Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1319: Introspection

   Chapter 1319 Introspection

  Man Bao hurried to walk with him. When the group hurried to the inner courtyard, Bai Dalang's house was already full of people.

  It turned out that when Chen Bo followed Bai Dalang to the cottage, he saw Bai Dalang supporting the cottage door, only to walk two steps before he fell.

  No matter how stupid, Chen Bo knew that something was wrong, so he hurried up to help Bai Dalang, and then called out loudly.

  There were not many people in the Bai family, and it was Dalang’s entourage who ran over. This shout directly alarmed Master Bai, Mrs. Bai, and Mrs. Bai, and after a while, even the neighboring Bai Shan’s family heard about it.

  Master Bai has sent someone to Dali Village to invite the old doctor, while Bai Shan brought a lantern and brought someone to pick up Man Bao.

As soon as Man Bao entered the house, Master Bai immediately got up and let her look aside. Man Bao asked the servants to bring the light over. He looked at his face under the light and saw the blackness under his eyes and the blueness under his face. Also shocked.

  She quickly reached out to touch his pulse, and saw that his lips were dry, swallowing hard, and said: "Pour him a glass of warm water."

  She touched his pulse, turned around and said to Bai Shan: “Let them go out for a while. There are too many people in the room. Open my medicine box and get the needle.”

  Master Bai immediately asked Mrs. Bai to help Mrs. Bai out.

  The old lady Bai was anxious, "Why isn't the old doctor coming? Do you want to press Dalang's Renzhong acupoint first to wake people up?"

  Bai Shan has opened the medicine box, took out the needle bag, and opened it before her eyes. Man Bao quickly drew a needle and took the time to answer the question of the old lady Bai, "He is awake."

   Then she pierced the needle. She pierced his head several times and twisted it. Seeing that he was more energetic, she asked, "How many times did you have diarrhea? What's wrong?"

  Bai Dalang calmed down when he saw Man Bao, and his heart was slightly relaxed. He knew Man Bao’s medical skills. Although he had never taken her medicine and had seen her for medical treatment, she could still treat the Queen and Prince. Is there any medical skill?

  Lao Mrs. Liu also took the worried old lady and Mrs. Bai out, and explained to them in a low voice: “Don’t worry, Man Bao has good medical skills. She is the one who can treat the empress and prince in the palace.”

Mrs. Chen beside    was taken aback when she heard that, and asked in a low voice, "Is this little girl so powerful?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and nodded, “Let’s wait first and see what she says later, and the old doctor from Dali Village has also invited, don’t worry.”

  Bai Dalang in the room was whispering to Man Bao, where he was uncomfortable.

  Man Bao stretched out his hand and pressed it on his stomach. When he pressed it to the lower right, he couldn't help but exhale in pain.

  Man Bao frowned and asked: "You pulled it six times after eating late?"


   Bai Jiro stomped anxiously, "You have pulled so many times in just such a short time, why are you not calling someone?"

  Bai Dalang muttered, “I’m not thinking about it. Most of the diarrhea is caused by eating something unclean. Can’t it be done after pulling?”

  Man Bao three people:...

  This is really wrong perception.

  But there is no time to preach to them at the moment, just having so many diarrhea in such a short time is not ordinary diarrhea at all.

  Man Bao looked at the fundus of his eyes and tongue coating, and asked, "So did you feel any discomfort before dinner? How many times did you go to the hut during the meal?"

   "Twice, although it is a little shaky, but it's okay."

  Man Bao asked: "Dizzy?"

   "It's kind of, but I thought it was due to the sequelae of fainting in a car on the road." Bai Dalang paused and added, "I still have no appetite."

  While talking, Bai Dalang covered his stomach again, his face paled and said: "I, I want to change clothes, you go out first."

  The servant immediately took the Gong bucket and came in, Man Bao stopped and asked, "Is it clean?"

  The next person was taken aback for a while and said: "No."

   "Go and fetch clean ones," Man Bao turned his head and said to Bai Dalang, "You will bear it again."

  Bai Dalang couldn't even speak.

  The next person ran out quickly, and soon came in with a bucket, Man Bao didn't stop him, and got up and went out.

  In just a moment, the inside is ready, Man Bao went in to look at Gong Pail.

Bai Dalang flushed, trying to grab the quilt and cover his face. Master Bai was a little uncomfortable, but although Bai Shan and Bai Erlang looked disgusted, they followed along and looked at them, and their faces changed slightly after only one glance. ,"how……"

  Man Bao said with a solemn expression to Bai Dalang: "You have blood in your stool."

  Bai Dalang was taken aback, and asked in a daze: "How come?"

  Man Bao pulled away his clothes and said to Bai Shan: "I read a prescription, you go to grab the medicine, and immediately fry it and send it, three coins of kudzu root, two coins of fried white peony, two coins of huanglian..."

  Bai Erlang hurriedly helped to strip his brother’s clothes, revealing his belly, Man Bao took a needle and gave him a needle to pierce Tianshu and lower his stomach...

  Bai Shan repeated the prescription, and went there after getting Man Bao’s confirmation.

Master Bai almost fell when he heard Man Bao said that Bai Dalang had blood in his stool. He also took a look. At this moment, his head was like a paste. He didn't know that he had these medicinal materials when he heard Man Bao said. No, after stomping my feet in a hurry, I just went out and called for someone with a green face, "Go and get the people from the kitchen, how did you cook today's food!"

  Man Bao gave Bai Dalang a needle. His painful and noisy stomach felt a little better, and the urge to get up seemed to disappear.

  He looked at Man Bao with a pale face, and asked, "I’m sick..."

"It's dysentery," Man Bao frowned. "This disease usually occurs in summer and autumn. It is only caused by the hot weather and eating unclean food. Now it is so cold, why did you get this disease? And you are extremely hot inside. It is severe, so this disease has come in such a hurry."

   Seeing his worry, Man Bao comforted him: “It’s okay. I’ll give you a needle here tonight. Just rest assured to fall asleep. After the medicine comes and drink it, you can go to bed.”

  Bai Dalang did breathe a sigh of relief, but he couldn't sleep either, so he watched Man Bao give him a needle. In addition to his stomach, he also had a needle on his leg and hand.

  I don’t know if the needle stick has the effect, Bai Dalang did not change his clothes after a quarter of an hour.

  Man Bao kept the needle, and when he heard the noise outside, he went out to see with Bai Erlang.

  Master Bai is furious. In his opinion, Da Lang’s diarrhea is entirely the responsibility of the kitchen.

  The people in the kitchen knelt on the ground, their faces pale, but they remembered it for a long time and didn't remember what was wrong.

  In the eyes of Master Bai, this is entirely their dodge word. After listening for a while, Man Bao quietly said to Bai Shan Bai Erlang who was in the audience: "I'm afraid it is because of the food on the road."

  Shirajiro blinked, "But the food we eat on the road is the same."

  Man Baodao: "People are also different from person to person. It's not that you don't get sick if you eat the same thing. The fish he ate tonight may be the cause."

   Baijiro wondered: "Is the fish dirty?"

  Man Bao shook his head, “I don’t know, it doesn’t have to be unclean. How to say it, it’s very complicated anyway, but the fundamental reason is definitely not this late meal.”

  Man Bao was also a little self-blaming, and sighed: "He should be uncomfortable on the road, but unfortunately I didn't see it. It seems that my medical skills are indeed not good."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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