front, she would stop. She jumped off the horse and rushed towards Lao Zhou, shouting: "Father— —"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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