Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1334: Couple gossip

   Chapter 1334

  This change, Lao Zhou's family all know, a few children feel nothing, but Feng's few are envious.

  Especially the Feng family. Apart from Da Ya, the only one in the old Zhou family gave birth to two daughters.

  So as soon as Lang lay down on Tuesday, she pulled him up and asked in a low voice, "Why did Dad agree to give the shop to Da Ya?"

  Tuesday Lang said indifferently: "Man Bao went to talk about it, what's wrong?"

  Feng was so sour that he unconsciously grabbed his hair and said, "Didn’t you say you want to leave it to Man Bao as a dowry?"

"Man Bao said, she doesn't need this shop, and she doesn't need this money," Tue Lang pulled her hair out of her hand, lay down and said, "Okay, go to sleep, you have to go to the vegetable field to weed tomorrow. Well, the fifth child has to go to the county town to ask someone about the fourth child and see when he will come back for the New Year."

Feng pulled him up again, and continued to pester the matter, "Even if there is no shortage of Manbao, aren't there still big heads and three heads? Sister-in-law is also true. It's okay to give the shop to her son, how can she take it away to her daughters? ?"

On Tuesday Lang knew that he couldn’t sleep if he didn’t make it clear tonight. He sat up and said, "Who do you care about the older brother and sister-in-law? Anyway, you can't give it to Ertou. Is there a difference between giving it to the big one or the big one? ?"

   "Why not, give the big head, the shop is still in our hands, is it always a profit?"

"Don't worry, it's just given to Da Ya. That's also my sister in charge. Da Ya's craftsmanship..." Lang paused on Tuesday and said, "Like the eldest brother. The vegetables and vegetables used are still from home, and the grains and beans are also bought from the home. At that time, they will still be handed over to the public school according to the old rules.

  Feng let him go, but he was still envious, "I don’t know if Erya can also accompany a shop when she gets married..."

"Don't think about it, there is a shop at home, and you really bought a shop, are you willing to marry Erya?" Tuilang burst her illusion, and then said: "By the way, you will pay back Sanya's Caisi Go back, the kid was almost crying when he found me yesterday."

  Feng: "...I was afraid that she would ruin good things, so I took them to her, and I will give them to her when she gets married."

Tue Lang: "She is not young anymore, she can keep things by herself. Once the big girl got married and the second girl was in the capital again, she was the only girl in the family. You didn't see that Dad was kind to the two girls at home. ?"

Feng grabbed his hair and said, "I didn't say that I didn't give her anything. The clothes and shoes she wears every year, as well as the school repairs, the books and pens, ink and paper we want to buy are not all we spend money. of?"

Speaking of this, Feng feels distressed, "She spends too much money on a girl than her brother. Back then, the book that her brother read was copied by my sister. The pen and ink used was left by my sister, and the paper used was my sister. Yes, and some are paid for by ourselves, and we will use it for Shuxiu, but when it comes to her, how much money does she spend in a year?"

  Tuesday Lang said, “Didn’t Manbao take them to make money back then? Sanya, none of them carry them now, and they don’t have any money on them. How do you let them buy?”

"Actually, I think she has read enough for two or three years. She should still be sent to her sister-in-law to learn how to cook. If she can learn how to cook like the sixth child, she can also help her home in the future. no?"

Seeing that Tue Lang was lying down again, she pulled him up again, beat him and said: "I'm asking you something, look at Er Ya, I don't know if I came back after I went out, Man Bao said she won't make money. Less money, but I haven't seen her take it back to honor us. What is the use of girls reading so many books?"

On Tuesday Langbian could only sit honestly again. He lowered his voice and reasoned with her, "You can see Man Bao, do you think it is useful for girls to study? We are strong now and don't need children. Time to be respectful."

  He said: "Erya didn't get the money back, nor did the two ends. By the way, the kid is back, but the house is not as good as her daughter."

  Feng's ears pinched his ears, "I'll leave the house wherever they are, and they will change roads when they arrive in Mianzhou."

  Tuesday Lang is not afraid of her pinch, anyway, she pinch does not hurt.

   "But I can't always read books, I still have to learn crafts," Feng insisted, "This girl is no better than a boy. What can she do if she can be an examiner after studying more?"

"Er Ya is good at calculating accounts anyway. She learns to be a bookkeeper outside. She will have a job in the future. But what can San Ya do in the future?" Feng said, "Either, she has good cooking skills like her sister-in-law; or, she Like her sister, she knows how to do the bills; otherwise, she has to be as good at medicine as her sister-in-law, otherwise, no matter how much she reads, she will have to grow and weave when married, so it would be better not to read."

On Tuesday Lang thought for a while and felt that what she said made sense, so he said: "Okay, I will ask her what she wants to do in the future when I have time, but you should return Caisi to her, everyone else has it. Only she didn't."

  Feng: ...Why hasn't this matter been over yet?

  She said: "They don't have four heads either."

   "That's a boy, can it be compared with a girl?"

  Feng also lay down, pulled the quilt to cover his head, but didn't hear it.

  Tuesday Lang pushed her, "I'm talking to you."

  Feng snored, indicating that he was asleep.

  Tuesday Lang:...

  The next day, Man Bao entered his mother's room early in the morning, squatted in front of a big urn and touched the eggs with her from the inside, counting while touching.

  Qian put a layer of rice in the basket, put the eggs that he touched, pour another layer of rice, and another layer of eggs. After putting a full twenty of them, he took the basket out.

  Little Qian caught the basket, and Qian asked the family members, "We are going to the Taoist Temple to worship Tianzun, who of you will go?"

  The children all raised their hands in excitement to express their intention to go, and Zhou Dalang said: "Mother, let Saburo send you there, my second child and I will go to the whole vegetable field."

  Qian nodded and asked Wednesday Lang to set up a bullock cart. Then he asked a few daughter-in-laws, "Do you want to worship?"

  They are also very moved, especially the Fang family and Lu family. Their home is in Dali Village. They can also take a trip back to their natal family when they go to Taoist temple, so everyone nodded in agreement.

Man Bao had already slipped back to her room and took three books. She wrapped them in cloth and brought them to her mother. "This is the book I bought in Beijing. Give it to Daohe, mother, first help me. Take it."

  Qian took it, "Aren't you going?"

   "I'll go find Bai Shan and the others to walk together, and take a look at Big Brother Bai by the way."

  Qian put the calligraphy away: "Then you hurry up, it's better to enter the hall with us, and I will lead you to meet the host."

  Man Bao responded, and ran to Bai's house.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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