Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1337: friend

   Chapter 1337 Friends

  Why do everyone have to go up to the mountain to worship before the busy farming season, during the festival, and during the slack season?

  Because not only the villagers want to cultivate, but the Taoists also want to cultivate, so there is no time for both parties.

  In the past, the villagers in nearby villages were poor, so they rarely brought anything when they came to worship in the mountains, and at most brought a few handfuls of vegetables.

  Keeping and watching the master, they all grow vegetables themselves. They don’t care about the vegetables delivered by the villagers. However, this is also their respect to the old man. Everyone still accepts it. If you can’t finish eating it, you can dry it and cook it.

  At that time, Dao and Daoxu were even poorer than Man Bao, because Man Bao still had the money he saved for the New Year, and he could eat a piece of candy from time to time, but the two of them barely ate their fill.

  However, since the story of Manbao being the reincarnation of a fairy spread, everyone felt that Lao Jun recognized this Taoist temple. Even in order to occasionally bless the reincarnated fairy, Lao Jun would come back and take a look from time to time, right?

  So first, the nearby villagers like to come to worship, and then people from the town and county will come to join in the fun, and now, people from even neighboring counties will come all the way to worship.

  The incense of Taoist temple is vigorous, and the Shouqing Taoist master has received a lot of charity. After a simple repair of the backyard, two guest houses can be left. Even the lay people who come from far away can temporarily borrow to live in the Taoist temple.

  Even Dali Village is a lot of lively.

  Originally, Dali Village in Shanxia had people only when they arrived at the market, but now it is not always the case. When there are many people coming from outside, the nearby villagers will temporarily sell some eggs, vegetables, and the like.

  Sometimes the guests who come here can’t rush back within a day, and can’t stay in Taoist temple, they will stay in Dali Village. They all need money for food and lodging.

  Tao and Daoxu bring tea and water to the guests, or introduce places to live, and always get some rewards. This is how the two of them saved their money, but the two of them dealt with the money completely opposite.

   Daoxu’s money was mostly for food and clothing, while Daohe saved up and bought books, pens, ink and paper.

  At present, the ideal of Daohe is to learn, and in the future, like his masters and uncles, he will give people an interpretation of the scriptures and solve their concerns. The money for sesame oil is much more than the reward.

   Daoxu felt that the lay people who came to worship like to listen to mythological stories like Man Bao, and sometimes he said it well, the money is given in a string.

  He felt that the scriptures that Master had made memorize were too difficult, and the signing was not easy to understand. He had to count a lot of things. After all, it’s the easiest way to make money by telling stories.

   But if he is convinced that Man Bao is the reincarnation of a fairy...

  He lowered his head to look at Man Bao, and Man Bao also looked up at him. The two shuddered together and refused: "Forget it, I'm afraid Master Tianzun will come to see me in his dream at night."

Dao He chuckles, shook his head and said to Man Bao: "Then do you really treat the nobles in the palace?"

  Man Bao nodded, “I’m treating the queen and the prince, but you can’t talk about the nobles. So you still don’t want to use this to make money.”

   Dao and astonished, "Have your medical skills reached this point?"

  Man Bao became proud, "Fortunately, there are still many old doctors in Beijing and imperial doctors in the palace, but they are not bad in some respects. I can already take apprentices now."

   Daohe groaned: "I originally wanted to ask you about medical skills."

He said: "Recently, Master began to teach me the yin and yang of herbal medicines. The monarchs and ministers also gave me a few prescriptions that I will treat the believers who come up for medicine in the future. I don't know if you can call me a little bit. ."

  Generally, those who learn Taoism know some medical skills, not for the purpose of being a healer, but Taoism is natural. They pursue the essence of things to study the body.

Of course, at present, the Shouqing Guanzhu did not think about this. What they think is that learning some prescriptions can also save people. In the past, when the incense of Taoism was not prosperous, it relied on collecting some medicinal materials and giving them to believers who came to ask for medicine to maintain it. .

  Man Bao had also taken the medicine given by Shouqing Guanzhu when she was a child, and her mother had taken it too. Of course she knew this. She smiled and said, "What taboo is this?"

She thought for a while and said: "You want to learn, I will send you a medical book that I am compiling later. There are many pulse cases and prescriptions on it. If you read it, you can write to me and ask me. "

Man Bao said: "Master Bai sends things to the capital every three months. Besides, there are occasional correspondences. You can send them to my house if you write a letter, and let my family give them to Master Bai. When you want to send something to the capital, you will bring it with you."

  Dao He laughed, his eyes sparkling and said: "Thank you."

  Man Bao also smiled crookedly, "No thanks."

  Bai Shan asked her, "You gave him the pamphlet, what would you give to Doctor Liu and them when you return to Beijing?"

  Man Bao said: "I didn't plan to give him the original volume. Haven't you been idle lately? Then when I write it, you will help to transcribe a copy."

   Dao and Wen Yan looked at Bai Shan, and looked at him with a smile.

  Bai Shan looked helpless, "Okay."

   Dao and smile brightly, and raised a glass to respect the two of them.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao raised their tea cups back and forth, and wrinkled their faces after taking a sip of tea.

Daohe smiled and said: "I really think this tea is good, but it may be that this pot is not fried well. There is still a pot of Shou Shishu uncle fried in my place. I wrapped three bags. You can take it back and taste one later. Taste it, if you find it delicious, come here again before you go to Beijing, and I will pack you another packet."

  Bai Shan and the others do not like tea, but the husband likes it very much, so they did not refuse his tea.

Daohe gave them three bags of tea and three talisman, "This is a talisman, placed under the seat of Laojun for eighty-one days. It is the best talisman in our view. Everything went smoothly."

  Man Bao three people took it, and said to him: "In the future, if you want to travel, you must tell us."

   Tao and laughed: "I'm still young, and Master won't let me out for the time being."

   Tao Xudao on the side: “That’s not necessarily true. This year we have not only accepted two younger brothers, but also one younger sister. After two years, when they grow up, we might be able to go out.”

  The three were surprised, "Do you have a younger brother and younger sister?"

   "Yes," Daoxu said proudly: "Go, I will take you to meet them."

The three of them went with him to the yard just behind. He pushed open a door. The Master Shoushi was taking the three children in the house. When they saw them coming in, he immediately waved and said, "You are here just right. Hurry up, you guys. Junior sister pulled it again, come to change the diaper."

  Bai Shan looked up and saw a baby wrapped in a baby on the couch against the wall, and there was a child over one year old and one over three years old beside Shoushi.

  Three people: ...this is too small, right?

   Daoxu frowned disgustingly, and went up to change the diapers for his junior sister. Man Bao and the three greeted Shou Shi, and when they saw him feeding the two children, they sat aside and waited honestly.

  Master Shoushi is also familiar with them, and smiled and asked them, are they here? While explaining the origins of the three children, "They were all picked up at the door of Taoist Temple."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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