Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1344: Tea

   Chapter 1344 Tea

  He said: "Tea farmers keep good tea leaves for old customers, it is impossible to sell them to me, and do you know how much good tea leaves are for a brick?"

  Thursday Lang used to unload goods in Yizhou City, and naturally he also met a tea merchant. At that time, he inquired about the price of tea.

  But the tea that he can unload box by box is naturally not too good, and the price is moderate.

But when he personally contacted tea farmers this time, he realized that there are so many kinds of tea in this world. He said: "It's just such a small brick of tea, eighty taels. This is still generally good. I heard that some large families , The kind of tea mountain with ten or so tea mountains, two bricks of high-quality tea leaves in spring, one hundred and eighty two bricks, and tribute to the palace. That's more expensive, and you can't buy it if you have money."

Lao Zhou could not understand, "This tea is also used to quench thirst. Whoever wants to drink the two tea trees on the back mountain will pick them up and stir-fry the tea. It is bitter. Why can such things be sold so expensive? The price?"

  Meat and grain are expensive, he can understand, and the cloth is expensive, he also understands, one is delicious, the other is beautiful, but why is tea?

  Thursday Lang shook his head, “I don’t understand, but rich and wealthy people like to drink this thing. They have money and can naturally drink it.”

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "Sir, sometimes tasting tea is like tasting life, a tea is like a world, and a cup of tea is a life."

The people of the old Zhou family all listened in a daze. They didn't understand the meaning at all. It seemed to be very powerful, and a little unreliable, but because this was what Mr. Zhuang said, the people of the old Zhou family. Believe it without thinking about it.

  Lao Zhoutou nodded deeply and said: "Then it seems that this tea is indeed a good thing."

  Man Bao nodded.

  Lao Zhoutou asked Man Bao, "Why don't you drink it?"

  Man Bao clamped a piece of meat and said confidently: "Mister said, I am too young, and I can't taste any tea when I drink tea. I only know that it is bitter, so it's better not to drink it."

   "And we are young, it is not good to drink too much tea," Man Bao said: "But father, you and mother can drink more, brother, you guys too."

   Zhou Dalang said, "I can only drink bitter taste, but tea is more thirst quenching."

  It’s also because of this, that’s why their family prefers to soak a pot of tea and drink it in the ground when they are going out to work. A sip is more thirsty than drinking white water.

  Man Baodao: "Tea is also a medicine, which can prolong life, resist aging and strengthen the body."

  The people of the old Zhou family suddenly realized, and the old Zhou head said: "No wonder, I said that those rich and famous people can't always spend so much money on tea to understand thirst and eat the bitter taste?"

  He said: "It must be because that good tea can prolong life, resist the old and strengthen the body, so it is expensive."

  Thursday Lang also suddenly realized, and lightly patted the table and said: "I know how to talk to those nonsense merchants after returning to Beijing."

   Then looked up at Man Bao and complained slightly, "Why didn't you say that this tea still has this effect?"

  Wednesday Lang asked: "This tea is so good, isn't it more profitable than growing yam and ginger? Can our family grow it?"

  Everyone thought about it.

  Zhou Dalang directly said with Thursday Lang: "When you go back to collect the tea, ask how this tea is grown. Is it directly planted with tea seeds, or cuts directly like Ligustrum lucidum?"

  Thursday Lang nodded.

  Man Bao felt a sense of crisis, and shouted: "Brother, you also agreed to grow grapes for me."

   Zhou Dalang smiled at her and calmed down: "I have harvested all the seeds you gave. I will ask your sister-in-law to make room for you in the vegetable field to plant."

  Man Baodao: "Grapes are vines, and one tree can grow well. So many kinds of vegetable fields will definitely not grow."

  Xiao Qian said: "It's only such a small bag, not much."

  The seeds Manbao got back were really only a little bit, but Manbao saw the picture of the vine from Keke, and then he knew that it could grow so much.

  But they have never seen the little Qian, so small seeds, it is not certain whether they can be planted, but how much space can be spent?

  Wednesday Lang said: "If the place is not enough, then move it, didn't you say that grapes are fruit trees? The trees are the same, and you can live if you move."

  Man Bao thought for a while, this is not wrong, the entry in the encyclopedia says that vines can be cut, not to mention the fact that her brothers know more about farming than she does.

  Wednesday Lang brought up the matter of planting tea trees again, but Old Zhou had no objection. He also felt that the tea sounds very profitable.

  Thursday Lang promised that he would ask carefully when he went to collect tea.

  Tuesday Lang said: "This tea is not cheap, right?"

  Frirou sighed, “If you can also plant Ligustrum lucid at home, you can just fold some leaves and seeds from the wild and plant them. There are a lot of them on the tea tree mountain.”

  Man Bao interrupted and said: "The wild tea leaves are too bitter."

  Look at the Tao and the tea leaves for them to know.

  Thursday Lang rolled his eyes and asked Man Bao, "Does the Tao and the little master in the Taoist temple still pick tea?"

  "Do you want to buy with him?" Man Bao said, "He doesn't have much."

  Thursday Lang said: "He doesn't have much, but I remember there are many wild tea leaves on several mountains in Dali Village. Isn't this spring coming soon? By then, the tea trees will definitely sprout..."

  Anyway, Ah Liu Dun can't drink good tea or bad tea, as long as it is tea, and the price he gives Ah Liu Dun is not high. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for...

  Thursday Lang had an abacus in his heart, Bao Bao said: "Daohe can't make tea bricks."

   "It's okay. I drank loose tea for A Liudun when I was in Beijing. They also want the fried loose tea."

  And it’s cheap, it just occupies more positions.

  Thursday Lang was ambitious and wanted to bring the four cars he brought back to the capital full of tea, but the money was not enough. In order to pursue a large quantity, he could only reduce the price of tea as much as possible.

  The prices of tea in the hands of tea farmers are almost the same. If it is too low, he will not be able to compete with those tea merchants they are familiar with.

  So in order to buy tea, the price he gave was higher than other tea vendors, or three liters, or two liters, and it took a little more before others were willing to give it to him.

Otherwise, Thursday Lang would not think of buying loose tea. There are not many tea hills in Luojiang County. The country people drink tea by themselves. There are also brewed as soon as they are dried.

  They are all wild tea grown on the mountain, just like wild vegetables, they are too bitter.

  He had seen Aliutun drinking tea. They used goat's milk to make tea, which was different from what they only drank. They even chewed the tea together and ate it.

  He also ate it, and found that the tea leaves boiled with goat's milk were not so bitter, and the fishy smell of goat's milk was gone.

  So he thinks that even if it’s wild tea, Aliutun shouldn't mind it very much. If you really mind, he can give him a cheaper price.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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