Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 133: communication

  Chapter 133 Communication

  It’s impossible to pay taxes or anything. The yamen in the yamen go to the countryside to levy them, and it’s impossible to kill them, especially because their mountain roads are not easy to walk.

  However, even though the government officials do not go to the countryside to levy, they still have to preach, and the responsibility of preaching falls on the chief.

   is just a repeat of the old tune. The autumn tax must be paid at the end of October. Although there are nearly two months before and after, the payment is completed early, so it is natural to feel at ease.

  The Zhou family prepared the food tax payment early, put the bag in the cart and the basket.

  This year their family has a scooter, which is a little easier than in previous years.

For the safety of the road, the villages had to walk together to get food. In previous years, only the village chief’s family had a cart. Other families put the food in baskets and carried them to the county town. Some families had to hire donkeys because of the small number of people. It is transported by cart or ox cart, otherwise you may not be able to complete it after running two or three times in a row.

  While Zhou’s males are many, Zhou Dalang takes three younger brothers, and one picks two baskets.

This was the county town where Lang went to last Thursday. At that time, he had just returned from Baidizhu’s house after helping. He hadn’t had time to pay the wages, so he took it to the county town. The three elder brothers watched, and they went away, and the Zhou family's wealth was lost in this wave.

This year both Qian and Lao Zhou didn’t want him to go to the county seat, but Bao mentioned it, and she also promised to keep an eye on him. Qian thought for a while and felt that there was no reason to guard against thieves in a thousand days, so he asked Zhou to Shiro went, and she wanted to see it too, this kid still doesn't know how to gamble.

With the cart, the Zhou family doesn’t have to carry the burden, but walking the mountain road cart is also very hard, so Zhou Dalang just wanted to take Wulang, everyone rotates, but since the fourth and sixth are going, then this kind of heavy work Leave it to the fourth child.

  Thursday, Lang and third brother pushed the scooter uphill, and then Lang took the scooter on Tuesday, "Okay, I will come with my eldest brother in the next paragraph."

  Thursday Lang: ... deliberately, they must be deliberate.

  Man Bao sat on the scooter, the scooter got up quickly when it descended the slope, and there was still another gust of wind blowing on her face, she screamed happily, and didn't pay attention to her fourth brother at all.

  When the group arrived at the county seat, they parted ways at the gate of the city. Zhou Dalang and Tue Lang and Wei Lang went to line up to pay taxes, and Thu Lang and the others went to sell things.

  Two baskets of ginger, Man Bao took them directly to Jishitang.

The treasurer Zheng of Ji Shitang is also on the counter, and he has been communicating with Man Bao for the past six months.

  Yes, it’s communication. In fact, Man Bao wrote to him at the beginning, but he replied in confusion, and then became a pen pal.

Every time Tuesday Lang or Friday Lang comes to the county, he will bring him a letter, and then bring back a letter from him, obviously not far away, what you want to say can also be conveyed through Tuesday Lang or Friday Lang, but they Just getting used to writing letters, this is also a very wonderful experience.

  As early as the autumn harvest, when Lang Lang came to the county town to sell sugar on Friday, he sent a letter to the shopkeeper Zheng. The letter said that the **** she grew was about to be taken back, and he asked him if he wanted to eat it and if he wanted to buy it.

Today, Man Bao came to deliver **** to the shopkeeper Zheng, not to sell, but to give him to eat, and then recommended: "Brother Zheng, if your patients want to buy **** for tea in the future, remember to tell him that we have a lot of ginger. Fresh **** is the most spicy and best to drink when brewing tea."

The shopkeeper Zheng accepted the **** she gave, and nodded and said that there is no problem, "I just want to tell you that our drugstore will buy a batch of dried ginger. You might as well leave ten kilograms of old **** to dry for me. I see you. The quality of this **** is good. If they are all the same, I will give you 60 cents a catty of dried ginger."

   Zhou Xi squeezed her hands in surprise, but Man Bao answered as usual: "Okay."

Then shopkeeper Zheng took her out of the back door of the pharmacy and took them to knock on the door of the next door. An eighteen or nine-year-old boy opened the door, and shopkeeper Zheng smiled and said, "Here, this is the little girl I mentioned to you. Ding, his house runs a grocery store, and he is still a hawker. Your **** is best sold to him."

  Xiaoding greeted Chu Lang with a grin, then looked down at Man Bao, and said with a smile: "Your sister is so cute."

  Man Bao also grinned and said, "I also think, Brother Xiaoding, how much can you buy our ginger?"

Xiaoding glanced at Chu Lang and Zhou Xi, and seeing that they didn't mind Man Bao talking, he replied: "Thirty-five wen per catty, including the leaves."

He said: "A lot of **** can be harvested now, and your quality is good, so I was willing to give it this price. I only charged a few cents when I sold it. If you are willing, you can Send me a basket to the county seat."

   Zhou Xi asked, "Can you sell so much every day?"

Xiaoding laughed and said: "There are many rich people in the county town. People who eat meat and tea all need ginger, so this **** is a condiment, unlike our country people, where meat is only available during the holidays. You can't eat tea and you can't afford it. That's why it seems rare."

  Zhou Xi suddenly didn't dare to ask more.

Man Bao pulled Chu Lang, and whispered to him: "I asked the treasurer Zheng, now the **** outside is more expensive. If you don’t have time to sell it in person, if you don’t have time to sell it in the market, the **** is more expensive. I think selling it to him is the best."

  Thursday Lang was reluctant to bear the price difference between five to ten words, and whispered: "One catty can make a lot of money."

  Man Bao didn’t care, “Mother won’t agree to let you come to the county seat alone, and if Mr. Bai’s house wants to work, you have to go to work.”

  This is really not good news. On Thursday, Lang lowered his head and said: "Okay, sell it, but we will sell a basket today, and we will sell the rest at the market."

  Manbao said that there is no problem.

   asked Zhou Xi, the two siblings gave him half a basket of Jiang, weighing the catties and counting the money, Zhou Xi took the money and followed them out with a dazed expression.

  The remaining ginger, Chu Lang took it to the market to set up a stall, and Zhou Xi followed with him.

  But Man Bao put some in the basket on the side, planning to find another friend.

   Seeing this on Thursday, Lang stopped setting up a stall, and put it away and said: "Maybe it's a big customer, I'll go with you."

  Friday Lang disgusted, "Going to so many people, what if the lady is scared?"

   Zhou Xi quickly asked, "What lady?" Aren't these grocery buyers usually adults?

"It's the county magistrate's lady. Man Bao said that he would bring something good to her. They also arranged to meet at the bookstore." In time for the autumn harvest, Zhou Lang sold a hundred candies to Miss Fu Er and let her eat slowly.

  Wu Lang thinks that Miss Fu Er's teeth are also quite good, eating so much sugar, nothing happened.

    I went to get an injection today, so it’s late



  (End of this chapter)

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