Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1358: persuade

   Chapter 1358

  As soon as there was movement in the yard, all three rooms on the side of the compound woke up. Soon the little Qian and Feng opened the door.

  Together with them, it is naturally not Man Baolai’s turn to boil water.

  A pair of young girls stood in the yard and met everyone's clear gazes. They were so embarrassed for a moment that both of them were flushed.

  Xiao Qian’s said, “Man Bao, please ask Master Shan to go and sit in the house first, and my sister-in-law will boil water for you.”

  The two sighed in relief, Man Bao responded and took Bai Shan to the small courtyard next door.

  Bai Shan has a fever on his face. He actually didn't mean anything else. He just wanted to see Man Bao. He saw it now. After talking about the most important thing, he didn't know what to say.

  Bai Shan scratched his head, looked at her bookshelf, picked up a book casually and said, "I'm gone?"

  Man Bao blushed and nodded, and waved: "Let's go."

  Bai Shan blushed in the meaningful gazes of the old Zhou's adults, and Man Bao blushed and went to get hot water to wash her face. She decided not to see Bai Shan today.

  Bai Shan is not embarrassed to come to see Man Bao again, at least today is embarrassed to come again.

  So everyone played at home.

  Hakujiro, who has been waiting for them at home, hasn't seen anyone come, so he had to find Baishan next door, "What are you doing at home?"

Bai Shanyang raised the calligraphy in his Bai Erlang glanced at the book in his hand, couldn’t help but took another look, and then asked after confirming, “Isn’t this book taken down? Are you? Learning how to read the reversed characters?"

  He was confused, "What's the use of learning this?"

  Bai Shan poured the book back expressionlessly, then folded the book and put it aside, and asked, "Is there anything going on early in the morning?"

  White Jiro looked up at the sun in the sky, "It's not early, let's go find Man Baobai early?"

  Bai Shan refused, "Don't go today, tomorrow."

  Shirajiro was surprised, "You didn't go?"

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, and said, “It’s better not to go out on the first day of the new year.”


  Bai Shanlue turned away embarrassedly, and turned to the subject, "Are you going to visit your uncle's house tomorrow?"

"No, my father and my mother will go there this year," Bai Erlang whispered: "My aunt wants to promise my cousin to my brother. My brother doesn't agree. They want to promise me my cousin again, so My brother and I have to hide a little bit this year."

  Bai Shan understood, nodded and said: "Then go to visit the New Year tomorrow."

   But this way, today is so boring.

  The two looked at each other, they couldn’t find anything to do, they didn’t want to read or write...

   Bai Erlang frowned and asked Bai Shan, "Why must I go to Manbao to pay New Year's greetings tomorrow? What a great day today, tomorrow there will be many family members..."

  The two are very busy here, but Man Bao is very busy.

  She found her eldest brother first, and sat beside him and said, “Big brother, I told Lixue (three heads) to take him to the capital to study, what do you think?”

  Zhou Dalang was taken aback, and asked, "Are you three?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  He looked at Man Bao suspiciously, "Three heads can read good books? He's very adjustable and doesn't sit still."

"I've seen his homework, it's better than when Li Zhongliwei was studying," Man Bao said, "The school in the village is no longer suitable for him. Even if he doesn't go to the capital, he should go to the county to study. "

She said: "Since you have to leave home to study, it is better to go to a better place. There are many more gentlemen and books in the capital than in the county. There are also more smart people there. All he sees are smart people, and he will change. Get smarter and smarter."

   Zhou Dalang: Is that true?

   Zhou Dalang has three children. Zhou Lizhong stayed in Beijing this year to see the shop and did not come back. It is estimated that it will be the end of the year when he comes back next time.

  Da Ya is married and leaves three times. There are really no children around him.

  However, Zhou Dalang only hesitated and nodded, "All right, you have to tell your sister-in-law about this."

  Anyway, their husband and wife are still young and their parents are still there, so they don’t need their children to be with them.

  Man Bao said: "Sister-in-law already knows, as long as the eldest brother agrees."

   Zhou Dalang: "...When did your sister-in-law know, why didn't I know?"

  Man Bao smiled and bumped his eldest brother on the shoulder, “Isn’t it because the eldest brother didn’t agree, isn’t it hard to tell the older sister? Now the older brother has agreed, and the older sister will talk to you in the evening.”

  Zhou Dalang:……

  After searching for Zhou Dalang, Man Bao turned around and went to find Tue Lang, and also whispered to him, "Second brother, Sanya, she said she is not studying anymore."

  Tuesday Lang didn’t believe it, “It’s impossible. Last time her mother asked her to go home to learn cooking with your sister-in-law, she said she would go to the county to study in the future.”

  Tuesday Lang had a headache. In the past, Sanya was pretty good, and she was a little courageous. As a result, every time Erya came back, she quietly teased her, and then she liked to read more and more, and she became more clever and tough.

  This is a good thing, but too tough is a bad thing.

  Man Baodao: "It's true, so I want to take her by my side and plan to teach her medical skills."

  Tuesday Lang Yi was taken aback, and asked: "Can you learn medicine? Can she learn?"

   "How can't she, she is smarter than Santou, and she is also better than Santou, so she can definitely learn."

  Tuesday Lang nodded without thinking, "Okay, you can take her there."

  Lang agreed on Tuesday, let alone Feng.

  She is the person who most wants her daughter to learn a craft. She is very good at learning cooking and accounting, but if she can learn medicine with her sister, it would be even better.

  Feng happily stuffed a few more copper plates into Sanya's red envelope.

   Then Man Bao went to find Wednesday Lang.

  Wednesday Lang Yi heard that Santou and Sanya were following to the capital, so he nodded and agreed that Sitou followed.

  Lao Zhoutou and Qian's are the last to know.

  Man Bao directly informed them in one sentence, "Big Brother, Second Brother, and Third Brother all agreed."

  Old Zhoutou:...

  He was the first to react and asked: "Who will pay for the money they spend?"

  Man Bao smiled and said: "Father, all the money I spend on going out is also from public school, so of course it is from public school."

Regardless of the amount of money in Manbao, it seems that they don’t need to pay any money at home, but the expenses they spend on the road and the rented house in Beijing are all discussed by the three families, and the expenses are all given by the old Zhoutou. money.

  After they arrived in Beijing, the money they gave to easy cooking and cooking every month was also paid on Friday, not to mention the clothes and shoes that Manbao wore. These were all made by Erya.

  Of course, the money was paid by Friday Lang.

  The expenses of their family in the capital are also paid out of the public, and Erya will record it when they keep accounts.

  Old Zhoutou:...

  Qian secretly calculated an account in his heart, and said to Old Zhou: "It's okay, the shops in the capital should be able to afford it."

   Therefore, the equivalent of the money made by the Beijing shop, the money that is distributed to the public will basically be spent, and it is impossible to give it to the home.

   See you at six in the afternoon

     ask for monthly pass



  (End of this chapter)

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