Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1364: Heart-stuck

  Chapter 1364 Heart Stuck

  As early as years ago, after talking with Bai Dalang, Mr. Bai tentatively went out to get news. Of course, he could not have said this kind of news himself.

  Bai Shan reminded him that he felt that he couldn't keep his eyes on one place, so he found the best official media in Luojiang County, implying that the other party would also go to the surrounding states and counties, and the other party would understand in an instant.

  The official media in various places have contact with each other, saying that although the issue of pro-kinship is mostly within the same place, if there is no suitable one in the local area, especially some large households, it is common to get married and get married outside.

  These all need matchmakers to run.

This kind of big family marriages are mostly private matchmakers, but in the end, when Nacai asks for his name, he often asks an official media to help him. Once he comes and goes, the official media with the best business ability will have some contacts and will also know matchmakers from all over the world. , Expand business.

  Master Bai wants to say kiss to his son, of course it is impossible to pick a girl casually, right?

  So he went directly to the official media.

  The official media and Master Bai learned about the Bai family's family background and Bai Dalang's own conditions. They didn't stay in Luojiang County and went directly to Mianzhou City.

  Of course, it is impossible for her to conduct business in Mianzhou City by herself. Everyone has their own territory, and the territory is inviolable, so she went directly to the official media whom Mianzhou knew.

  At that time, it was just a year ago, and the New Year has always been the best time to go to pros and talk to the matchmaker. Master Bai's family background is not thin, and Bai Dalang's conditions are good, he must look for it from a high place.

  This kind of media is worth a hundred, so both the official media in Luojiang County and the official media in Mianzhou City value it.

   Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, the official media walked through the streets and quickly found three suitable families.

  The two matchmakers discussed it and decided to start from the highest, and first mentioned it to Mrs. Mianzhou Governor, because they also had girls of the right age waiting to be married.

  Mrs. Shishi politely declined after hearing about Bai Dalang’s family background.

  The official media was not disappointed either, and turned around and went to the growth historian next door. The second girl in their family was also of the right age.

  They didn't have much hope, but the growth historian didn't say anything to death, except that they hadn't met anyone yet, and I didn't know how they were.

  So the official media in Luojiang County talked to Master Bai.

  Of course, the woman chooses, and the man also chooses. Both official media have understood the background and requirements of both parties.

The official media in Luojiang County can pat their chests and say: "Although this old man in our county lives in the countryside, his family is not thin at all. Don't look at their home, which is not dewy, but from Longzhou. Bai's came out, it can be regarded as behind the famous sect."

  As an official media, the news is the most informed. Bai Dalang has long been the fat in the eyes of the major matchmakers in Luojiang County, so he still understands the Bai family. If he shows off his foundation in front of the matchmakers, the matchmakers will understand better.

  Of course, they didn’t just listen to the victim’s words and believe them. They also conducted side-by-side investigations.

  It's just a three-pointer that was rendered by them as a five-pointer, and a seven-pointer is excellent, which is very complete.

  The official media in Luojiang County dare to pat his chest and say that Bai Dalang is rich in knowledge and valuable in character. The official media in Mianzhou City dare to guarantee that the second lady is gentle and virtuous, and beautiful as a flower.

  Master Bai is not easy to pay attention to how Miss Cheng Er is. After he knows, he first inquires about how he grew up and how he was an official, and then how the two sons of a family are like.

  I took Bai Dalang to Mianzhou City and met with the growth history after discovering that there was no major problem.

   Borrowed an excuse for New Year's greetings, and Bai Dalang and Miss Cheng Er also met from a distance.

  Of course, Miss Cheng Er is much more convenient than him. Bai Dalang bet that when he is dealing with the growth history in the lobby, Miss Cheng Er must be standing behind the screen.

  He was rather unlucky, he only glanced at her from a distance, barely able to see what the person looked like.

  So when Master Bai asked him what he thought, he said that he had no thoughts.

  Master Bai saw that he couldn't make up his mind, so he skipped him and came to Bai Shan.

  He feels that Bai Shan is better than his son in terms of IQ, structure, or related experience, and he will know if he has made a marriage with Zhou Man early.

  He gave a detailed account of the marriage, especially the news he inquired, and then looked at Bai Shan with piercing eyes, "What do you think of this marriage?"

  Just a teenager, Bai Shan pondered for a moment and asked, "Is this very satisfied with the lobby brother when I get married?"

  Master Bai excitedly slapped his thigh and said, “Isn’t it? I saw Madam Hou Cheng at the time, although he didn’t say it clearly, but he was very satisfied with Da Lang. The official media also said that Cheng Da was interested.”


  Master Bai glanced at Bai Dalang, some hate that iron can't make steel, he himself was somewhat satisfied, but he got stuck on Bai Dalang.

  Bai Dalang did not say that he was dissatisfied, but it was this kind of uncertainty that was the most terrible. After all, it was he who married his wife, and it was him who had to live in the future.

  Bai Shan also felt that Grandpa’s attitude was not good, so he turned to ask him, "Faith Brother, what do you think?"

  Bai Dalang scratched his head and said honestly: "I don't know."

  Bai Shanbian said: "Cousin, I don’t know about Ms. Cheng Er yet. How about you talk to Ms. Cheng’s family and let Ms. Cheng’s sit down and talk, then talk?”

  Master Bai: "...What are you dreaming about, how could a girl raised so big let a foreigner be alone with her? It's not like you and Man Bao have known each other since childhood."

  Bai Shan became complacent, and then said: "But my grandmother said, marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous person, you only know her father and brother, what if she doesn't show her father and brother, will she have a crooked temper?"

  Master Bai:...

   "Besides, you also said that it was Brother Hall who married his wife, and Brother Hall would have been there in the future. Of course he has to meet people and get to know each other."

  Bai Dalang nodded again and again, that's the reason.

  Lord Bai saw it and said in an angry voice: "You nod your head now. Why didn't you say it when I asked you earlier?"

  Bai Dalang: …isn’t the marriage event you mentioned, the words of the matchmaker ordered by your parents?

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang together instigated Bai Dalang to meet people, and Bai Shan said, "Maybe Miss Cheng Er also wants to see Brother Yi Dalang?"

  It is equally important for a woman to marry a woman and a man to marry a wife. He doesn't believe that Miss Cheng Er doesn't want to talk to the big brother.

  Master Bai said sadly: "I will let the matchmaker say it, but in this way, Chu Ba Da Lang will definitely not be able to go to Beijing with you."

  Bai Dalang immediately said: "That won't work, father, there is a time limit for the opening of the Imperial College. If I arrive too late, I will be credited."

   "Marriage is also a big deal..."

  Bai Dalang thought for a while and said: "If it is not suitable, let it go first. The son is not in a hurry to get married."

  He said: "There are also many people who are married after the first birthday, not only the son."

   Although there are few people who get married late, it is not uncommon. Bai Dalang does not think there is anything.

  But Master Bai looked at Bai Shan, then turned to look at his two sons, heartbroken.

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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